Chapter 144
When she reached another staircase, Shen Zhixin seemed to have heard something, she quietly grabbed Xiao Yuting, and gestured for silence.

The two hid behind the door, watched Wang Chao and He Jun pass by the corridor in silence, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

It was too dangerous for them to pass each other again and again.

"I can't make the two of them..." Shen Zhixin gestured for elimination, but Xiao Yuting frowned and shook her head.

If they want to stalemate, grab each other's attention and time, it's possible.

Xiao Yuting is confident that she has enough physical strength to stand in a stalemate with the other party for a period of time and win more opportunities for Shen Zhixin.

But if you want to eliminate them, it will be a bit difficult, let alone how that old and cunning senior Wang Chao will plot against them, He Jun's strength alone is enough to make her hesitate.

Seeing the embarrassment in Xiao Yuting's eyes, Shen Zhi waved her hand innocently, telling her not to take these things to heart, and she just mentioned them casually.

Those two people were indeed a great threat. It would be a good thing if they could be eliminated. If they couldn't be eliminated, then there was no need to take risks at this time. Their ultimate goal was to unlock the treasure chest.

After collecting more information, Shen Zhixin ignored the news of being eliminated that kept coming from his ears, and carefully identified those hidden clues contained in the evidence.

Xiao Yuting couldn't help frowning, watching Shen Zhixin squatting in the corner, constantly writing and drawing, patrolling the surroundings vigilantly, for fear that other people would appear.

Just when Shen Zhixin was about to calculate the result, Xiao Yuting suddenly grabbed it, and she and the manuscript papers were stuffed into the curtain at the side, and Xiao Yuting also took advantage of the opportunity to hide in the curtain.

She tightly covered Shen Zhixin's mouth, and the two of them leaned close together, and the photographers also hid behind the curtains according to Xiao Yuting's request.

At this moment, apart from the pictures taken by the tiny cameras on the glasses the two of them were wearing, the photographer could not capture anything.

Hearing He Jun's voice, Shen Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Xiao Yuting again for her vigilance.

After He Jun left, the two of them secretly hid in a storage room on the first floor.

Just after Shen Zhixin walked out of the curtain, she pulled her and started to walk downstairs. Xiao Yuting had a guess in her heart, but she couldn't speak at this moment. In order to avoid being discovered by others, they kept paying attention to the door of the storage room. That's when the communication started.

"I have already found the information that we may use at that time. The password this time will definitely not be a number, it will definitely be gossip."

Shen Zhixin had already had such speculations from the beginning, but there was not enough evidence to prove her thoughts at that time, so she could only hide these thoughts in her heart and not speak out.

But now that she has enough evidence, she won't hesitate any longer.

The evidence and clues they have collected have shown that the password of the treasure chest this time is gossip. As long as the position of the gossip is adjusted according to the clues they have unlocked in the past, it will be enough to open the treasure chest.

It was precisely because of this that Shen Zhixin dragged Xiao Yuting to the storage room downstairs, because now they needed to find a way to walk to the treasure chest and open it in full view.

"In this way, how we get there now is the most important thing. The password has already been obtained. Although we may need to think more when entering it, there is absolutely no possibility that it will be closer than we guessed."

Shen Zhixin confidently showed her affirmation of the password, and the cameraman next to her faithfully captured the scene.

The scene where the two girls were conspiring here reminded him of how military divisions and generals in ancient wars discussed with each other.

"I'm going to hold them back. You enter the password as soon as possible. Even if someone snatches the wooden token from me, you must not stop what you are doing. As long as you open the treasure chest, I will win with you."

Xiao Yuting thought very clearly that she was indeed not as comprehensive as Shen Zhixin in this matter, and she was not as fast as Shen Zhixin in solving puzzles, so bringing Shen Zhixin safely to the treasure chest was her most important task. It is also what she must do now.

After bringing Shen Zhixin to the treasure chest, she had to hold off any possible attacks on Shen Zhixin by others.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that Xiao Yuting seemed to be ready, the two of them lightly clapped their hands in the storage room, and then slowly opened the storage room door.

There was no one else at the door, and there was no trace of any photographer. They walked carefully to the last wall that could be hidden, and stared at the possible enemies upstairs.

At this time, calling the other party an enemy was no longer a big deal. Shen Zhixin patiently waited for Xiao Yuting's order, followed the other party's footsteps, and came to the treasure chest step by step.

I just came to the side of the treasure chest, and before I had time to look at the combination lock, I heard footsteps upstairs.

Shen Zhixin looked up, but Xiao Yuting directly grabbed her raised neck.

"Don't look up at those people anymore, they are not important, the most important thing for you now is to open the treasure chest, and I will be there for other things."

After hearing this, Shen Zhixin focused all her attention on the combination lock in front of her, and began to quickly calculate the combination of possible combinations in her mind.

And the three MCs who saw Xiao Yuting and Shen Zhixin upstairs also came to the first floor at this time.

Looking at Li Chen who was following He Jun and Wang Chao, Xiao Yuting was a little surprised. Li Chen hadn't been eliminated in the first round, so how could he still have a chance to appear?

After hearing He Jun's explanation, Xiao Yuting finally realized that just before the start of the fourth level, the important prop mentioned by the director team was the resurrection card, and they resurrected Li Chen after getting the resurrection card.

Of course, for Li Chen, this resurrection is just to participate in the battlefield again, and the victory he will get at that time will benefit him a little.

"One to three, Xiao Yuting, are you really okay?"

When shooting variety shows, Li Chen took good care of Xiao Yuting, so now that Xiao Yuting was going to deal with the three of them alone, there was a hint of worry in his expression.

Leaving aside himself, those two men alone did not consider gender issues when dealing with their enemies.

Especially the super physical strength shown by Xiao Yuting will not make He Jun and Wang Chao merciful.

"Come here! I must protect her."

What Xiao Yuting said was so handsome and very responsible, both He Jun and Wang Chao couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

But the moment they gave the thumbs up, they immediately attacked and ordered Li Chen to snatch Shen Zhixin's badge.

Li Chen felt a little embarrassed, but he still tried to get close to Shen Zhixin and snatch the badge from Shen Zhixin.

Shen Zhixin started to circle around the table and Li Chen, staring closely at each other's figure, while running in his mind to calculate possible passwords.

The combination lock is removable, just like a remote control, as long as the combination lock can be opened, there will be a button inside, and the treasure box will be opened when the button is pressed, so now she only needs to firmly control the combination lock in her hand, and keep To experiment, the possible passwords are enough.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yuting actually counterattacked and tore Li Chen's wooden token from his waist. Li Chen was stunned for a moment, only to realize that his resurrection had ended again.

Seeing Li Chen standing there blankly, both He Jun and Wang Chao couldn't help applauding Xiao Yuting.

To be honest, Xiao Yuting's ability to pay attention to Li Chen behind him during the fight, and take the wooden token from the opponent's waist steadily and ruthlessly, is enough to prove how quick this person's observation skills are.

"Sorry, Brother Chen."

Xiao Yuting patted him on the shoulder, with a helpless look on his face, but now they are enemies, and there is no way to fight each other.

After Li Chen left, Shen Zhixin's pressure did not ease too much, because without a third person at the scene, He Jun and Wang Chao would harass Shen Zhixin from time to time, and Shen Zhixin had to focus on trying to find out what he had done. The password of the combination lock is easy to be surrounded by the other party.

With the sound of "Xiao Yuting is eliminated" in his ears, Shen Zhixin did not raise his head to see Xiao Yuting's expression, but quickly twisted the combination lock in his hand.

There are a total of three hexagrams in this combination lock, but there may be too many permutations, and they don't have enough evidence to find out which three hexagrams are, so she can only use this method to try again and again.

Shen Zhixin didn't look up at all to see Xiao Yuting, He Jun and Wang Chao's farewell, she just kept twisting the combination lock in her hand, continuing to experiment with the arrangement and combination in her mind.

What Xiao Yuting said before was correct, no matter if there were two or one of them left in their group, as long as she could open the treasure chest, she would be victorious.

Xiao Yuting did not disturb Shen Zhixin, but took a deep look at Shen Zhixin when she was taken away, and left with some regret.

After the fans filmed outside saw this scene, they exchanged resources on twitter and gave the scene of this picture a name of "one thousand years at a glance".

Shen Zhixin received the other party's gaze, but she didn't raise her head. She just accelerated the movements in her hands. He Jun and Wang Chao approached step by step, while Shen Zhixin retreated step by step.

"You give us the thing in your hand, we can eliminate you and resurrect you, how about letting you win with us?"

It was only after He Jun and Wang Chao got the composite card that they realized that this match was actually a two-player match, and there was no such thing as a single-player match. That's why they came to instigate against Shen Zhixin without any scruples.

Shen Zhixin didn't speak, but just stared at the two people in front of him, and kept exchanging the arrangement of various hexagrams in his hands.

Seeing Shen Zhixin's vigilant look, He Jun and Wang Chao knew that it would not be of much use to continue, so they rushed forward.

In the midst of this flash, the palm-sized combination lock box in Shen Zhixin's hand snapped open, revealing the red button inside.

Shen Zhixin pressed it without hesitation, and the melodious music gradually came out from the treasure box, and the snatching by He Jun and Wang Chao also failed.

"You are too awesome!"

Now that the treasure chest had been opened, their fight for wooden cards was useless, so He Jun and Wang Chao stopped their original attacks, looked at the combination lock in Shen Zhixin's hand, and couldn't help but take it to study.

To be honest, they really didn't expect Shen Zhixin to be able to open the coded lock. In fact, they didn't fight for a long time, but this coded lock looked extremely complicated. How fast Shen Zhixin's calculation speed could be solved? this conundrum.

It's just that Shen Zhixin didn't realize what exactly He Jun and Wang Chao said?She stood there blankly, until Xiao Yuting ran over worriedly and helped Shen Zhixin, then she closed her eyes and leaned on Xiao Yuting's shoulder, her hands began to tremble violently.

In the tense atmosphere just now, Shen Zhixin's fingers were quickly twisting the combination lock in her hand again, causing her hands to be so sore that she couldn't hold Xiao Yuting's hands at all.

Xiao Yuting helped Shen Zhixin to sit on the ground with some distress, and moved every knuckle for her, hoping to make her recover quickly.

But Shen Zhixin still showed a very weak look. The intense thinking just now made her feel as if she had been drained of energy from her whole body, and she really couldn't stand up again.

But the director team also had to admit that it was indeed a very good performance that Shen Zhixin was able to unlock the combination lock when Shen Zhixin did not find the key information.

So when the prizes were announced, the director team also deliberately announced the key piece of information that they had not received.

As long as they found that key piece of information and combined with Shen Zhixin's previous judgment, they could actually succeed in one go.

But Xiao Yuting is also very clear in her heart that this key information is hidden very carefully. If they can't find it, not only will they not be able to win, but they will waste more time and arrangements. On the contrary, Shen Zhixin is not as good as Shen Zhixin, who will try this way faster. .

"We made it, right?"

After resting for a while, Shen Zhixin finally regained her senses. She opened her eyes and looked at the director standing in front of her, with a hint of questioning in her tone. Now her mind was still stuck in the scene of herself constantly twisting the combination lock. Realized whether he had won or not.

"Yes, we won, are you surprised?"

Xiao Yuting's face was full of joy, she couldn't help but hugged Shen Zhixin and walked around in a circle, Shen Zhixin also smiled easily.

Looking at the friendly relationship between the two friends, other people also showed knowing smiles on their faces. Who doesn't have three or five close friends, but the probability of meeting close friends in the entertainment industry is really very low .

Looking at the golden abacus representing wisdom brought up by the other party, Shen Zhixin couldn't help but wonder, why is it an abacus?
She really didn't expect that the program team would prepare such a small gift, and it was an abacus made of gold.

"The abacus was of great significance in ancient my country. Its calculation speed can even be compared to modern computers. The making of this golden abacus is designed for today's last level."

Although the password used in the last level of the program group is gossip, in the end it is necessary to judge the order of the gossip through complicated calculations, so using an abacus as a prize is perfect.

Of course, in addition to the palm-sized golden abacus, the program team also specially prepared a pair of Sinan as today's prize.

Today's prizes are very generous, and the others couldn't help being a little envious after seeing it.

After summarizing today's shooting and praising the performance of the two winners, Shen Zhixin and Xiao Yuting had dinner with those seniors, chatting about life and dreams.

It wasn't until after everyone's dinner was over that Shen Zhixin supported Xiao Yuting who was a little drunk, and the assistant followed the two of them carrying things, and the group walked towards the parking lot.

Shen Zhixin was relieved until he saw the cars of Zhao Mo and Zhou Liqian not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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