Advanced NPC

Chapter 57 Why is it you again

Chapter 57 Why is it you again

When it comes to leveling, if you are serious, you can say whether it is slow or fast.


Hey, it seems that this line has been said.

Forget it, let's say it.


——The gratifying thing is that Hathaway, who was dragged by Abai to brush the book for several days, finally reached level 40.

For the current Hathaway, don't tell me what is around, how to fight, she knows the way even with her eyes closed——

Even when she saw the monsters in the dungeon, she felt a little nauseous.

Liver games are really prone to nausea reactions...

Especially when being taken by a terrifying boss like Ah Bai——

Like the mechanism encountered in the Kamal Element Cave back then, Hathaway has reached the point where she does not need to react by herself, but relies on the memory of her body to step on almost the same steps as the time axis.

——It’s all Abai’s masterpiece...

What's outrageous is that it's okay to lose skills according to the rhythm he gave, but Hathaway thought she could keep up with these things.

But when it comes to certain mechanisms, he will deliberately destroy the group, just to re-measure a value...

Hathaway vaguely felt that the past few days were like returning to her days as a mage student - she kept beating and being stopped, and she was corrected after being scolded...

The beating made her go from the so-called "mental collapse" at the beginning to "nausea", and finally... numb.


However, dungeons are simply endless—especially, Cha Huo has a hidden dungeon that needs to be faced by himself.

A few days ago, Chahuo left Zhandu. Although he had agreed to "two days" in the communication with Hesaiwei, it took several days to show up.

Hathaway finally understood the meaning of the "two days", and felt depressed for a while. Just as she relaxed her mind and wanted to take advantage of Abai's absence, she saw Cha Huo, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, in Fadu. She was still very happy. Trot all the way over: "Miss sister!"

Hathaway turned pale with fright, turned around and left.

But Chahuo ran fast, grabbed her, and happily continued holding her arm: "Let's go to book!"

"..." Can I vomit for two hours first?


In the end, he was still led away by the fire: "Miss, do you know any players in France! If you want to play the book, you have to come with two more people."

Hathaway thought about it.

Players I know... yes.

But the people in the Gandi Fortress... I heard that there will be a mid-term exam soon...

Although I don't know what the midterm exam is, but the few players who are usually active and lively are all sluggish at this time, and the online is also offline in seconds - there must be no hope at this time.

Ai not in Fadu all the year round.


"Where are the members of your guild?" Hathaway thought of the name, closed her eyes in despair, and chose to avoid it.

"They've been busy building the guild recently." Cha Huo's tone was quite indifferent, "The guild's early stage construction is still quite busy, especially for new games like LZD... the main city chosen is different. Everyone is busy making money ,make money……"

"and also?"

"Make money." Cha Huo scratched his hair, "Guilds need to spend money to open a resident, and LZD doesn't allow buying gold."

Hathaway let out an "oh", and suddenly remembered that Gandi's side is also making crazy money recently - but they have a lot of livers, and it doesn't seem very difficult to make money from production and training.

"Then why..." Hathaway glanced at the fire of tea again.

That's what you say, but everyone else is making money, what's going on with you?

"I'm Little Transparent!" Chahuo said confidently, "Salted fish has to be a salted fish. If I don't give birth, then I have a job. What can I do? Zangbao Cave died at the first door, and I have a job. Black and salty."

"..." Hathaway paused, fell silent, looked at the communicator in her hand and fell silent again, and finally looked at death as if she were home, and dialed someone's communication, "Ben, boss."

Cha Huo was amused when she saw "Ah Bai" on her newsletter.I didn't expect them to look so familiar, and looked forward to it——Bai Shen!Her dungeon is simply too stable, okay?

"...It is said that it is calculating the data, we will talk about it later." Hathaway cut off the communication and was silent for a while.

In the end, people were called...

But before anyone arrived, she felt a little chilly all over now...

Hathaway was in a delicate mood and couldn't gossip anymore. Tea Huo didn't notice her depressed mood, so after thinking about it, she decided to open a recruitment first.

"See if anyone else has received this task and can do it together." Chahuo said, "This task doesn't feel like a big deal, who made the invitation letter look like a flyer..."

"You mean everyone will have it?"

"About that? I don't think I'm going to be lucky. I've never won a lottery in a certain blog..." Cha Huo snorted, "But it shouldn't be that bad..."

"Hmm... Anyway, I haven't received anything related to it." Hathaway comforted Cha Huo.

But at this moment, they walked by an NPC, and the NPC walked forward and yelled and gave Hesevier something: "Let's take a look, the invitation letter for the hidden copy, don't miss it when you pass by..."



Looking down, hey, it's really the invitation that Chahuo said.


"...I'm dead, woo woo woo woo." Cha Huo's mood was extremely complicated, even a little heartache.

Hathaway didn't know how to comfort her now.

"Forget it, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow..." So he comforted himself.

...Your tone does not sound consoling at all.

The corners of Hesevi's mouth twitched slightly, still not knowing what to say, but the tea was already ready for recruitment.

This recruitment is still recruiting in seconds——

However, when they saw who the person came in, the two of them were very sure that this player must have entered the team without thinking.

Hmm... the player who came in was Yinkong Frye.

"My day." Yinkong Frye was also startled when he came in, "Why are you lingering?!"

"...Then get out!" Cha Huo said without any hesitation.

Originally, Yinkong Frye really wanted to leave. After all, the second generation ancestor roughly understood that every time he met Hessewi, he would have a not-so-good experience...

Go is the best policy.

However, when the tea fire said this, his rebellious soul immediately burned blazingly——

"Hey, I just won't retreat!"



Hathaway looked at the tea fire and asked, "How about we retreat?"

"Why!" Who knew that the tea fire was also burning.


Hathaway understood why the two people had such a big festival.

From this point of view, they are half a catty, right?
"Heh, isn't this XX from the Once Fantasy Club!"

"Why are you so disgusting, no, are you human?!"

"What the hell do you dare to say that I—"

"Just say it, you stupid X!"


Hathaway watched this scene, remained silent, a little craving for melons.

Ah Bai joins the team, and when he finds them, he sees the same scene.

"..." Abai looked at Hathaway.

"Don't look at me, that little brat kept arguing until he saw the fire of tea, how about the two of you continue arguing in front of your face?" Hathaway's expression was delicate, pretending to be dead.

Oh, I probably understand...

Can't stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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