Advanced NPC

Chapter 88 Enemies are jealous when they meet each other? !

Chapter 88 Enemies are jealous when they meet each other? !

In the goblin field, a sudden change occurred, and golden beams of light shot up into the sky, like some epic disaster blockbuster, making the players...

Can't help applauding.

The special effects are really well done.


"What's going on! What's going on!" The goblins were all right, although there was still a subtle sense of reason not to let the player act rashly.

—The fork is still facing the noses of several players.

Yinkong Frye curled his lips, and took a step back cautiously—these goblins panicked and were about to poke their forks into his nostrils...

"Medigel is the chief sage after all, and he was trained by a golden sage, so it's not difficult to break through Gary Villa's protection." Hethaway remained calm, "At most ten minutes...can you make a deal?"

"??" The wings of the goblins trembled, and some of them put down their forks and started chatting around each other.

"If... the next shock occurs within 1 minute, then the time I just said will be shortened by another third." Hathaway said again.

As soon as I finished speaking, the shock happened...


"Adventurer! What do you want!" The goblin led by the situation finally.

Seeing that their attitudes had finally loosened, Hathaway couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and showed a bit of generosity: "The favor is owed first, and I also want to settle a score with that brat."

The goblins had no choice but to look at each other before slowly putting down the weapons in their hands.
Hathaway was completely relieved, and ran straight to the depths of the goblin.

The other players looked at each other and followed suit——

"How did you know that Madigo would come?" While running forward, Abai asked Hathaway the question that people most wanted to know.

These few people couldn't figure out the situation - not many people knew about the experience of being cheated in Novice Village, let alone the complicated relationship between Hathaway and Medigue...

"He's doing research on the Phantom Spirit Race." Hathaway paused slightly after hearing the question, and her tone was flat when she spoke after thinking about it.

In order to take Adeno away from the Silver Land of the Empire, they temporarily hid in the room where Madigar used to be—the studies found there...

When it comes to researching this thing, Hathaway's conclusions are often indistinguishable.

"??" But it is difficult for players to understand.

Why, you can still see the direction of the NPC from the research, can't you?
Are the current game clues so high-end!

"The Fairy Land has the ability to communicate with the residences of various races. Could it be——Madigre wants to find the residence of the Phantom Race?" Abai felt something.

But why did the NPC do this?
"How can the Phantom Spirit Clan have a resident..." Hesevi sighed—a word made Ah Bai choke, unable to speak for a long time.

Hathaway glanced at him faintly, and continued: "No matter what kind of scholar it is, the highest academic goal is to find the truth about silver protection——If I guessed right, Medigue focused his research on phantoms. Clan, but..."

Sighing: "The Phantom Spirits, who are so weak and can't even be called an organization, have anything to study."



At this time, the players can finally confirm that Hathaway accidentally slandered other races in the past, and she just "spoken at will", and it may really not have any emotional color...

After chatting like this, several players have already arrived at the sanctuary unimpeded.

The goblin land is pretty much the same, but Hathaway saw that it was still the same as the last Novice Village, and it was the original formula.

"Adventurers—our safety..." In front of the sanctuary, a goblin who looked bigger than the other goblins looked at the players rushing in and nodded secretly, trying to make them pay attention to this matter.

However, the leading Hesavi bird didn't care about it, and just ran past it...


The distance from Gary Villa's protection was getting closer and closer, but Hathaway was slightly distracted.

She was thinking - "Last time".

When he was in Novice Village, was Medigue's purpose the same as it is now?Destroy Garivela's protection?
——As she judged, after a few minutes on the road, the blond young lady had already smashed through the protection of the goblin land and landed inside the church.

He looked the same as last time, under the dazzling blond hair, a pair of golden eyes gleamed, and at first glance, this face was still very cute.

"Oh." It's a pity that all the people present were straight men - including Ai Shulu, who only raised eyebrows.

Is there anyone cuter than her?Ah, except for the young lady, she doesn't admit it.

"So fast?" Ah Bai cared about another question.

It looks like I'm ready to fight the boss...

"Actually, it doesn't need to be that troublesome." Hathaway sighed, "And if you really beat can't beat him."

At Medigue's level, unless she can restore her previous strength...

Ah forget it, just think about it.

"You are the administrator of this goblin land, aren't you?" Hathaway looked at the goblins who were holding their forks in the distance and fighting with Medig, and then turned to pay attention to the goblin administrator who had been left aside before.

The goblin looked bad, but still nodded under the circumstances.

"Put away Garivella's protection." Hathaway said bluntly, "Just wait for my password—others don't need to follow me."

After she finished speaking, she strode forward and walked towards Madigo——

The sanctuary is quite big, and Medigue didn't notice it at first, but just faced these goblins with a playful face, fingers twitched, and spells flew one after another, as if they didn't need money.

Hathaway became angry when she saw this.

The gray light flashed towards Medigue, but was blocked by the barrier that only appeared when approaching, and had no effect.

"Huh——" Seeing this, Madigo looked back and was amused, "Isn't this the pretty lady who was tricked by me last time?"

I rely on.

Hathaway didn't hold back any longer, and threw various skills under the Book of the Dead at him.

"Oh, little sister, why don't I remember you being so bad-tempered." Seeing this, Medigue dodged and laughed even more happily. He didn't pay attention to those goblins any more, and began to concentrate on "dealing with" Hathaway——

Probably, people have to look at the NPC to see what a profession looks like.

To put it simply, it is the buyer show and the seller show.

The spells condensed by the elements scattered in different directions, and Hathaway became the one to dodge, although the dodge was in place, it didn't help.

I have to give myself a sip if I have nothing to do-it's really bad for the nurses of the Phantom Spirit Clan to nurse themselves... Whoever makes me feel dissatisfied with breastfeeding.

This one was throwing skills, and the other was hiding skills. There was a stalemate for a while, and suddenly the smiling Madigo moved his ears—because of the sudden soft sound.

There is no time to play.

"It seems that after this period of time, the little sister has made some progress, and these spells can be avoided—" The light in Medigue's eyes flickered slightly, and then, "But it's not enough—goodbye."

As he said that, the crimson red that foreshadowed certain death burned behind him——

(End of this chapter)

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