star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 146 The truth of the year

Chapter 146 The truth of the year
"We still don't know who is behind the scenes, but this matter must be clarified first, and she must not be allowed to have any influence on Shen Zhixin."

Zhou Liqian also planned to apply for the newcomer award for Shen Zhixin after the TV series was released. If his reputation was damaged at this time, the newcomer award might not be possible.

Xiao Yuting nodded, agreeing with Zhou Liqian's words, this matter must be resolved quickly, the longer it is delayed, the word "copy". On Shen Zhixin's head, there was no way to take it off.

"I have sent someone to investigate this matter, but it will take a while to get it..."

As soon as Zhou Liqian said this, a maid ran down the stairs and said to Zhou Liqian excitedly: "Young Master, Young Madam, she is awake."

Xiao Yuting and Zhao Mo looked at each other in surprise, while Zhou Liqian calmly led the two guests to the bedroom.

Although it is not Zhou Liqian's habit for outsiders to enter the bedroom at will, Shen Zhixin's situation is special now, so naturally he needs special treatment.

"How are you?"

The first time Xiao Yuting entered the bedroom, she rushed to Shen Zhixin's side. Seeing her pale face and chapped lips, she felt very uncomfortable.

Shen Zhixin spent a lot of energy because of yesterday's game, and today he still has a headache because of these things. From Xiao Yuting's point of view, those people's crimes are simply unforgivable.

Sitting up with Zhou Liqian's support, Shen Zhixin said calmly: "Is there any information I can provide? What do you want to know?"

Shen Zhixin is very clear in her heart that the information she has now determines the direction of this matter, so she must calmly communicate with those who can help her.

"Who was involved in the plagiarism at the time? What was their purpose, and where is the original copy of the manuscript? How did they plan this matter at the beginning? You tell me everything you know, and don't use the rest. I'm worried."

Zhao Mo originally planned to pull Shen Zhixin to deal with this matter together, not only to better complete the public relations, but also to let Shen Zhixin get in touch with such things, so that she can deal with the ups and downs in the entertainment industry smoothly in the future rain.

But seeing Shen Zhixin's exhausted appearance, Zhao Mo couldn't bear to let the other party put in more energy, so he simply put aside this matter and waited until next time to talk about Shen Zhixin's growth.

"The original manuscript is in the apartment. There is a box in the guest room over there, which contains some sundries that I don't use after I move in. In the mezzanine of that box is the original manuscript I wrote."

After saying this, Shen Zhixin looked at the worried eyes of the people around her, and then slowly told what happened before and after she was hidden in the snow.

It turned out that after Shen Zhixin offended the person who wanted to hide the rules from her, that person wanted to drive Shen Zhixin out of the entertainment circle, but because Shen Zhixin had a reputation as a talented creative woman at that time, there were still so few fans. Unwilling to conflict with fans, they contacted another singer from the same company as them, and set up this situation to frame Shen Zhixin.

After all, Shen Zhixin had just debuted at that time, and she didn't know much about these things. In addition, the partner she chose to cooperate with was a senior singer whom she had always admired before. The finished song is handed over to the other party for comments.

As a result, after this was handed in, the direction of the matter completely deviated.

"The company was already dissatisfied that I couldn't make more money for them. Coupled with the impact of this incident, the company directly hid me, and then I didn't have the opportunity to defend myself."

Shen Zhixin had to admit that Zhao Mo and Zhou Liqian were really the bole in her life, if it wasn't for these two people, she would never have had the chance to step into the circle she likes again.

"Then didn't you have the original? Why didn't you still..."

Xiao Yuting paused when she said that, and she probably understood why Shen Zhixin couldn't seek justice for herself in this matter.

At that time, Shen Zhixin was just a little girl who had just debuted, and she didn't know much about these things. In addition, the manuscript she gave, even if it was not the original, was at least a carefully edited work. Able to compose a set of creative experience in connection with the feelings in the lyrics and composition.

Shen Zhixin's qualifications are not as deep as the other party's, and coupled with the company's bias, it is clear at a glance who loses and who protects.

"At the beginning, these people deliberately entrapped you, but now they still want to call you, this is really ridiculous!"

Xiao Yuting had to admit that some people are so shameless, they were the ones who provoked the incident at the beginning, but in the end they still used this so-called excuse to threaten the victim.

It was hard for Xiao Yuting to imagine, if it wasn't for the fact that some of them were willing to support Shen Zhixin, what would have happened?Shen Zhixin will definitely suffer a lot.

"Probably the situation is like this," Shen Zhixin said after explaining the events in detail, "If there is anything that needs me to do, please let me know, I don't want to bear the reputation of being a plagiarist anymore. "

This incident left a deep wound on Shen Zhixin at the beginning, so until now, she has no way to forget it easily.

If given the chance, she also hopes that this crime that does not belong to her will be charged to the stone hero.

"Don't worry! There will be no problems with me in this kind of thing."

After Zhao Mo patted his chest and said these words firmly, he felt a gaze from his side.

Zhao Mo smiled heartily, patted Zhou Liqian's shoulder beside him, and then continued to praise: "Don't talk about me, Zhou Liqian will definitely not let that person go easily, just wait and see the good show!"

They don't have enough evidence now, so it is temporarily impossible to determine who the mastermind behind the scenes is.

In this case, simply use plagiarism itself as a breakthrough goal.

Anyway, the other party framed Shen Zhixin for plagiarism, and they just used this cover to fabricate lies. As long as they smashed the other party's lies, no one would believe the other party's messy truth later on.

"Then leave it to you."

Shen Zhixin looked lonely, and Zhou Liqian had already picked up the cold chocolate milk and handed it to Shen Zhixin.

"The doctor said that you didn't have a good rest last night, plus you didn't eat breakfast in the morning, and you were out of breath, so you passed out, drink some of this!"

Let’s talk about Shen Zhixin’s physical condition. Seeing him obediently drinking milk, Zhou Liqian stretched out his hand and rubbed off the milk beard on Shen Zhixin’s face, and said softly: “Don’t worry! I will definitely not let them have a good time for the people who are doing something wrong behind their backs."

When Zhou Liqian said this, Fang Yarou, who was filming by the crew, sneezed fiercely, always feeling a cool breeze behind her, as if she was being targeted by some ferocious beast.

Those rumors on the Internet spread too fast, obviously there are operators behind the scenes who deliberately want to use this to blacken Shen's intimate reputation.

Shen Zhixin was lying on the bed, flipping through the words of those people's attacks, and couldn't help closing her eyes.

Zhou Liqian has sent people to investigate the details of the incident, as long as he gets the evidence, this game will never be lost!

Just looking at Shen Zhixin's worried appearance, he felt a little distressed.

"I'm here, don't worry!"

Zhou Liqian said this more than once, and Shen Zhixin only smiled when he opened his eyes.

"I believe you, it's just that these people see the wind as rain, which still makes people feel a little uncomfortable."

Shen Zhixin didn't target Zhou Liqian, but the gossip on the Internet made her a little unhappy.

Zhou Liqian knew what the other party was worried about, but he could only pat her on the shoulder, telling her not to take these things to heart.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to say anything more.

After soothing Shen Zhixin, letting her rest at home, and asking Xiao Yuting to accompany Shen Zhixin more, Zhou Liqian got up and went to the company.

On the way, the person in charge of investigating this matter has already started to report the incident to Zhou Liqian.

The reason why Shen Zhixin couldn't find out the cause and effect back then was because he had no power and was treated as a soft persimmon that could be manipulated.

But now that there are people like Zhou Liqian, if you want to repeat the old trick, it may be a little dangerous.

Just after hearing about what those people did to Shen Zhixin, Zhou Liqian looked out of the window with a gloomy face, the atmosphere in the car was momentarily depressed, and the person who originally reported the situation did not dare to continue to open his mouth.

"I didn't expect that these people are not very good at promoting stars, but they are better than one at the means of unspoken rules."

When he said this, there was a trace of disdain in Zhou Liqian's tone, and there was a trace of impatience in the orders he gave.

"Who did endless things to my wife back then, find out the list, since you like pimping so much, you can bear it yourself!"

It's just tit for tat.

Zhou Liqian said this very calmly, but after the person in charge heard it, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Xinxin's one word has already decided the fate of others, the boss is really angry this time.

Thinking of this, the man didn't dare to continue to bear the anger, but quickly ordered after getting the order.

On the other hand, Shen Zhixin didn't know what happened in the car, she just chatted with Xiao Yuting after waking up, trying to distract herself.

Xiao Yuting is also talking about these recent gossips with Shen Zhixin, hoping to distract Shen Zhixin's attention.

Zhou Liqian is in charge of investigating the truth of the matter, while Zhao Mo is in charge of controlling the comments on the Internet. There is no conclusion yet on this matter. If the matter is really as Shen Zhixin said, the studio is obviously in the upper hand, so there is no need to worry. What.

The person who did it obviously didn't think about whether the original plagiarism incident was true or not, he just cared about releasing this gossip, hoping to attract people to attack Shen Zhixin.

After thoroughly analyzing this point with Zhou Liqian, Zhao Mo began to deal with the rumors on the Internet, and Zhou Liqian used this clue to investigate the person behind the scenes.

Xia Yan, Fang Yarou's agent, saw that the sailors he had bought were defeated by Zhao Mo's studio, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

If things are not done well this time, he will feel a little worried when he thinks of Fang Yarou's methods.

Fang Yarou is not a simple woman, if she is targeted by the other party, it will be worse than death.

Zhou Liqian quickly found out the truth. Just as he thought, the reason why Shen Zhixin was treated like that at the beginning was nothing more than being bullied by others because of his lack of power and power. With Zhou Liqian, this only shortcoming also followed dissipated.

After receiving Zhao Mo's instructions, Shen Zhixin began to speak on the Internet.

This time is not too late, after all, it was midnight when the news was fermented, and now it is only 11:00 in the morning, so it is normal to just wake up.

"I don't know why all of you would suddenly bring up old things and ask me for justice, but justice is easy in people's hearts. I believe this matter will definitely come to light. Who copied who copied who and who betrayed who? Maybe!"

As soon as Shen Zhixin's words were sent out, it really caused an uproar on the Internet.

Looking at the fans who were jumping on her Weibo, Shen Zhixin smiled coldly, pointed at them and said to Xiao Yuting: "Look at these people, don't they look like monkeys jumping up and down? It's really disgusting and ridiculous."

Shen Zhixin would never say such sharp words on weekdays, she has always been mild-tempered and doesn't quarrel with her very much.

Unless someone deliberately made it difficult for her, she would definitely treat her mildly.

"A jumping clown is nothing more than that."

Now Shen Zhixin doesn't need others to explain the truth for her, she just feels uncomfortable, so Xiao Yuting followed her words, not caring how those people would jump their feet.

Fang Yarou, who was free to film, saw this reply from Shen Zhixin, and a trace of anger flashed unconsciously in her eyes.

Shen Zhixin's confident words made her feel uneasy.

If Shen Zhixin had never done this, then she...

Thinking of this, Fang Yarou called Xia Yan who was staying aside.

Seeing Xia Yan's flattering appearance, Fang Yarou frowned, and said with disdain: "Is the fact that she plagiarized is true or not?"

Xia Yan never thought that Fang Yarou actually asked him to ask about this matter, after thinking about it seriously, Xia Yan shook his head, and then said: "Those people said it is true!"

Hearing this, Fang Yarou subconsciously felt a little bad.

She looked left and right to examine the crowd, then looked at the man in front of her and said, "Are you an idiot? If they say it's true, it's true. Didn't you investigate it yourself?"

After Fang Yarou said this, Xia Yan also felt a little uncomfortable. He swallowed the anger in his heart, and looked at Fang Yarou with a hint of flattery in his eyes.

"Xiaoya, as long as there is enough evidence, even if this matter is false, it can become true."

As soon as Xia Yan said this, Fang Yarou immediately understood that this matter was a scam from the beginning to the end, and Shen Zhixin did not plagiarize at all.

This is really too dangerous, if it is exposed at this time, I'm afraid...

"Doesn't she have any other black material to catch? Why did she come to catch this one that is likely to be unfounded?"

When Fang Yarou said these words, a flash of anger flashed in Fang Yarou's eyes, and she asked the man in front of her sharply, wanting to know how he chose the partner for cooperation.

"Then Shen Zhixin is protected by Zhou Liqian. It is not easy to investigate her current affairs. It would not be beautiful if the other party is alarmed. This matter has gone through such a long time, and it has long been forgotten by everyone. It may be difficult to find evidence. Can't find so many, isn't this our best chance?"

Xia Yan is not stupid, he has his reasons for choosing this matter as the breaking point, but he did not expect that even if it is a long time ago, with Zhou Liqian, he can still investigate the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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