Advanced NPC

Chapter 298

Chapter 298
It's been a bit boring lately.

After beating the Black Prince, Hathaway, like most players, couldn't find anything to do. It seemed that she continued to fight every day, although the atmosphere changed a little.

"Hey, what can I do recently..."

The so-called change in the atmosphere probably means that the NPC no longer has a smile on his face after seeing the player.

After the event, Hathaway fished and handed in daily tasks. Seeing the NPC's eyes, she couldn't help but look away.

"It's really disappointing." She turned around after completing the task and heard this voice—and couldn't help turning her head, and heard the NPC whisper, "The empire really fell... It's like It's what they say."

"What kind?" Hathaway tilted her head.

"Those demon adventurers said..."


"How many demon players have come to the empire?!" Five minutes later, Hathaway slammed open the door of the guild lounge, feeling a little crazy.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he saw the guild leaders sitting at the table, all serious... eating melon seeds for a meeting.

Guan Shanhai was the first to react, and greeted her: "Hey, little sister."

Hathaway: "..."

what's the situation?
"I'm sick of the devil!" Yinkong Frye buried his head in the panel to read the forum. At this moment, he was completely pissed off, and almost knocked over the orange juice on the table——

"Tsk tsk, I'm making trouble, I'm making trouble." The few people eating melon seeds just seemed to be leisurely.

Hathaway let out a "ha".

"Miss, look at the forum." Ai Jue held up the panel, "By the way, did you notice the announcement this morning?"

"No, I fell asleep." Hathaway sat down expressionlessly and opened the forum.

Good guy.

There are many people discussing the plot, but most of them are actually tearing up.

Just a few - "About which is more awesome, the Demon Race or the Elf Race", "The Demon Race is Invincible", "You are the second soul in the game", "Actually you play the villain is the protagonist" and so on.

[The demons who have been dissed by NPCs everywhere in the game story may become the biggest winners of this event-the victory of the city is indispensable. On the other hand, it is too bizarre for the human race to overturn. The appearance of the elves is like a walk after dinner. The dwarves... What else can Tinker Bell say when the demons saved me? 】

[Wow, it makes sense when will these two races be opened, the demons are so cool and can hide their appearance. 】

[I said what is this, it's just a plot, I pick the demons]

[The demons are super cool! 】

Hathaway glanced at the comments, then touched her arm—good, no goosebumps.

"Hey, it's also strange, how did the demons know about the siege?" Ai Jue was also reading the comments, and was very curious at the moment.

"The demons and elves have the talent to increase the damage of elemental spells." Hathaway knocked on the armrest of the sofa with her backhand, "You can ask Ah Jin to find out, the racial talent has spell bonuses, and the demons have a certain amount of damage. Elemental immunity, the amount of this immunity is even greater in the demonized state."

Ai Jue was taken aback: "Then..."

"They've made up their minds that they're going to get out of Longshan, so they won't let go of this opportunity. I don't know why Sirul let them do this..." Hesevi rubbed his brows, "But it's over, they probably are too. They came here with the idea of ​​fighting for the control of the human race, so they are in trouble."

Holy crap, is it that exciting?


The elves gave the black prince a fatal blow, right?

But most players didn't see that. What "most players" saw was "the demons captured Hazel".

"I'm probably discussing how to manage the human race at the moment..." Hathaway pulled a small biscuit from the table and threw it into his mouth, "The elves are not so easy to talk about—after all, there is still a lot to do in the capture of other cities." They do something."

Ai Jue was stunned: "Discussion? When did it happen?"

"Didn't he mention the meeting that Ah Bai's main line went to?" Hathaway asked back, "Oh, he didn't say what the meeting will discuss, but it should be like this."

Ai Jue: "..."

Ai Jue was depressed, and after realizing it, there was a trace of inquiry in his eyes: "He really didn't tell me...but why didn't Miss Sister go with him?"

Hathaway didn't raise her head: "I don't listen, I don't go, I don't know anything, I'm just a child."



Imperial Capital——

The so-called main hall—this is probably the place where the top leaders of the human race talk about things.

Good guy, none of the talking NPCs seem to be human.

"The current situation of the human race, is there no one to talk to?" Ah Tang, as a representative of the demon race, seemed to be from the demon race——

But the manager of the Demon Race doesn't seem to be very talkative—or in other words, there are not many NPCs in the Demon Race who are talkative.

Semi Haye can not be counted.

"Who knows." Silu sat on a chair beside him and said lazily.

"The demons should go back to Longshan." Here, the elves seem to be a little bit tense-especially Tessilien.

Ah Tang, as a player, of course couldn't confront an NPC of this level head-on - but the Demon Race Steward, who had been silent all this time, had already stepped forward in three steps and two steps, and was about to fight with others.

"That was a long time ago, this elf brother, can the old account of so long ago still be settled for 1000 years? Give us a chance?" Ah Tang smiled.

"You're dreaming." Tessillian's face was frosty, unwavering.

"But——you also have to know that Hazel is still occupied by demons..." Ah Tang raised his eyebrows, stopped Tessillian with a word, and turned his head, "White God, do you think so?"

As the only human race in the audience—the player, Ah Bai was subconsciously watching the show.

Hathaway didn't want to come, of course he wouldn't and couldn't let her come.

Then watch a play.

Who knows, but someone wants to add drama to himself.

"It's none of my business." Even so, he remained calm, and finally added, "The purpose of capturing Hazel was to attack the Black Prince. The Black Prince was killed by the elves, not to mention the elves, and there were no demons among the crusaders. People... the three main cities are still managed by the dwarves."

The leaders of the alliance are Xierhai and Xilu, and now the highest right to speak is clearly on Xilu.

At this moment, Siru was thrown out of the pot, the hand holding the wine glass shook, and the wine foam sprinkled on his beard: "Tsk, you young people can't do it."

Tessillian and the demon boss: "..."

Bigger than you, thank you.

"It seems that we can't get a suitable solution?" Lantiste, who was drinking tea next to Xilu, looked up and smiled, "Then sit down and have a cup of tea?"

"Your Highness—your attitude." Tessillian glanced at him.

"But this situation is very difficult..." Lantiste smiled wryly, "There is no one in the human race who can take full responsibility for the covenant at the moment, although we have always insisted on not letting the demons leave Longshan... but it has aroused the resentment of the human race, It's very troublesome."

"That's a matter for the human race." Tessillian said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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