Advanced NPC

Chapter 273 Hidden dog food is the deadliest

Chapter 273 Hidden dog food is the deadliest
Dog food is good, dog food is wonderful, dog food is croaking——

a ghost.

"CNM! I can't stand it anymore!" Yinkong Frye swung his weapon violently, unable to bear it anymore——

Fucking ah?
What do you mean?Who is afraid of whom?Isn't it the object?


"Hit the boss and show off!"

The others were taken aback, and thought it made sense—they also took up weapons.

"Dog food is really delicious." Jiang Sheng said quietly.

Yinkong Frye: "..."

Hathaway: "Hahahahahaha..."


Not to mention this miraculous situation, it was the first time for a demon player to appear as a player-especially this is a new profession.

"I'm looking forward to the new version, the new class is really fun." As a master of leveling, Huaishan's eyes lit up after finishing all his classes--

"It should be limited to demons and elves..." Abai paused, "Unless you delete the number."

Huaishan: "..."

Huaishan: "Disappointed."

The disappointed big brother Huaishan can only take the strong revenge at this time, and skillfully hold the boss's hatred - the heads of the members of the Gandi Fortress have basically been hammered once in this book these days, and now they are playing smoothly, It was completely abused out of the horror thing called muscle memory.

"The new version... If you can't beat the black prince, there is no new version." Ah Tang secretly sighed that he couldn't show his affection, and while waving his staff and throwing skills, he said, "Maybe this game is over. ?”

"Is that so?" Guan Shanhai raised his eyebrows.

Ah Tang's eyes were bent.

"I thought the version could only be released after hammering the demons, but there are still players in this race?!"


"One person chooses the goblin family with a blood book, hahahaha——" Jiang Sheng said while breastfeeding. She was familiar with the process, but she didn't scream too much, and she vomited all the shit——

"Do you want to recognize the patriarch of the goblin clan? Wow, the thief is terrifying—" Huaishan was startled.

Jiang Sheng: "...Oh, forget it then."

Fingley, who was shot inexplicably: "..."

What is the essence of writing books - typing books while chatting.

Especially this kind of book that has been played for a long time and has already stabilized a group, but still requires brains to play-it is very suitable for such small talk.

Even if it is mixed with a demon or something, it is very suitable.

Hathaway has always felt that players are very casual, which is probably reflected in——

Last second: Fuck me, there are demons!

This second: What's going on with the demons?

Next second: What will you eat later?
"I'm's really casual." Hathaway couldn't help complaining to Abai.

Abai: "..."

Even Ah Tang didn't think much of it, the shock he created when he appeared was swallowed up by the messy chat in just a few minutes.

"By the way, why are you suddenly free to find fault today?" After getting off P2, several people ran around, Guan Shanhai seemed to have remembered something, and said to Yinkong Frye, "Is it too busy today?"

"Because of that idiot Yuge!" Yinkong Frye gritted his teeth when this matter was brought up, but he didn't hide it.

Everyone looked calm.

Anyway, he didn't dare to say this to Yuge himself.

"What did he tell you? A few days ago, he asked me if there were any resources for children's etiquette education." Guan Shanhai said "Oh", as if thinking of something, and sighed with emotion.

"Damn—it's all you! What kind of things are they sent to him?!" Mentioning this matter, Yinkong Frye became even more angry, "He asked me to read and recite the full text! How many years have I been graduated!"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone: "Hahahahahahahaha..."

Yinkong Frye was shocked, thinking that these people were too much, he was so miserable, and in the end they would only "hahahahaha"? !

Fuck, why doesn't he go back and read and recite the whole thing?

In fact, Hathaway is single-wife at this moment, and Jiang Sheng is all output-but she didn't miss any of the players talking, and by the way...

"Yellow circle run." She reminded the tea.

"Eh? Oh!" Cha Huo was stunned, quickly regained his senses, and ran outside—but there was still something unusual on his face...

"Stay?" Hathaway thought for a while.

But no one heard it—the next mechanism processing is to run the connection, and the processing of the mechanism requires two connected players to run to the boss, and this wave is her and the new Atang .

But although he seems to be a newcomer, he is not unfamiliar with it, and his movements are smooth.

Hathaway was a little curious about the demon players, so when the two approached the boss, she casually glanced at him——

Mechanism ends.

"Ah Bai!" Seeing that the stage was about to change, Ah Bai stepped back a few steps, and when he was about to find a suitable position, he heard Hathaway rushing to his side.

He raised his eyebrows, showing a hint of doubt.

"That Demon Race..." Hesavi hissed, "Can't you really kill your teammates?!"

Abai: "?"

Abai: "That demon race...has any enmity with you?"

What do you think, the only one who can make Hathaway think this way is this new player.

Hathaway's expression was subtle, and she didn't know where to start for a while.

Demons have the ability to demonize their appearance. Once their appearance disappears, they are basically black no matter they are men, women, or children—Hathaway, who is very familiar with this, is also very sensitive to the breath of demons, even if they are theoretically There will be no leakage of breath.

This is probably the sixth sense. When it is really formed - Hathaway only needs to get a little closer to identify a demon that she has "seen".

Mom, this demon player... is the one who tried to trick her in the Fadu camp last time——

"While outside Fadu..." Abai was slightly startled when he heard her say this, "You were attacked?"

The voice raised unconsciously.

Before Hathaway had time to say anything, it was time to go to P3.

This stage is the part that needs to concentrate on brushing the boss now-even though they have done it many times, but the processing at this stage is more troublesome, and the requirements for output are also high.

For a while, Hathaway didn't speak.

In the last second, she was surprised, "making a small report", complaining, thinking about revenge against the demon players who attacked her, and caring about it - the next second she concentrated on milking her, and even snapped her fingers The players, including Ah Tang, gave a circle of milk.

Abai: "..."

In fact, you are the one who is casual, right?
It seemed that nothing happened—seeing that the blood of the boss was about to bottom out, Ah Tang stood there silently without moving.

All kinds of dots of the black magician greeted the boss - at this moment, there were two rows under the status bar of the boss, which looked very ruthless.

"Little princess, let me show you... How about detonation?" He bent his lips and smiled—naturally speaking to the tea that occasionally glanced at him, his voice was low.

The arrow is on the string.

His detonation skills are about to be released——

The tealight trembled, and before he could speak, he saw a golden light blasting on the boss like a broken bamboo——

Then the last small part of the blood bar will be empty.



Ah Bai put away his weapon, expressionless.

Cha Huo immediately applauded: "Bai Shen is awesome!"

Ah Tang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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