Chapter 174
Shen Zhixin's tone was surprised this time, she felt a little dazzled when she saw the work schedule, and almost didn't know what to do.

Zhou Liqian smiled heartily, with a sense of understanding in his eyes, and did not hide her seriousness when looking at Shen Zhixin.

"These are all tasks that have been arranged for you, and when the time comes, just complete them according to the schedule."

Shen Zhixin stared at the densely packed schedule in front of him, unable to speak, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

She thought that this month's work wouldn't be too much. Apart from participating in some press conferences, she just practiced her acting skills, but she didn't expect that Zhou Liqian would arrange some other jobs for her, such as participating in TV variety shows The recording of some commercials, and even some talk shows.

"Will this be too much? Didn't I say to take a good rest before? How come there is so much work all of a sudden?"

"Actually, there is also a little bit of my selfishness! I hope that these jobs will make you famous quickly, and then we will be able to announce the relationship earlier."

When Zhou Liqian said this, there was unconsciously a little helplessness in his tone. She didn't want to say this little thought of hers, but now that Shen Zhixin asked, if she didn't say it, it would always feel a bit inappropriate.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Liqian still had such small thoughts, Shen Zhixin sighed, and the repulsion in his heart decreased a lot.

"I also hope to become famous as soon as possible and announce my relationship with you, but these tasks are too heavy. After that, I will participate in the filming of the second part of "Passing Through Your World". What should I do to improve my acting skills?"

When Shen Zhixin said these words, there was obviously a hint of helplessness in her tone. She hoped to go further, but she didn't use such a hasty way. This was different from what Zhou Liqian and Zhao Mo planned that she denied What is the difference between the development routes?

"Don't worry! It's just because the work happened to be pressed together during this period, so it seems more. When you start filming TV dramas, you won't have so much work."

Zhou Liqian calmly told her the reason for this work arrangement, and told her seriously how many good development opportunities they had withdrawn in order to let Shen Zhixin work in peace of mind during the six months?

Seeing Zhou Liqian's persistence, Shen Zhixin didn't know what to say, and had no choice but to agree to the other party's request.

Shen Zhixin knew that the other party was doing it for his own good, so he couldn't bear to refuse those work arrangements. Instead, he started to pick up the schedule and seriously thought about what might happen when shooting these variety shows or interviews.

At that time, there will definitely be some interviews and the like, where she needs to state some things in her life, or talk about her feelings during the filming of a certain TV series, all of which need to be communicated with her agent and the program team in advance, It also saves the situation of being unable to answer questions during the interview.

"Since Zhao Mo entrusted you to convey this matter, then you can convey it to her for me, and let him communicate with the host over there, and I will prepare to participate in the variety show on time. "

After saying this, Shen Zhixin sighed, and didn't say anything more, Zhou Liqian nodded, seeing that Shen Zhixin agreed to this matter, he finally felt a little more relaxed.

What he was worried about was that Shen Zhixin would reject these jobs, and even protest strongly. Now it seems that Shen Zhixin is much easier to deal with than he imagined.

As long as this state can be maintained, it will not be a trouble to finish the work when the time comes.

On the other side, after Zhao Mo returned home, he received an appointment from Xiao's family.

Hearing that Papa Xiao wanted to see him, Zhao Mo couldn't help frowning, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

He tried his best to avoid it, because Xiao Yuting's feelings also hurt her, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so persistent, and would be so sad after seeing that he had a girlfriend.

Maybe he underestimated the power of this feeling.

But now that the other party's father has come to the door, he naturally wants to make this matter clear. If Xiao Yuting wants to terminate the contract because of this matter, Zhao Mo will not have any complaints.

It is impossible for him to have any personal feelings with the artists in his hands, because this will greatly affect some of his future work arrangements and his thoughts when arranging work.

If he has a relationship with the artist, I'm afraid he will put part of his mind on how to create more time with each other.

This is not good for the development of both parties, especially if some paparazzi may be photographed. When those artists sign to Zhao Mo's studio, they may suspect his agent's unspoken rules. These are all unknowns.

So he must protect his own reputation, and must not overturn at this time.

According to Papa Xiao's request, he came to a coffee shop, and Zhao Mo suddenly found that the other party had already been waiting there, and he didn't know how long he had been waiting.

"Sorry, Uncle, I'm a little late, and there's a little traffic jam on the road."

Sitting opposite Papa Xiao, Zhao Mo had a polite smile on his face, and a hint of apology in his eyes when he looked at Papa Xiao.

He did accidentally encounter a traffic jam on the road just now, so he stepped into the cafe, otherwise he would have arrived a little earlier, and he wouldn't have made the other party wait so long.

"It's okay, I just arrived not long ago, I came out to you today mainly to talk about my daughter."

"Uncle, don't worry, I probably understand what happened, and you can see my attitude, I don't want to have any emotional communication with my artists, it's not good for her or me. "

When Zhao Mo talked about this matter, there was a hint of helplessness in his tone, but he was also very firm. He would not make any exceptions on this matter, no matter who it was.

So Zhao Mo's attitude has completely shown that it is absolutely impossible for him to be with his artists.

After realizing this, Father Xiao sighed helplessly. He originally hoped to test whether there was a chance for his daughter, but now it seems that there is no chance.

"After your daughter joined our studio, you have also seen all the work arrangements. We are very firm and never work against her wishes because of the arrangement."

After Zhao Mo finished speaking, Father Xiao nodded understandingly. Xiao Yuting would not be wronged by this matter and kept silent. Father Xiao knew Xiao Yuting's daily schedule very well. The daily work of the artists I came into contact with is much easier.

"With the Xiao family as the backer, Xiao Yuting doesn't have to participate in too much work, so I never ask too much for this kind of thing, but I hope you can persuade her to give up this relationship as soon as possible."

Zhao Mo expressed his true thoughts without hesitation, and did not hide his rejection of this relationship at all.

"Why can't you be with my daughter? Can you tell me? I'm a little curious."

Father Xiao looked at Zhao Mo very seriously, and he wanted to know what was wrong with his daughter to be so picky by others.

"Your daughter is not bad, but she is not suitable for me. She is too serious about her relationship, and I am just the kind of person who is not serious about her relationship. Being with her will only hurt her."

Zhao Mo sees this very clearly. The two of them have completely different emotional concepts. Even if they are together, one of them will be hurt, and sooner or later they will be separated. There is no need to forcefully demand that the two must be together at this time. This is a bit too domineering.

"You see it very clearly, you kid, and you never thought of cheating my daughter."

For this point, Xiao's father must be in agreement. If it were another romantic person, maybe he would play with his daughter because of her appearance or family background, but Zhao Mo never had such thoughts. Because of Xiao Yuting's feelings for him, he was taboo, which also made Xiao's father very satisfied.

Even if his daughter fell in love with someone by mistake, Dad Xiao didn't want his daughter's feelings to be let down. The other party's willingness to avoid taboos like this is also a respect for his daughter.

"I hope you can explain these thoughts to Xiao Yuting clearly after you go back. I don't have anything against her, I just hope she can understand my embarrassment."

Zhao Mo sighed helplessly, thinking of everyone's relaxed appearance when Xiao Yuting signed into the studio at the beginning, and the somewhat heavy environment now, he felt that he had to adjust Xiao Yuting's emotions well, so that these things could not continue to develop .

Otherwise, Xiao Yuting's mood will get worse and worse, and she doesn't know what will happen!

"In addition, I hope you can make it clear to Xiao Yuting that if she doesn't want to stay in the studio because of my affairs, I can accept it. If she comes to me to terminate the contract, it seems that the two have worked together. For a period of time, we will pay a little liquidated damages in a symbolic sense, not like a contract.”

Zhao Mo's words can be regarded as being benevolent and righteous. If Xiao Yuting really wants to terminate the contract, it will be terminated without reason. If he wants to leave, he will pay at least 1000 million yuan in liquidated damages, and even pay a price of 5000 million yuan. For the sake of friendship between the two.

"Don't worry, I will explain these things to her clearly when I go back, and I believe my daughter can understand."

Xiao's father knew that his daughter was not the kind of person who would be unforgiving, nor the kind of person who would do evil. After hearing these words, how Xiao Yuting would choose, as a father, he didn't know, but he believed in his daughter. Will not do impulsive things.

"When you have the result, you can notify me directly by phone, or meet me through the secretary. I have work arrangements for a while, so I won't be drinking coffee with my uncle here."

After saying this, Zhao Mo got up politely, nodded heartily to Papa Xiao, then turned and left, not continuing to talk to him here.

He still has to arrange Shen Zhixin's work and prepare to recruit some new artists, so he doesn't have so much time to talk to him here.

When Papa Xiao returned home, he saw Xiao Yuting's excited eyes over there.

Although Xiao Yuting tried to be calm, Papa Xiao could still see that his daughter was clearly looking forward to it.

"Tell Dad what you want to know, and Dad will tell you directly."

When Father Xiao said this, his tone was clearly seductive. His daughter probably knew from the housekeeper who he was going out to meet this time.

"Dad, our family won't say those provocative words anymore, you went to see Zhao Mo!"

Xiao Yuting asked this question bluntly, but Papa Xiao didn't know what to say for a while. In desperation, he could only nod his head and admit the matter, without any intention of avoiding it.

"I did go to see Zhao Mo and talk to him about some of your future developments."

Xiao Yuting didn't expect to hear such an answer, and there was a gloomy look in Xiao Yuting's eyes.

She originally thought that her father went to Zhao Mo to talk about emotional matters, but she didn't expect it to be about career development, which made her a little disappointed.

"Besides, we also talked about some emotional issues."

Hearing Xiao's father say this after panting, Xiao Yuting finally understood that her father must have known something, so he teased her in this way.

"Dad, what on earth did you go to talk about? Tell me? I really want to know."

There was a hint of pleading in Xiao Yuting's eyes. She looked at her father pitifully, hoping to know what the two of them said soon.
"Since you are in such a hurry, I won't hide it anymore. He wants me to persuade you not to waste that time on him."

Of course, what Zhao Mo said would not be so heartless. These are the words organized by Xiao's father who wanted to cut off this trace of evil.

"Did he even say that? What did she take my feelings for?"

Papa Xiao obviously didn't expect her daughter to be so emotional all of a sudden, she quickly waved her hand to attract her daughter's attention here, and asked her not to say those uncomfortable words for the time being.

"These are not what he said. What he said was not so heartless. This is the central meaning that your father and I have concluded after understanding what he said."

Hearing this, Xiao Yuting's complexion improved a lot, and she was no longer as ugly as before, but she still didn't feel much joy.

"Then what exactly did he say? You relayed it to me verbatim. I want to know what his attitude is."

Seeing Xiao Yuting's excitement, Papa Xiao sighed helplessly, took out a recording pen from his clothes, and handed it to Xiao Yuting.

"I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to remember what he said when I discussed with him, so I brought a recording pen and recorded all the communication process just now. You should listen carefully and understand Zhao Mo's attitude."

After saying this, Father Xiao sighed helplessly. He stepped forward and patted his daughter on the shoulder, with deep and distressed eyes.

"No matter what happens, Dad will definitely support your decision. After you listen to the content in the recording, remember to tell Dad what your choice is."

Father Xiao said this, which made Xiao Yuting feel a little worried. She didn't know what the content of the recorder was, but she just felt that the whole process seemed very serious, which made her feel a little heavy pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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