Advanced NPC

Chapter 29 Shut up

Chapter 29 Shut up

"Then, I will leave the rest to you." The NPC remained respectful.

Hathaway: "..."

Hathaway: " wait for my old lady?"

The NPC stopped when he heard the sound, and retracted a stepped leg: "Do you need any help?"

"..." Hathaway rolled her eyes unhurriedly, "You guys... can't provide a way to obtain materials..."

This is the first time she has seen such a sloppy list of materials... just write a few names and quantities and it's over.

The main reason is that she is too unfamiliar with the distribution of these materials in the Terran territory.

"The acquisition of materials is of course up to you to explore on your own." The NPC continued to smile, "I believe you will be able to do well."


Explore on your own?


You say it again?
However, the NPC's expression is the same as always.




After the NPC left, Hathaway went to a console, inspected it, and felt that things were getting more and more miraculous.

"No measuring tools." Sighed.

"There is no instrument to stabilize the elements." Sighed again.

"These two..." Looking at the box where the equipment was placed in the corner of the workbench, "Adornments..."

Can this ghost console really do alchemy? !
Hathaway, chief of the Continental Alchemy Society, doubted herself a little.

Is it because she has no knowledge of dwarven magic engineering?Of course not—it's just that countless painful experiences told her that simply eating past experience will make her play off.

So she silently opened the communication.

Call Chahuo, on the other side: "Hey, I'm fighting monsters now! I'll tell you later!"

...Obviously you didn't say that half an hour ago.

Call Ai Jue, on the other side: "This is an automatic reply, please leave a message if you have anything to do."

Calling Guan Shanhai, there was a lot of noise on the other side, mixed with a few words: "MB's Yinkong Frye, that cancerous old man xxxx..."

Then came the voice of Guanshanhai: "Hey, Hesevi? What's the matter?"

"It's okay, you guys work hard." Hathaway decisively cut off the communication. .


"Let's make way! Let's make way!" Just when Hathaway was thinking about whether she should make trouble by herself, a voice sounded from behind.

She was startled, and found that she seemed to be blocking the door, she stepped aside, and then saw...

A stack of boxes... moving?
Hathaway was taken aback for a moment, then realized that it was a girl holding the box.

The girl was a player, wearing dark overalls, and walked all the way without looking at Hathaway except for reminders, and then went to the console.

Hathaway saw that she put down the box, and then took out everything from the box.

They are all basic materials, but there are also some unusual ones.

Then, the girl put her hand on a branch, paused for a moment, and then a yellow light lit up on the branch.

Before the light dissipated, she picked up another piece of ore, and pressed the branch that turned into yellow light into the ore.


The girl then put the glowing yellow ore aside, found another bottle, and poured some powder into it.

Throw the ore into the bottle again, only to hear a "ding"...


Hathaway's eyes widened, her expression as if she had eaten something incredible.

my day.

What is this operation.

The girl seemed to be planning to take a look at the thing she "made", and was lifting it up, but happened to catch Hesevi's sight, and her hands shook in fright.

The bottle cracked and the liquid spilled all over the floor.



The scene was a bit embarrassing.

"Eh..." Hathaway realized at this moment that her expression was too unrestrained, "I'm sorry, I was just a little shocked."

"..." I could see it.

The girl smiled awkwardly.

Hathaway also laughed awkwardly.

The two stared at each other in silence for a while.

"Brother, don't you... don't know the production process?" The girl seemed to have finally come to her senses.

"Do I look like I know it?" Hathaway said.


Many designs in the game are moving closer to "real", but since it is a game, it cannot be completely "real".

For example, it is impossible to require players to release skills in a certain posture and degree in a completely consistent manner in combat, and it is impossible to completely follow the "real steps" in production - what are hundreds of processes in one step, how long is the timing of a process, and how many weeks is added up to a construction period? ...

I'm afraid the game will be cold for a long time.

Therefore, like the battle system, the production system Hathaway saw was also simplified.

"But even if it's simplified, it's really troublesome." The girl kindly explained after learning that Hesavi was really confused.

But because the scene was so sudden that she smashed something, she could only do it again at this time.

Hathaway felt ashamed that she had caused someone to mess up the finished product, but when she thought of the operation method that had been simplified to the point where it was not clear that it had half a dime relationship with the previous process.

My heart really hurts...

"Alchemy is troublesome to practice. You have to use the console, which can't be carried around, and you have to use skills to adjust the data." The girl said leisurely while making things.

In the past, magic engineering was a delicate job, and anyone who did it was extremely nervous. I dare you to chat now.

But it is also "excusable" - players in the game only need to find materials according to the formula, and then go to the console for simple reading and processing. No matter how difficult it is, it is just a matter of a few more production skills.

Not to mention chatting, Hathaway felt that she might be able to sing a song.

The world is going down...

"So... as long as there are materials, it is enough?" Hathaway struggled, "Cut down a tree or something outside."

"Cut down a tree? My friend, you are so cute - the other materials of this game are okay, and the key materials may need to be copied."

Hathaway thumped in her heart: "For example?"

The girl opened the panel with one free hand: "Nepenthes fluorescent, black thorns, sun dew, etc."

My day is all the materials I have to prepare.

"...What are you going to do...a dungeon?" Hathaway's eyes darkened.

In my impression, every trip is full of surprises...

"Why did you receive the collection task? Luck is really shit!"

"..." Shut up now.

Hathaway wanted to cry but had no tears, thinking that Miranda really had bad intentions...

"However, the dungeons of those materials outside the city can be found. There is a brother who is going there, so you can form a team." The girl said, throwing the finished medicine in her hand into the air, drawing a beautiful line arc.

"????" Hathaway was taken aback by this action, and frantically tried to catch it.

But one hand has already caught it first.

Fuck, it wasn't thrown to her.

This was Hathaway's first thought.

Fuck, big brother, why are you lingering?

This was Hathaway's second thought when she turned her head and saw the person coming.

Abai glanced at Hesaiwei, then looked at the girl who was in production: "...How much material is missing?"

"Two black thorns." The girl spread her hands, "Let's go to the cave for a while, I'm going to practice fishing, come back and tell go!"

As he spoke, he opened the panel, cut a fishing production job, took out a pair of fishing rods from his backpack and ran away.


Hathaway felt that she was caught in a very delicate emotion.

Say it's not good for them to drink water, and I'm getting used to it after watching it.

I even feel that it is not impossible to simplify it...

quite interesting...

I bother!Hathaway, you have fallen!

(End of this chapter)

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