Advanced NPC

Chapter 82

Chapter 82
To be honest, these mechanics are small things-at least after experiencing the raid.

The ancients said that being abused is the true meaning of practice.

Which ancient man?Sorry, don't know.

In contrast, this boss has only used two skills until now, and one of the rockfall skills can be used in reverse to blow up the boss, which is really very simple.

"Something has been refreshed on the field." A-Bai suddenly said while typing.

I saw this big guy who was observing secretly in the distance suddenly found that two lights lit up on both sides of the field—two grooves, with lights rotating above them.

The boss's attack also stopped at this time - he began to read the text on the spot and raised his hands, following his movements, two square stones fell from the sky - one happened to fall into Hesevi's hand - it was a hot potato !
What the hell is this? !She looked around in fright, and without a word, she brought the fast stone in her hand to the nearest groove and put it down.

The reading speed of the boss is not slow. After Hathaway put the stone into the groove, he finished reading. With the rumbling sound, a beam of light suddenly appeared in front of the boss. Yinkong Frye standing in front of the boss did not react. , I ate this without delay.

What the hell, this attack is still vulnerable.

Has Yinkong Frye called?Of course they shouted—but people didn’t have time to pay attention to him, because the boss didn’t finish this one, and immediately turned—shooting a beam of light in a straight line again!
The journey of fancy hiding skills has begun again, and this familiar scene makes people cry in pain...

"Try to put both in the groove." After a wave of skills, Ah Bai thought for a while.

Hathaway knew that this person made another mistake in the test...

Put one stone into the groove like this, how about two, or don't put it... maybe a table will be made according to the weight and angle.

... The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

As soon as Ah Bai finished speaking, the boss read the message again, with a similar picture - two stones fell to the ground.

The players knew it, and rushed to pick it up immediately—but there was a tacit understanding of "I wanted you to give it a shot, but you also wanted me".Hathaway and Ah Bai were very close to a certain rock, and they collided directly at such a high speed.

Crack—the stone fell to the ground not far away.


What surprised people was the second sound—it was Yinkong Frye who wanted to show off and threw the stone, but he missed it very much.

At this time, it was too late, and the boss reading was over-no new skills appeared, but he was invincible.



Hathaway's eyes widened, and she looked at Abai beside her as if asking for help—she was not familiar with machines at all, hey!

However, Ah Bai spread out his hands, expressing that he was also helpless.

Fortunately, this invincibility only lasted until the next read, when they finally threw both stones into the groove.

It is a bit of a pity that both stones fall into the groove, and the boss will still place an AOE that is half the width of the field-making people feel complicated.

Wouldn't it be better to just lose one?

——Fortunately, when the AOE lighted up, the boss couldn't hold on and fell down.


"I hope there will be no more doggy sessions..." After a boss ended, another door in the room suddenly opened. Yinkong Frye walked in first, looking at the road that also looked safe, he couldn't help muttering .

Hathaway didn't speak. As soon as she stepped into this section, she felt some strange voices in her ears.

"What's wrong with you?" Ah Bai asked after noticing her subtle expression and looking around.

"... There is a strange voice." Hathaway frowned.

There was a moment of silence after she finished speaking, so the voice suddenly became clear—it was like... like...

"Wow! It's really quiet here!" Suddenly, Yinkong Frye's voice was like a blast, and the sound that could be followed in Hesevi's ears suddenly disappeared.

"..." I fucking want to kill you right now.

Hathaway sighed, thinking about telling the second generation ancestor to be quiet, but before she could speak, she heard a burst of footsteps—a group of dwarfs appeared in front of them...

What is a dwarf?
A dwarf smaller than a dwarf.

Both sides stopped and looked at each other.

"Ah—! Someone has invaded!" Then it started with the screaming from the opposite side...

As soon as he finished speaking, the dwarves rushed up!
"Damn it, beat me up!" Yinkong Frye yelled, and also rushed up—!
The mobs are clear - at least the professions of Abai and Ai Shulu are good at group attacks, and it didn't take long for these mobs to fall to the ground, except...


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"


There was a dwarf running fast, turned around and ran away, screaming a series of——



"What are you doing in a daze? Chase!"

Everyone reacted and ran away!
Following the dwarf and running in the passage, and the passage turned a little bit, Hathaway felt that she was not very good, not only because of the visual - the strange voice that disappeared in her ear started again.



Hey, this is - the clock's...

Just when Hathaway realized, the second door was close at hand——

With a flash of white light, Hathaway, who narrowed her eyes and opened them again, entered this—a room full of stoves.

"Wow, wow, save me, they killed the first, second, and third wow——" The dwarf took advantage of the few players not recovering, quickly distanced himself from them, and ran into the room.

"Oh, what's going on? Who dares to bully my cutie?!" At the same time, there was a roar, trembling that made people's feet unsteady.

A huge dwarf with dark glasses on his face and various tools on his back stepped out from behind the huge dark stove-and the "surviving" dwarf perched on his shoulders.

"It's them—" the dwarf complained.

Hathaway and the others twitched the corners of their mouths.

The small one can't beat the big one?

"Is that so——! Adventurers! You have to pay for this!" As he spoke, the boss walked to the middle, and there was a shock, and the blood on his head became clear——

Oh, boss.

Of course, the player wasn't being reasonable, and Yin Kong Frye, who didn't try to explain at all, ran up to pull hatred without saying a word——

"Aha! Sirul would actually let the adventurers come here!" The boss looked at Yinkong Frye so recklessly, calmly, and said loudly, raising his hand at the same time, several lights lit up above his head.

Taking a closer look, these turned out to be a few props, such as a hammer, sickle, and silver needle——

"Wait--" While typing, Ah Bai suddenly felt something was wrong--

"What's the matter with this hatred?" Ai Shalu also felt that something was wrong. Looking at the built-in hatred list, he found...

In the next second, the boss raised his hand and grabbed the hammer, and hit Ah Bai with a hammer—!
At this moment, Ah Bai immediately lost a portion of his blood.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Perhaps because he had never seen A Bai roll over, Yinkong Frye laughed wildly, "Let you take revenge with me?!"

However, the boss grabbed the sickle again, and an AOE appeared——

Yinkong Frye took a mouthful unpreparedly, and a part of the blood also fell out.

"...This boss doesn't have hatred settings." Seeing this, Ah Bai's mouth twitched, "And those tools—"

"Is it a tool?" Yinkong Frye was very happy when he heard that he could output, and the soul of death began to burn, and he broke out a set of skills and directly knocked out a sickle——

"Hey! Adventurers are as annoying as ever!" A buff appeared on the boss——

Angry for taking down tools too early: Attack power increased by 20%.

At the same time, the boss held a hammer and smashed it at Yinkong Frye——

If it weren't for him being T, Hathaway also gave him a damage reduction, and he would be dead right now.

(End of this chapter)

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