star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 168 2 Reconciliation

Chapter 168 The Two Reconcile
Unexpectedly, Zhou Liqian would change his attitude so suddenly, Shen Zhixin was stunned all of a sudden.

"If you had said these words before, maybe the two of us would not have quarreled."

Shen Zhixin sighed helplessly, but she had to admit that what Zhou Liqian said was very pleasant, at least it made her suppress the resentment in her heart for a while.

Zhou Liqian smiled heartily and stopped arguing. Shen Zhixin's attitude was already clear to her, so there was no need to say more at this time.

"By the way, you just said that the filming of the second part will start soon. Would you like me to communicate with the director over there and give you more time to rest."

Zhou Liqian's words are sincere, Shen Zhixin has been too busy recently, in addition to the recording of variety shows, she also has to complete the filming of TV dramas, plus she has relatively high demands on herself, and in her spare time, she will improve her acting skills instead of taking a good rest, so that Shen Zhixin even went to the hospital because of lack of rest during filming.

Fortunately, Shen Zhixin didn't intend to use this matter to hype it up, otherwise the outside world would be even more surprised by Shen Zhixin's efforts when they found out.

"No, I want to enrich myself. After all, I have rejected the direction you originally arranged for my development. If I don't work hard on my own, I'm afraid it won't be convincing."

Shen Zhixin smiled embarrassedly, but her eyes were firm. She was unwilling to change her way of development at this time, because she knew very well in her heart that apart from her own efforts, there was no other force she could rely on.

Maybe she still wanted to rely on Zhou Liqian before, but Zhou Liqian's attitude just now made her feel a little uneasy.

So she would rather be stronger than to cause more trouble at this time.

As for rest, the time before the second filming can be used for her to rest, so there is no need to say anything else at this time.

"You really don't need it?"

Looking at Shen Zhixin's black eyes, Zhou Liqian couldn't help frowning.

He pulled her to sit beside him distressedly, and then said: "Before my mother left, she told me to take good care of you, but now, I take care of you like this."

"This has nothing to do with you, it's my own decision, and I should bear the consequences myself."

Shen Zhixin said it very frankly, without the slightest hint of anger, she wanted to develop well, so she didn't want herself to compromise easily at this time.

When it came to the finale banquet in the evening, Shen Zhixin was obviously a little distracted. Xiao Yuting also played a role in the second part, so Xiao Yuting accompanied Shen Zhixin to the banquet scene.

Seeing Shen Zhixin and Xiao Yuting sitting aside and saying this from time to time, Aoki stepped forward and said to Shen Zhixin with a smile: "If I didn't know the real relationship between you two, I'm afraid I would suspect that you two are the same as those fans. Not together anymore."

Shen Zhixin and Xiao Yuting are indeed very close. There are many ways for girls to express their feelings, so in the eyes of those fans, there will be countless associations.

Some fans even impulsively went to Zhao Mo's studio Weibo to ask about the relationship between Shen Zhixin and Xiao Yuting.

"Don't make jokes at this time. If people don't know, they will doubt the relationship between the two of us. If you know it, you will be taken seriously."

Shen Zhixin sighed helplessly, during the time they spent with Aoki, the two of them did talk about a lot of things related to the script, but Aoki and her were still generally close.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, you two can continue talking, when the character played by Xiao Yuting will be able to leave after filming, I will try to move the shooting time forward as much as possible."

Because of Zhao Mo's permission, Aoki's power in the crew is not small, and it is very simple to mobilize the actors' shooting time.

The reason why Aoki said this was because he heard from Shen Zhixin that Xiao Yuting was going to film other variety shows, so he made such an arrangement.

After watching Aoki leave, Xiao Yuting's mood suddenly became depressed, as if she had thought of something.

Shen Zhixin patted her on the shoulder, looked at her with strange eyes and said, "Why do you feel a little depressed all of a sudden?"

Xiao Yuting shook her head helplessly, not knowing what to say.

Looking at the back of Aoki who had just left, Shen Zhixin turned his eyes and seemed to understand something, and then said to Xiao Yuting: "Is it related to Aoki?"

Where the two of them were sitting, there weren't many people who struck up a conversation, so they could relax a little while talking, without being too nervous.

"Huh? How do you know?"

Xiao Yuting originally didn't want to reveal what was in her heart, but Shen Zhixin's sudden question made her unable to react for a while, and when she did, she had already answered the truth in her heart.

"You still saw it."

Shen Zhixin sighed helplessly, not knowing what to say, if it was just because of such a trivial matter, even if Xiao Yuting said it, she would not have too many opinions.

"You! There's nothing you can't tell me about this."

Shen Zhixin was a little curious, why did Xiao Yuting want to hide her thoughts on this matter?

"Because you have a good relationship with her recently, I don't want to change your social interaction because of my attitude."

The reason why Xiao Yuting and Shen Zhixin became close friends was precisely because they had the same views on how to deal with many things.

For example, when it comes to social issues between the two, they never mess with each other's personal connections, because that would only embarrass everyone.

Carefully leave some space for the other party, the best way to socialize is an appropriate space.

"No, first of all, I need to know why you have such an attitude. I will judge later on how I should treat her."

Shen Zhixin smiled heartily, moved a little closer to Xiao Yuting, took the cup from the side, and covered it in front of the two of them, so as not to let others see through their mouth shapes easily.

After Shen Zhixin finished all the preparations, she covered her mouth and said, "You can tell me quietly what happened between you and her. I also want to know and see if there is anything I can help you with."

Seeing this, Xiao Yuting knew that she probably couldn't hide her confession this time, so she leaned into Shen Zhixin's ear and said, "Zhao Mo seems to have a good impression of her, so I feel a little weird."

Unexpectedly, it was because of this that Shen Zhixin was taken aback for a moment, and then Xiao Yuting's voice attracted his attention.

"Didn't Zhao Mo happen to be here when I came to visit the class once before? I found that the two of them seemed to be very familiar with each other, and there was a sense of intimacy when they spoke, which made me feel a little jealous. "

Shen Zhixin knew that Xiao Yuting liked Zhao Mo, so after hearing the reason, Shen Zhixin also knew why Xiao Yuting had a strange emotion when looking at Aoki.

"Have you asked Zhao Mo about her attitude?"

Shen Zhixin was a little curious, if Xiao Yuting said that, what exactly was Zhao Mo thinking?Did Zhao Mo really stay with Aoki without telling others?
"I haven't asked, I dare not ask, if I don't ask, at least I can still have a little delusion in my heart, if I ask, if he is sure, then what should I do?"

Xiao Yuting's words were so pitiful that even the usual high spirits between her brows darkened, which made Shen Zhixin very distressed.

Shen Zhixin doesn't like to intervene casually in matters such as feelings, but this matter really makes it difficult for her to let go.

"Why don't I wait a while after the banquet is over, and I'll go back and ask for you. I think Zhou Liqian should know whether Zhao Mo is with Aoki or not."

After all, Zhou Liqian is Zhao Mo's investor and partner, and also Zhao Mo's good friend. If he doesn't even know this little thing, then the intimacy of this relationship will be greatly reduced.

"Is it really possible? Isn't it a bit inappropriate? Is it a bit bad for me to ask behind my back like this?"

When talking about these words, Xiao Yuting's eyes obviously flashed a trace of sadness, as if she was very concerned about this matter.

Shen Zhixin quickly waved her hand, telling her not to take these things to heart.

After all, the reason why she proposed this method is because she can definitely do it in this way, and it won't have much impact.

"Don't worry, I can still do this little thing, and I will inquire about it for you then."

Just at this moment, Shen Zhixin's cell phone rang suddenly. She looked around cautiously, but found that no one had noticed the vibrating cell phone, so she answered the phone.

"Why did you call suddenly at this time? Is it because you are jealous and want to check the post?"

Shen Zhixin still remembered how jealous Zhou Liqian felt when the two quarreled at noon today, so she unconsciously carried a hint of ridicule when she spoke.

"I'm here on the platform of the hotel, the viewing platform, come here."

Shen Zhixin's eyes widened immediately upon hearing this, and Xiao Yuting who was beside her didn't know what happened.

It wasn't until Shen Zhixin hung up the phone that Xiao Yuting said worriedly: "What's wrong? Did someone say something bad on the phone?"

"No, I have something to do now and I might have to go out for a while. If the director said he didn't see me looking for me, you can say hello for me and say that I'm in a hurry and I'll be back in about half an hour."

After saying this, Shen Zhixin got up quickly, Xiao Yuting saw her move so fast, she didn't have time to ask more questions, but it must be something urgent.

Shen Zhixin, who was in a hurry, didn't see a figure following her at all, but hurried to the viewing platform instead.

Seeing a familiar figure sitting on the bench on the viewing platform, Shen Zhixin walked over, stood behind the other person and said, "I'm here, you came here suddenly, do you want to see me?"

Shen Zhixin's panting voice fell in Zhou Liqian's ears, she got up and looked back, couldn't help but go around the bench, and put Shen Zhixin's face in her arms.

He was waiting for Shen Zhixin at home, but he couldn't bear the emotions in his heart, so he came here and greeted the hotel manager, then entered the viewing platform by other means and waited for Shen Zhixin.

"Isn't it a very surprising thing?"

When Zhou Liqian said this, there was a hint of pampering in his tone.

Shen Zhixin put her arms around Zhou Liqian's waist, put her head on his shoulder, and kept nodding.

She really didn't expect that Zhou Liqian, who didn't plan to come, would change his mind halfway, which really surprised her.

"I really want to see you at home, and I'm going crazy to see you, so I'm here."

Zhou Liqian's words were so sweet that Shen Zhixin immediately threw away all the displeasure in his heart, and only immersed himself in the feelings and experiences the other party gave.

After the two hugged for a while, Shen Zhixin took Zhou Liqian and sat on the bench together.

Shen Zhixin looked at Zhou Liqian with some embarrassment, and then said: "I may only be out for about ten minutes, and I have to go back later. After all, I am the heroine, and I can't leave for too long at the finale."

Even if she is sitting in an inconspicuous corner of the finale, Shen Zhixin's role is immeasurable. As for the time to leave, it can be as short as possible.

"It's okay, I'll see you for a while, and then you can go to the final banquet. I'll pick you up and go back together later."

Zhou Liqian arranged some small surprises tonight, that's why he specially came to pick up Shen Zhixin.

After all, he said something wrong at noon, and the conflict between lovers must be resolved quickly, so as not to leave too many problems for the subsequent relationship.

Leaning on Zhou Liqian's shoulder, the two of them said some thoughtful words, suddenly Shen Zhixin seemed to have remembered something, then sat up quickly, looked straight at Zhou Liqian, and said: "I have something important to ask you. "

Finding that Shen Zhixin's attitude suddenly became serious, Zhou Liqian was a little curious about what important matters Shen Zhixin had.

"I just wanted to ask you, is there something going on between Zhao Mo and Aoki?"

"What do you ask for this?"

Shen Zhixin's sudden question made Zhou Liqian feel a little strange, he stared closely at Shen Zhixin's nervous eyes, wanting to know why the other party suddenly asked these things.

Shen Zhixin doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to gossip, why would he care about these issues?

"Of course I don't care who Zhao Mo is with. Just because I don't care doesn't mean some people don't care. Why don't you just say it? Don't hide it anymore, just tell me?"

Seeing that Shen Zhi couldn't stop acting like a baby, and even put his head on his shoulder to be cute to him, Zhou Liqian didn't know how to refuse for a while.

When he reacted, Zhou Liqian had promised Shen Zhixin to tell the truth about the matter.

Seeing Zhou Liqian's suddenly enlightened eyes, Shen Zhixin quickly grabbed his arm, and then said: "You have already promised me, you can't go back on your word at this time."

Hearing this, Zhou Liqian could only sigh helplessly.

"Okay, okay, since I promised you, it's fine if I say it, it's not a secret, and it's not something you can't say."

Hearing Zhou Liqian's words, Shen Zhixin suddenly felt a little nervous, Zhou Liqian's words really seemed to affirm her question just now.

"Wait a minute, I'm a little nervous, please wait a moment."

Zhou Liqian was about to tell the specifics of the matter, but Shen Zhixin suddenly flinched.

She didn't know how she would tell Xiao Yuting if she heard the news that the two were together.

"Do you really want to know?"

Seeing Shen Zhixin's hesitation, Zhou Liqian felt a little funny, if Shen Zhixin really wanted to know, there was no need to avoid it like this.

If I continue to escape like this, I don't know when I will delay it!

"Okay, go ahead!"

Han Pai was ready, staring straight at Zhou Liqian, but Zhou Liqian changed his approach.

(End of this chapter)

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