Advanced NPC

Chapter 228 Heart.Affection.good.have to.very.Woolen cloth.

Chapter 228 Heart.Affection.good.have to.very.Woolen cloth.

Doruma struggled to speak——

What the hell is this human rebel leader?Blindly forced丨What are you forcing?Does he still want to save face? !
"Ahahahaha—the construction period is coming soon! Lord Doluma!" Ke Luo laughed loudly, walked over, pulled and pulled Doluma's shoulders.

It's just that Duoluma is too short, but he's quite tall, and now he's gaiting, which looks strange.

Doruma wanted to smash his head with a hammer, but he was reminded that he still had work to do.

However, Duo Luma just thought he was in a bad mood, and he didn't give face when he didn't do the work: "What? The disgusting things about your human race-now you still want me to work overtime?"

"Don't dare," Ke Luo smoothed his hair for him desperately, smiling, "It's you who said the construction period, and I'm thinking of your face—the famous dwarf sage Doruma actually delayed the construction period. Can't make it up?"

Duo Luma stared, originally wanting to deny it, but at this moment he couldn't hold back a word.



It used to be three, but now there are four players standing in a row, not knowing what to say.

Hathaway knew that the alliance would find some foreign aid, but she didn't expect them to talk to Doruma—this was amazing, and she was a little curious about what conditions they gave to Doruma.

"The construction period will not be delayed...but." Duo Luma slammed Ke Luo's arm, hummed, and walked towards the forge behind, "There is still a lack of materials."

The player's heart skipped a beat.

Alright, let’s not talk about anything else, what about professional errand runners? !

They were still very curious - how could Duoluma, who was making things for the Alliance, be in a dungeon of Morton Cave and stay in the workshop of the dwarves?

Dare to be kind, it is to find something for the player...

"I watched the previous customs clearance video...Doruma just played a symbolic fight with them, and said to the player 'It's so stupid', and it was over." Ai Jue said at this time.

"A few people seem to have said a few more words to him...but none of them were important conversations." Ah Jin added.


It seems that this plot...

"Um, my main storyline has been updated." Hathaway raised her hand slightly at this time, "Although originally... After I handed in the previous mission, there is no follow-up."

Hathaway's main quest progress continued until the appearance of the Black Prince, after the Phantom Spirit Temple, but when she came back from the temple, she handed in the main quest and there was no follow-up.I haven't paid attention to these before, and I have been playing blindly almost all the time.

But did not expect ...

"The main plot." A Bai pondered.

At this time, Ke Luo waved to several players, smiling: "Then, adventurers, for the glory of the alliance - help us find some materials!"

A group of people: "..."

After hearing the snakeskin tone, they really wanted to refuse.

"Oh, don't want this expression." Ke Luo was in a coquettish posture, and stopped in front of Hathaway at this time, and said to her with a smile, "Just look for two pure fire element crystals—"


The brains of several players in the strategy group began to run at high speed, wondering if they had heard of this thing somewhere.

The official LZD really doesn't publish material illustrations. The things in this area are all contributed by players and integrated by the strategy team-so it is not impossible to encounter things that have never been heard of.

So... They really didn't know what it was this time.

After thinking about it, they all turned their heads and put their hopes on Hesevi...

Ah Bai knew who Hathaway was, and the other two——Ai Juequan thought Hathaway was an encyclopedia, and Ah Jin...ahem, she followed suit.

In short... I always feel that Hathaway must know something.

"Here." The astonishing thing is - under the recognized gaze, Hathaway took out two bright red crystals from the backpack expressionlessly, like rubies, but more dazzling than rubies.




The players were silent, and Ke Luo was also a little dazed for a moment, and then he came back to his senses, "Hey", and stretched out his hand: "Oh, cutie, your movements are really fast-it's amazing!"

Hathaway touched her nose, her eyes flickered: "You really need this thing... Can the barrier of Fadu be solved only with classical Aryan cannon..."

"Wow - the cutie actually knows the classical Aryan cannon, it seems that I have to change my view of adventurers a little bit! You guys are so amazing!" Ke Luo was extremely surprised, and it seemed that he was about to rush over to give Hathaway a shot. Big hugs.

Sure enough, Hathaway backed away quickly and accurately avoided the hug.

Then his expression was a little subtle, and his smile was half ironic and half emotional: "This knowledge... I learned it from elves, right? Is it a document left by the Dreyfus family, or..."

Or are you actually cooperating with some elves?

Colo's smile froze.

Hathaway narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Very good, seeing this reaction is really cooperating with the elves.

...How should I put it, she has always believed that the elves will not interfere in external affairs, and do not care about world affairs in the elf land.

However, the knowledge about classical Aryan cannons acquired by the alliance clearly came from the land of the elves—except for the elves, who else can give them this help?Who was the elf who helped them?

But these are not important, the important thing is...

"Hey, rubbish elves, they say they don't care about world affairs and stay in the elf land, so they've left the elf land at the moment, it's hypocritical." Duo Luma sneered, "Those nonsense nonsense sounds really funny. "

In fact, this was what she and Doruma were arguing about, but now she was the one who slapped her in the face, and it wasn't even 10 minutes before and after—Hasewei's expression now is very exciting.

It can be said - laugh.Allow.Can.rotten.

Really - heart.Affection.good.have to.very.Woolen cloth.

"Oh, little cutie, you look really bad, are you constipated—" Ke Luo looked at Hathaway curiously.

Hathaway glanced at him and realized that Ke Luo would appear suddenly... The cover-up was obviously not to tell the adventurers about the elves.

What more can she say?
"So, what else is there for Mrs. Keluo?" Hathaway controlled her emotions after a while, and said with a smile, almost gnashing her teeth.

"Oh, slap in the face." Duo Luma glanced at her and raised his eyebrows.


"Miss! Calm down!"

"Fuck! Calm down?! Kill the NPC and there will be no mission—"


But seeing that Hesavi almost couldn't hold back, she was about to rush up to beat someone, and the remaining three players, A Jin and A Bai held her by one arm, while Ai Jue spoke in a panic.

Fuck, at that moment just now, they all felt that the anger on Hathaway's body was going to materialize, huh?

Super scary? !
"Hey, hey——" Ke Luo blinked his eyes, as if he was a little uncertain about the situation, but then said, "Since the cutie has obtained important materials, of course you can go to Fadu to prepare for the siege La--"


(End of this chapter)

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