Advanced NPC

Chapter 281 I'll Just See How Many Chapters I Can Write By Being a Black Prince (1)

Chapter 281 I'll Just See How Many Chapters I Can Write By Being a Black Prince (1)

The Black Prince stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head, and looked at the oil painting quietly, his eyes seemed to fall far away through the oil painting.

Finally he opened his mouth softly and said, "What a pity."

The moment his words fell, a wave-like air current oscillated, quietly fainting with him at the center.


Outside the city gate, the players were still waiting for the reminder from the players who had sneaked into the city, when they suddenly saw a layer of light flashing in the black city.

They startled.


The city gates opened slowly, the mage stood behind the soldiers and chanted, all kinds of lights flickered off guard, and rushed towards the mountain where the player was -

They didn't recover until a few players turned into white light and returned to the resurrection point.

"My day—this is fucking different from what you said?!"

[The Black Prince ordered the final attack, dear adventurers, please counterattack as soon as possible, and crusade against those who endanger the safety of the mainland! 】

"I rely on?"

"Do you know how to add 'dear' at this time?!"

"Who am I, my dear! Goose heart!"

The players went crazy after being stunned—at least they made some deployments, and gradually recovered after making complaints about it, and began to try to counterattack——


A Bai fired a shot at the City Lord's Mansion and pushed open the door.

For a moment, after the initial nonsense and the shock just now, the "Heavenly Chosen Ones" were all as quiet as chickens, looking nervously into the hall...

The light source in this hall is limited, but fortunately there is moonlight through the windows——

It landed on the black back.

An extremely desolate figure.

"What should we do?" Yinkong Frye couldn't help whispering, "He's already like this and he still wants to attack. I'm afraid he really wants to fight us to the death?!"

Yuge didn't want to talk to him very much: "Where did you get the net?"

Of course, the players would not play desperately with the Black Prince—but his behavior really made people feel doubts and concerns.

"You were once exiled to Longshan." Just when these people were bewildered and didn't know how to unfold the plot, "Secondary Two" such as Haisaiwei had already walked in, and said in a deep voice, "Someone saved you."

Listening to Hesevi's words, Ah Bai couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, and a subtle light flashed——

He suddenly remembered "a story" that Xier Hai told before he left.

The brown-haired man looked very pale, and his tone was——

"Someone told my father that he was cursed by Ghana—so he was exiled like that. Some people thought it was ridiculous, because Ghana's curse was a thousand years ago..."

"Nobody expected him to come back."

"Father's heart softened, thinking that under the glory of Baiyin, he actually let his child suffer such a situation. Therefore, he regained everything he had obtained in one day."

"I've always thought he harbored hatred, but Miranda said in her last letter to me—the man had no hatred, nothing in his heart."


"No one saved me." The black prince's figure seemed to freeze for a moment, and then he "thawed" with his voice, "Adventurers—we are actually quite familiar with it."


The player was taken aback.

Then when I came back to my senses, I was a little emotional.

It's very familiar, isn't it the kind of familiarity with the villain? !
"Hey, do you think he wants to play the emotional card?" Yinkong Frye beeped subconsciously.

"It's possible." Even Guan Shanhai somewhat agreed, "The villain who wants to destroy the world always has to beep a bunch of his own values ​​before he dies, and then he is rejected by the protagonist group righteously, a bloody battle - and then defend the world Peace."

Yinkong Frye was amazed, and changed his view of Guanshanhai: "I didn't expect you to understand so much?!"

"Let me tell you, the plot of the Black Prince will be a wave of nonsense, and he will die from talking too much." Guan Shanhai clapped his hands, "It's so fucking educational."

Yinkong Frye didn't have the self-consciousness that he was a talkative at all, and even echoed: "Oh!"

"That's right, when I was young, I was also hung up and beaten by my dad because I was addicted to games." Guan Shanhai said modestly.

"So coincidental?!"



Is there any value in seeing each other so late...

At this time, the black prince who "tried to persuade the protagonist group to accept his own values ​​of destroying the world" smiled——smiled calmly, and then a tube of blood appeared on his head——

Like a gust of wind, it dragged them into the City Lord's Mansion——

"Then, I won't talk nonsense, let's see if the person my lovely brother chooses can kill me."

Everyone: "..."

Then he glanced at the two players who were talking about it just now.

Yinkong Frye looked at the mountains and seas again.

Guan Shanhai: "..."

Guan Shanhai: "It's over and over! What are you young people doing, don't you think it's a game so you don't have to fight?! We're going to get the first kill!"


Only our team can fight this boss in the whole server. If we beat it, we won the first kill, is it a ghost?

"What the hell is this?!"

Apparently, everyone was still a little unable to extricate themselves from the atmosphere, and then they heard Ai Jue's exclamation.

People looked and found that this big boss who took the initiative to assume the important task of master T had already received the hatred of the black prince - at the same time, a pointer-like thing appeared on his head.


"Domain." Hathaway heard the sound and opened a few auxiliary skills for Ai Jue, "This is his mansion, it should have been equipped with a black magic domain—"

People were startled, only to find something that appeared in the buff list——

[Death Gallery: Black Magic Domain]

"No - so what is this watch?" Ai Jue faced the pressure of the black prince directly, and was very sensitive to everything - if he couldn't do it well, he was afraid of sudden death in the next second.

With that said, the players who entered the battle found that there was one more within their sight——

Call it a clock, with a simple shape and hands—but it’s actually a meter.

The top of the meter is 100, and the bottom is of course 0.

The initial value is 5.

"I feel a little heavy?" At this time, some players responded——


At this time, the players felt as if they were walking in a quagmire, and the movements of walking were extremely difficult.

Including release skills.

"What's the hurry—I can't move anymore?" I don't know which little clever ghost suggested—this mage is standing in the distance secretly, throwing a skill leisurely——

Soon, the value of the meter on his body became 0.

At the same time, a debuff was obtained——

[Hand of Shia: Lost all active energy and fell into a permanent immobilization state. 】

Those two forever can be said to be bright red and eye-catching——

"Xia..." Hathaway squinted her eyes, took two steps, and saw that the meter value on her body—the so-called activity energy—had increased by 10, so she turned her head and said, "Everyone move—— "

In fact, there are quite a few people who are moving now-players are basically hyperactive, and it is uncomfortable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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