Chapter 14
At the end, Ge Xiao bit his lower lip pretending to be wronged, tears were already rolling in his eyes, but he didn't think that Zhou Liqian didn't even give her a straight look.

"I've sent someone to investigate. I hope that if it's true as you said, it has nothing to do with you!"

Zhou Liqian said coldly.

When Ge Xiao left Tiancheng, his face was livid, and he almost gritted his molars, but he didn't expect Zhou Liqian to change his mind like this, it seems that Shen Zhixin's methods are brilliant!But so what, soon her reputation will be rotten.

Involving a popular star, this incident has had too much impact, Shen Zhixin's impression in the hearts of everyone has gradually become unbearable, Wen Bin's fans are almost pervasive, and they scolded her to the brim.

"Bitch woman, dare to seduce my baby, damn it!"

"It's really shameless to be popular, such a person will never be popular in his life!"

"While entering the entertainment circle, it's not a serious person at first sight, get out!"

...Public relations were almost powerless, when Zhou Liqian was feeling irritable, he received a call.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou?"

The voice on the phone is clear and clear, it is the actor of this news - Wen Bin.

Liu Chen has not informed him of the appointment time with Wen Bin's manager, so this call is not the result of the company's operation.

Frowning slightly, Zhou Liqian replied in a deep voice: "It's me, Zhou Liqian."

No waves could be heard in the voice, and there were no other inquiries. He waited for the next message on the phone.

"Mr. Zhou, regarding the scandal between me and Ms. Shen Zhixin from your company during this period, I think the media took it out of context. This matter is a complete misunderstanding. I hope that I can clarify this matter with Ms. Shen Zhixin at the press conference. "

The young male voice was full of sincerity, but Zhou Liqian frowned even more when he heard this.

Wen Bin is willing to come forward to clarify, which is of course the best, but as a popular star, he is a victim in the eyes of the media, so he can use this opportunity to improve his character.

But he is willing to take the initiative to hold a press conference with Shen Zhixin to clarify, why?After a moment of silence, Zhou Liqian spoke again: "Conditions."

Presumably, they should want to get some resources from him.

"What conditions?"

The original clear voice was obviously full of doubts.

"Mr. Wen is willing to clarify the conditions for our company's artists."

Zhou Liqian said impatiently, he hates dealing with people who pretend to be ignorant.

Being able to reach the position of first-line star in the entertainment industry, he didn't believe that Wen Bin was so innocent that he couldn't understand what he was talking about.

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and then there was a burst of hearty laughter, "Of course there are conditions, but this condition can only be said after meeting Ms. Shen at the press conference."

threaten him?Zhou Liqian clenched his fists, obviously a little angry, but, thinking of the tearful little woman in his office, he finally agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Liqian instructed Liu Chen, "Arrange a press conference as quickly as possible."


After Liu Chen responded, he hurried to make arrangements, leaving Zhou Liqian alone in deep thought.

I don't know what conditions Wen Bin will put forward, but no matter whether it is excessive or not, for the sake of Shen Xinxin, he must agree.

On the other side of the phone, the boy who had just cut his hair short because of the new drama, but looked more three-dimensional and handsome, looked at the photo of the girl on the tablet in front of him and laughed, showing his big white teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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