Advanced NPC

Chapter 286 I'll Just See How Many Chapters I Can Write By Being a Black Prince (6)

Chapter 286 I'll Just See How Many Chapters I Can Write By Being a Black Prince (6)

"The next stage—"

These words are like some kind of signal, as soon as they appear, it makes the players who are a little bit numb when they are playing -

"A hopeless effort is like a clown." The Black Prince said softly—at the same time, the light flashed, and everyone's meters began to drop crazily.





Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Facing the suddenly exciting BGM, the mood is approaching the terrifying realm of "Eternal Desolation".


"Is there anyone who hasn't been immobilized now?" An honest man couldn't help but ask.

"80." Abai said suddenly.

People were taken aback, at first they didn't know what he was talking about, and then they suddenly understood——

"My day, the settlement value of the transition stage is reduced by 80?"

"...I can't even complain, which lucky little clever ghost is okay now?"

"It doesn't look like it, save the child..."

For a while, in order to control the value of 70, an 80 was dropped at this moment—so that it would not become negative, but at this moment, each of them must be 0.

What's the difference between this and group destruction...

No, Bi Tuan Mie is aggrieved.


At this moment—four cyan lights flashed from around the boss—the four cyan lights were four small cyan balls. After flashing out, the speed gradually slowed down, and then stopped among the players, floating Floating, as if hesitating.

Everyone: "...I beg you to give me a good time?"

However, the Black Prince stood with his hands behind his back, as if he didn't intend to make a move——

Is this P2 so chic?The player stared at the sky without saying a word, just watching what would happen to the cyan light group - but saw them floating in mid-air, looking at the surroundings...

"Don't come here, don't come here..." Yinkong Frye stared at the wind group in front of him almost cross-eyed, and said that he wanted to say that-but except for the team channel, it seemed that he couldn't use it.

The wind group leaned towards him in an instant.

Yinkong Frye: "..."

Then it hesitated and went back, approaching another player.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in the next second, the wind mass pierced him headlong, and blew up on him with a bang, killing half of his blood——


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"


"Booming in a trance"

Yinkong Fry is angry, but there is nothing to do - but this is not absolute, and a blue vortex is formed in the place where the wind mass was blown up...

The same goes for the other three wheals that hit the player.



A series of explosions sounded, and the players in that range probably couldn't laugh for long——

Yinkong Frye wanted to laugh, because other people in this area laughed at him very happily just now, and now it can be said to be a reward for the world—however, the damage caused by the explosion also destroyed half of his remaining blood Lost.


"It seems... the boss can only throw special skills?" Among the players who can only be stakes, the giants actually studied the mechanism.

Alas, death is death anyway, so it's better to take a second look and wait until it's easier to fight.

"It's a pity... I can't see if I can draw hatred." Ai Jue said casually, "It was wind just now, what will it be later—don't tell me that all elements come once?"

As he said that, a red circle appeared under his feet.

Ai Jue: "..."

This time, four players were still selected, and Ai Jue watched helplessly as his blood volume was blown down.

Then the circle spread, exploding two gradually expanding circles, and leaving an area with the burn debuff on the ground.

So many "stakes" players are hanging by eating dots.

In fact, Hathaway is also waiting to die at this moment, staring at the black prince, and doesn't seem to have any other thoughts, but her gaze has been stopped at——

on the ring in his hand.

I think this thing is actually a bit familiar.

But... She felt that there were too many familiar things.

As an elf who has lived for more than a hundred years, she only spends one-third of her life managing the elf land, and spends the rest of her time receiving various trainings, reading various books left over from the era of the demon god, or since the emergence of silver protection, Books spread across the continent.

Even though she is not familiar with the human race, she can tell who are the sages of the human race and how many kings there have been.

There are too many things to remember, but in the end, I don’t really remember anything, especially those things that are buried deep in the memory.

Hathaway wanted to rub her forehead, but just as she was about to raise her hand, she suddenly found herself...

Oh, still set.

She was helpless for a while, and when she looked up again, she found that the Black Prince was no longer standing in his original position, it seemed that...


"This is teleportation right?!"


Teleportation - Hathaway squinted her eyes, then looked back at the position where the Black Prince was just now, and found that something actually appeared there...

A black ball of light with a blood bar on it.

The Black Prince stood near Jiang Sheng, and the familiar transparent wavy air flow oscillated again, and they felt the full-screen AOE damage in an instant——

Four times in a row.

White light flashes.


"Congratulations, the group is finally annihilated." Walking out of the resurrection point, Guan Shanhai applauded expressionlessly.

The same is true on other people's faces, their expressions are a bit indescribable... Tsk, how should I put it.

"Actually, if P2 is like's not difficult." However, there are also people who "truly express emotion".

Being fixed and looking at the whole screen, in fact, you can feel the change in blood volume under the skill - it's not big, and it doesn't look difficult to hide.

"The skill of the fire element remembers to expel the circle. I saw that the dot didn't mean to disappear at all."

"Well, after the boss left...there is something that can be attacked at the original position. I feel like I want to fight it?"

People are chattering, and it sounds like there is still hope for a while?

"Is it necessary to take an elemental shock before changing the stage?" After speaking, Yuge adjusted his glasses and said this very crucial point.

... simply.


The capital of the sanctuary.

An NPC who was lying on a hospital bed and fell into a coma for a long time opened his eyes in a room covered by curtains from the sun.

"Master Alfred..." The waiter at the side was startled when he saw this, and couldn't help but stepped forward.

Alfred is not dead.

However, the previous situation seemed to be almost the same as death.

He half-opened his eyes vainly. If it wasn't for the bright light in his eyes, he might have woken up before the NPC could react.

"I'll get you some water..." The waiter saw that he opened his mouth but couldn't get the words out, so he said——

"Wait..." Alfred's voice was weak, "Corolla..."

The waiter was taken aback.

"Silver Corolla... at that person's place..."


"Stop him..."

(End of this chapter)

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