Advanced NPC

Chapter 27 Adventurers Are Terrifying

Chapter 27 Adventurers Are Terrifying
"Hmm... I want to know some important things... I don't want to tell others, where should I go?"

Imperial Silver Land.

In the first hall after entering the main entrance, an NPC stuck in a corner looked at the player who made the "request", with a wry smile on his face, and a dazed and helpless tone.

In front of the NPC was a beautiful woman with brown hair——at the moment she was looking at her with serious dark green eyes.

...the NPC is desperate.

What is this player going to do...

What is "Where should I go if I want to know some important things that I don't want to tell others"? !

No matter how long you look at it!How did she know what it was...

What's more, didn't she already say that she didn't know!Why are you still holding on to her!

She was just passing by on errands... Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


In realistic games, it is not uncommon for NPCs to be blocked by "rogue" players, and it is even common.

This poor errand NPC encountered such a mess—as for the "rogue" on the opposite side, oh, it was "native" Hathaway.

Hathaway was unmoved, and even her gaze became firmer.

With a clear goal, although she was reluctant, she ran to the silver land of the empire.

But when I got here, I really didn't know where to start, so I simply played a hooligan, thinking that I must be firm, and don't be led by these people from the silver land of the empire.

The so-called prejudice is like this, the more serious others are, the more unbelieving you are...

So, the situation turned into this: the NPC really didn't know what she was going to do, and was very confused and innocent.She didn't know where to start, and she didn't trust them very much, so she was very firm in messing around.

...the picture is so beautiful.


"What's going on? Why are you still here?" At this moment, a somewhat cold voice broke the awkward stalemate, Hathaway's eyebrows twitched, and she followed the voice——

An ordinary-looking woman walked towards this side. She was dressed in a white robe with dark lines, and her eyes were clear.

There is an aura of flowers of the high mountain all over the body.

This breath...

Hathaway's heart tightened - this is definitely a big shot.

"Ah...Master Miranda, I'm about to go! But...but..." When the NPC saw the savior, he was so happy that he almost cried. Seve's eyes suddenly filled with embarrassment.

Miranda raised her eyebrows and looked at Hathaway: "...Adventurer?"

This tone...

Hathaway curled the corners of her mouth, and all her apprehension disappeared, and instead she looked at Miranda with great interest.

"Ask me if you have anything. You go there first, don't delay the work of the studio." Seeing that Hathaway didn't speak, Miranda continued.

Hathaway cooperatively got out of the way.

The NPC was very grateful, and after taking a weak look at Hessewi, he trotted away.

"Do you have anything to ask, adventurer." Miranda breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head, pinched the bridge of her nose, and said to Hesevi, "Empire Silver Land will try its best to help adventurers, but if it is not within our ability Within the range, I'm sorry."

It seems that he doesn't want to communicate with adventurers much.

Hathaway quickly looked around the hall and found that the newly arrived adventurers grabbed the NPC and asked "Do you have any tasks?"

Tsk players are really annoying.

I don't know if I should agree with Miranda's attitude.

Ahem, it seems like she was doing something similar just now...

Hey, forget it.

Hathaway put those messy thoughts aside, and when she looked at Miranda again, her eyes became a little more serious: "I want to ask... about Mr. Adeno."

Miranda raised her eyebrows, apparently not expecting her to ask this question: "How do you know Mr. Adeno..."

"I'm a Phantom, and I have some doubts about the understanding of elements. I heard that Master Adeno's research can help me. I wonder if you can let me meet him?" Hathaway lied. Not sure what a draft is.

Miranda was taken aback.

The eighteen sages have different specializations. As Adeno, who has the deepest connection with various races, he has also studied the Phantom Race, and his achievements are irreplaceable by other sages.

"...I'm sorry, I can't help you. Mr. Adeno has been communicating with the elements recently, so he can't see guests for the time being." Miranda only thought for a moment.

Hearing this, Hathaway sneered in her heart.

Liar ah.

Only players who can release spells without touching the magic line will believe this kind of nonsense.

Mages grew up communicating with the elements, using elemental spells in this way, and deepening their effectiveness through constant practice.Also, chants are the way to use elements.

But it is not the power of skills that determines the singing time, but the efficiency of communication elements.

Simply put, the more successful the elemental communication is, the more familiar you are with the elemental, and the shorter the singing time will be.

Sages are the best mages, and singing is nothing to them—an example is that Atwood, who is a sage, can instantly cast all wind spells, so in the instance of Battle at the Adventurer's Tavern, the boss The skills are not read.

Tsk, it's getting too far.

Conversely, to reach the level of sage's incomparable familiarity with the elements, there is no need to communicate with the elements at all.

Miranda was looking for an excuse to shirk.

"Ah, what should I do? What if he meditates for hundreds of years?" However, although Hathaway knew it was a lie, she couldn't immediately expose it, so she had to be a showman.

Why not dismantle it?

——Hathaway can't be sure of Adeno's whereabouts, nor can she be sure of Miranda's attitude. In this way, after calculating in her heart, she feels that the worst situation is that this woman imprisoned her mission target.

After dismantling it, take a step back and say, even if the matter has nothing to do with her, I'm afraid it will be an embarrassing situation.

—God knows why she didn't feel embarrassed when she blocked the NPC just now.

In particular, the mage's affairs are not something ordinary people can easily understand, no matter in the game or in her past cognition.

But Hathaway still disgusted Miranda.

"..." Miranda wanted to roll her eyes.

What is meditation for hundreds of years... Is it possible that the human race can live for hundreds of years?

"I don't know how long it will take..." She thought for a while, trying to ask Hathaway to give up.

"Arentia! I won't leave until I see Mr. Adeno!" However, this beauty was short of a banner.

Miranda was silent, looking at Hathaway with an unpredictable expression.

so troublesome……

...But, she should be just an ordinary adventurer.

Or find a way to divert her attention.

"Master Miranda! It's not good!" It's really a coincidence that the NPC who ran past just now ran back again.

(End of this chapter)

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