star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 121 Apologizing for Disgrace

Chapter 121 Apologizing for Disgrace
"I'm sorry, Miss Shen, I shouldn't have hurt your shoulder with a stick because of my personal grievances. I will take all the responsibility for this matter."

After Fang Yarou said this, she wanted to straighten her back, but she heard Zhao Mo who was at the side say something coolly.

"We haven't accepted it yet!"

In desperation, Fang Yarou could only keep this posture still, she only hoped that Shen Zhixin could give a reply quickly.

"Get up!"

Shen Zhixin really didn't want to continue to embarrass this person. Although she hated her, she wouldn't do things that made her feel disgusted at this time.

After hearing Shen Zhixin's words, Fang Yarou's reaction was quick, she straightened up quickly, and then turned around to leave.

Shen Zhixin was already very satisfied with losing Fang Yarou's face in front of so many people. As for the medical expenses, Xiao Yuting also told her about it, and even really wanted to take her to the hospital for a full body checkup, but She was rejected by Shen Zhixin.

She is not the Heart of the Virgin, but because she doesn't like hospital examinations very much, and regular physical examinations are already the limit of her tolerance.

As long as she lies on those instruments, she has a feeling that she will be sent to the operating room in a second, so she hates that place very much.

Shen Zhixin's willingness to let the other party go does not mean that Zhao Mo is satisfied with the other party's performance at this moment. In fact, Fang Yarou's performance is not satisfactory in Zhao Mo's heart.

"Shen Zhixin is willing to forgive you because she is kind-hearted and doesn't want to fuss with you, but it doesn't mean that you have passed this level with me. I will keep watching you after that. If you do something wrong If you make any move, I will find you out immediately."

Zhao Mo said this casually, but the murderous intent in his tone made Fang Yarou shiver uncontrollably, feeling a little ashamed.

She began to regret why she had set her sights on Shen Zhixin, who she thought she was, in the first place. Where did she go?Otherwise, it might not be the case with another person.

After the apology was over, the director's arrangements were dispersed, and the matter had come to an end, so there was no need to continue to gather so many people here.

Seeing that everyone left, Shen Zhixin said helplessly to the two people beside her: "So this is the surprise you were hiding from me just now!"

Shen Zhixin's eyes were obviously a little helpless, and there was a hint of ridicule when he looked at Xiao Yuting.

"This was a surprise!"

Xiao Yuting was very satisfied. She just poked Fang Yarou's face. After receiving Zhao Mo's call, she began to look forward to this performance.

Sure enough, she lived up to her hopes.

Hearing Xiao Yuting's words, Shen Zhixin could only sigh helplessly.

But she didn't say much, because her friend was so powerful, she always felt that her abilities were useless.

She doesn't reject this kind of protection, it really feels good to be protected.

When Shen Zhixin turned to leave, she didn't find a figure standing in the corner. If she paid more attention, she would find that the person standing in the corner staring at her motionless was Lin Xinxin.

"What are you still doing here? Just finished watching that good show, it's time for us to leave!"

Wang Yu came over and saw Lin Xinxin standing in the corner of the filming location, thinking of something, and quickly persuaded her to leave quickly.

Today, the filming was finally finished on time and ended early. Wang Yu also hopes that Lin Xinxin can sleep well after returning home!
If I continue to delay here, I am afraid that I will procrastinate so much that I don't know when I can rest.

"If it was me who was hurt like that today, would you seek justice for me?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Wang Yu was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Lin Xinxin up and down for a while, and found that she didn't seem to have any injuries, so she let go of her worries.

"I will definitely seek justice for you. You are the artist I have been bringing to the present. It means a lot to me. I not only regard you as my 'cash cow', but also as my sister."

When talking about the word "money tree", Wang Yu obviously had a teasing smile on her face, and she was only joking when she said this.

In Wang Yu's heart, he regarded each other as a family member. They have been helping each other for so many years, and they must know her better than Lin Xinxin's parents.

After hearing this, Lin Xinxin's heart was finally completely opened. She squatted in that corner and started crying, without the strength to leave at all.

In desperation, Wang Yu had no choice but to carry Lin Xinxin on his back and walk towards the hotel step by step. Fortunately, she took a small path and a shortcut, so she quickly sent Lin Xinxin back to the room without causing any surprises from others. focus on.

Wang Yu is taller, about 1 meters tall, while Lin Xinxin is about 75 meters tall, so it is within Wang Yu's ability to carry Lin Xinxin on his back.

After returning to the hotel, Wang Yu asked why Lin Xinxin was crying suddenly,

Lying on Wang Yu's not-so-generous shoulders along the way, Lin Xinxin almost stopped crying.

"I want to apologize for my previous stupidity."

Lin Xinxin smiled heartily, and talked about the things she had disagreed with Wang Yu.

After Lin Xinxin's statement, Wang Yu finally understood why Lin Xinxin always raised objections with her on some trivial matters during the time before he and Wen Bin filmed the TV series.

It turned out that Wang Yu didn't like Lin Xinxin's boyfriend very much, so after forcing Lin Xinxin to stop dating, Wang Yu forced the two to break up.

Wang Yu's behavior at that time was so decisive that Lin Xinxin couldn't accept the other party's manipulation of her relationship at all.

After hearing this, Wang Yu couldn't help but put on a wry smile.

The reason why she was so decisive was because that man had already cheated not only one girl, but if Lin Xinxin was cheated again, she would have protected Lin Xinxin for so many years in vain.

Lin Xinxin didn't know about these things. The reason why she wanted to open it now was because she felt that the manager was doing it for her own good, and she couldn't continue to disagree with her just because of such a trivial matter.

Now that Lin Xinxin had confessed, the manager naturally told all the things she had concealed.

Hearing the news from the agent, Lin Xinxin was so surprised that she didn't know what to do.

She really didn't think that her first love was actually a scumbag. If it wasn't for Wang Yu's protection, she would probably shoot some indecent videos.

"I was so excited that I forgot to explain this to you. I didn't expect you to misunderstand so deeply."

Wang Yuxin sighed, with a look of loneliness in her expression, while Lin Xinxin hugged her tightly and began to apologize in her ear.

Of course, it was impossible for Wang Yu to be angry with the child he had protected for so many years. After hearing the other party's apology, he directly accepted it.

Anyway, if I get sulking, I will be sad, so I might as well reconcile quickly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, since you already know that you made a mistake, you just don't want to do it again, understand?"

Seeing Lin Xinxin nodded fiercely, Wang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but what neither of them expected was that the assistant suddenly ran in with a mobile phone at this moment, and said to the two who had reconciled as before. : "Sister Wang is not well, there are people on the Internet looking for Sister Heilin."

As soon as they heard this, the expressions of the two quickly became serious. Lin Xinxin is currently a well-known figure in Xiaohua. If someone blackmails, someone must be looking for trouble behind the scenes.

Wang Yu couldn't help frowning when he took the assistant's mobile phone to check the so-called black material.

What she was most worried about really happened.

Lin Xinxin wanted to use the assistant's mobile phone to see what happened, but she couldn't find a gap. Wang Yu held the phone too tightly, and she couldn't see any information at all.

In desperation, Lin Xinxin could only take out her mobile phone and start looking for what the assistant just said.

But what she didn't expect was that the process that she thought would be difficult was actually very easy. She directly searched for relevant information, because she could see black materials related to herself as long as she opened Weibo.

Lin Xinxin's face was a little ugly, and she began to wonder who had exposed this matter.

Because the gossip news is about the incident where she used sesame powder to frame Shen Zhixin.

Wang Yu put down his phone with an ugly expression, and Lin Xinxin beside him also frowned, looking worried.

This incident was obviously aimed at her, and those who knew about it...

"Could it be Shen Zhixin who did it?"

After the two looked at each other, Wang Yu began to call and arrange for a private detective he once knew to investigate who was behind the incident.

The atmosphere in the entire room suddenly changed from the original warmth to solemnity.

And Shen Zhixin, who was staying in the hotel room at this moment, didn't know what happened in Lin Xinxin's room. She also saw the news, but after reading it, she quit the news and browsed other news. matter.

The matter between her and Lin Xinxin has been resolved, and this matter was found out and posted on the Internet. It has nothing to do with her. What a big reaction.

Xiao Yuting also saw the gossip, and she couldn't help but look worried.

It's no wonder she is so vigilant, it's because there are too many demon moths, and she has a nervous sensitivity.

Seeing Xiao Yuting's vigilant look, Shen Zhixin couldn't help but smile, with a hint of joy flashing across her brows and eyes.

To be honest, seeing Xiao Yuting like a little police dog is really cute.

"I think Lin Xinxin is likely to come to you about this matter."

Xiao Yuting made a judgment without hesitation. Her intuition in this matter has always been sensitive, just like when she felt that someone was looking at Shen Zhixin with unfriendly eyes at the press conference, and then the dispute with Lin Xinxin really happened .

"What did she come to see me for?"

As soon as Shen Zhixin said this, her tone paused, as if she had thought of a certain possibility.

She looked at Shen Zhixin in disbelief, and said with surprise: "She doesn't think I did this, does she?"

At first, Shen Zhixin really didn't think of this possibility, after all, she only regarded this matter as gossip, so naturally she wouldn't think of it to herself.

But under Xiao Yuting's gaze, she really couldn't ignore this possibility.

There was indeed a conflict between her and Lin Xinxin, and she was very familiar with the outcome of this incident. If the person involved was her identity, she would also doubt Lin Xinxin, which is human nature.

"Then should I explain it?"

Shen Zhixin hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to act in order to avoid being involved in this trouble.

It was obvious that someone wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble to bring down Lin Xinxin's position, but it had nothing to do with her.

"You seem guilty if you take the initiative to clarify, just wait for her to come to you!"

As soon as Zhao Mo entered the door, he heard Shen Zhixin's words. He said something casually, and then sat aside. The assistant in charge of opening the door went out and stared outside.

"You came."

Zhao Mo just went to the house to get some things, and then put the received variety show script in front of Shen Zhixin.

"After the filming of your drama is finished, we will decide whether to accept a new script for you or create a drama tailored for you according to the situation, but you can watch this variety show first."

Hearing Zhao Mo's words, Shen Zhixin looked at Zhao Mo in surprise.

Facing Shen Zhixin's gaze, Zhao Mo shrugged indifferently, with a relaxed expression.

"Although I haven't spent much time on the set these days, I know that the director has praised your acting skills. If you can use this momentum to hit some awards this year, the studio will invite screenwriters to write for you. Write a script with a heroine."

After Shen Zhixin heard this, there was a touch of excitement in her expression, but it was more calm because she felt the pressure.

It's a good thing to be valued so much. It does make people feel more motivated physically and mentally, but motivation is also stressful.

To know the result of being valued by others is to work hard to ensure that one's strength is constantly improving, and one cannot slack off.

"When the time comes for this variety show, you may appear on a few episodes with Xiao Yuting, but generally you will participate in this variety show."

In order to prevent Shen Zhixin from being unable to blend in with other people during filming, Zhao Mo arranged for Xiao Yuting and Shen Zhixin to participate in the first two episodes of the variety show together, while Shen Zhixin would do the rest alone.

As soon as she heard that the variety show was still related to Xiao Yuting, and also heard that the other party only participated in a few episodes, Shen Zhixin asked worriedly: "What about after that?"

Everyone here understood that after Shen Zhixin asked this, it was definitely not for herself, but for Xiao Yuting.

"Afterwards, of course, I accepted other variety shows."

Xiao Yuting's tone was very firm, it could be seen that Zhao Mo had already told her about it before.

"Yes, I also want to inform you two about this matter. Shen Zhixin is participating in a detective-like brain-burning variety show, and will pay more attention to your IQ and logical reasoning ability. Xiao Yuting's participation is an outdoor show. Variety shows like camping pay more attention to your ability to survive and your charisma, the two of you have different development directions, so you must seize the opportunity."

Zhao Mo was very concerned about these things, and when he stared at Shen Zhixin and Xiao Yuting, he unconsciously became serious.

Hearing that it was work-related, the two of them would naturally be very attentive.

After Zhao Mo finished arranging the relevant matters, he couldn't help smiling when he saw the two sisters sitting together with a look of seeking knowledge.

"Everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged. After the filming of this TV series is over, you will start to participate in variety shows and accumulate popularity."

Although there is indeed a hidden chain of contempt in the entertainment industry, everyone thinks that variety shows have no style, but in the current environment of the entertainment industry, variety shows are undoubtedly the best way to accumulate popularity. They only need to choose variety shows carefully to ensure their own style It will not affect some subsequent developments.

(End of this chapter)

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