Advanced NPC

Chapter 75 It seems that things are not that simple?

Chapter 75 It seems that things are not that simple?
Time jumps to before Hathaway comes to Morton.


Hathaway was a little surprised when she received the communication from Tea Huo.

"Activity?" Listening to the description on the other side, her neck moved, and she looked at Ah Bai who was doing the final data sorting, and always felt that this was some kind of face-slapping scene.

"Yes, yes, come quickly—"


So she spent a considerable amount of money, using the teleportation circle of Fadu to go around several times before arriving at Morton. However, the one who greeted her——

It's a giant bear rushing toward us.

"..." Stepping on Morton City, Hathaway felt that the atmosphere in front of her was not right, and when she looked up, she saw a giant bear that was almost blurred.

Snapped his fingers, petrified.

"What's going on here?" She trotted all the way out of the attack range of the giant bear, and looked around by the way—those buildings that had been destroyed in all directions.

Is it so miserable?
What about the rest?

"Adventurers! Please help us!" Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, at this moment, Hathaway saw a few NPCs dressed as soldiers running, looking anxious.

And there are scurrying beasts all around.

If you don't stop these beasts, are you counting on me?
"Miss Sister, are you here!" Hathaway was wondering when she received a communication from Cha Huo.

She said "Oh", then received an invitation to form a team, clicked OK - and found that this team was actually a guild team from the Fantasy Club.

"Why... all the guilds are here?" Hathaway was surprised.

"Yes, this is an activity organized by the guild."

"Miss is in the village? On the side of the castle, there are many monsters here—"



Hathaway didn't know why, so she lost two more petrification skills, petrified the beasts in the field, and then ran towards the castle.

She knew what had happened before she reached the castle.

At first, it entered an aperture range, and the pleasant voice of "Congratulations on joining the range of activities" sounded in my ears.

Then I saw beasts and monsters overwhelming——

The goblins are mixed with the wild beasts, and they look like Lulus of different colors, directing them to attack the gray castle.


"Damn it, nurse me a mouthful!"

"You're so fucking far away from me fucking?"

"I don't think this monster has range skills!"

At the same time, there were people from other teams shouting at the same time - output, healing, and pulling monsters. This scene seemed to be considered huge.

When Hathaway found the position of the Once Fantasy Club, she also helped other players lose some group petrification.

"Miss Sister! This wave seems to have 10 minutes left!" On the edge of the castle, Cha Huo was throwing skills in the crowd, and his expression was excited when he saw Hathaway.

"10 minutes?" Hathaway asked curiously after hanging up a treatment for her.

"Yes, it takes half an hour for a round." Cha Huo said, "But don't worry, more and more players know about this news..."

Then these...

Hathaway suddenly understood, this is... the counterattack of the goblins?
But it's also... I was forced to do so by the human race, how could I not express it?
What's more, Adeno had some previews before.

"Oops." Speaking of this, Hesavi felt a headache.

"What's wrong?" Cha Huo asked.

"I forgot to find Adeno." Hathaway remembered that she had been too conscientious in the role of "player" during this period, and now she forgot to check on Adeno's tone .


"Miss, be careful!" Hathaway was still thinking about something, when the tea reminder came over.

She turned her head sharply, snapped her fingers, and petrified a certain bear that was pounced on her from behind.

Then there was an output rushing up, and it didn't take long to solve it.

Seeing these players pounce on them, they are extremely fierce, and seeing so many monsters seems to be seeing some treasure, it makes people——

Is this the cruelty of the blame or the cruelty of the players.

"It would be great if I could have half the momentum when writing the book." Seeing this, Hathaway sighed.

"..." Chahuo looked at the sky, pretending not to hear anything.


"Hasaway is here? Let's go together!" Guan Shanhai was directing, and when he saw Hesevi, he was also very welcome.

"I thought you guys would think that I took advantage of me because I'm a Phantom." Hathaway looked at the familiar faces around her, half-joking.

At the same time, a monster that was about to take advantage of the loophole and pounce on the player was petrified.

... Hey, seeing how calm you are, your face is not blushing and your heart is not beating, and your strikes are quick and accurate. Who dares to say that you are taking advantage?
before?That is young and frivolous and ignorant!

"Ahahaha, there are no useless occupations, only useless players."

"Miss Sister, don't worry, no one will say it—and now Miss Sister is a little popular!" Tea Huo was excited.

"On the forum, the one that is widely spread now, the group god nanny." Someone even opened the forum next to Hathaway.

Oh wow.

Hathaway raised her eyebrows, and took a look—oh shit.

Ah Bai hadn't uploaded the strategy yet, but in this post that appeared first, the topic index was higher than the strategy index, and Hathaway became a real protagonist.

Replies of "This young lady has amazing skeletons at first glance, she can become a great weapon!" "Look! My wife!" "Is the Phantom Race so superior!"


Of course there are doubts about who made Hathaway too beautiful - it's just the weak race of the Phantom Race, and it's just like that.

"Miss sister, look at how many people praise you!" As he said that, the player happened to turn to a paragraph for Hesevi - "Is there really such a sharp operation in reasoning? I'm afraid it's not in the later stage, right? The success rate of petrification is so high ?”

"..." Do you call this a boast?Everyone squinted at the player.

The scene was a little awkward.

Hathaway raised her eyelids, snapped her fingers, and a little elite not far away stopped.



"...Miss Sister, we will always believe in you!"

Hathaway smiled without saying a word, at this moment, a shadow rushed towards her - surprisingly fast.

Seeing that it was too late, Hathaway used damage reduction instead of petrification - she still lost a bit of blood.

"What the hell is that?"

"Escort escort—"


...God is so escorting!

Hathaway looked at the iron arrow that hit her - this thing couldn't really penetrate her body, it just bounced off after being shot and fell to the ground.

"This craft..." He picked up the arrow, narrowed his eyes, and meditated.


Fortunately, there was nothing to do next - 10 minutes was neither too fast nor too slow, and Hathaway also got her reward.

"Event props can be exchanged with NPCs in the castle, but they are not as good as those in the amusement park—Miss can forget about the equipment." Chahuo counted his rewards and felt flattered.

Hathaway nodded, not paying much attention: "...I'm going to the Lord's Mansion."

My main line is still to find Xier Hai——

The son of the human king who fell into a coma because of being attacked by the goblins—probably also one of the sources of things that he didn't quite understand.

But...Hathaway's dark green eyes flickered, and she looked at the iron arrow in her hand.

As if things are not that simple?

Then, of course, he went to the lord's mansion and got angry with the so-called housekeeper.

(End of this chapter)

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