Advanced NPC

Chapter 222 Holy shit, did you make me work overtime early in the morning?

Chapter 222 Holy shit, did you make it up early to let me work overtime?
The so-called professional ladder is the ranking of players according to a certain standard of professional experience. The floor is the worst experience, and the ceiling is the opposite. LZD's only strategy group, the library strategy group, collects data every month for collation and analysis. release.

Coincidentally - the day after the war capital is the time when the new ladder table is released.

The players who clicked on it happily are stupid.

The one who got the highest 10.0 was actually the Templar Mage of the Phantom Spirit Tribe - you must know that when the mechanic was first discovered, the players blew it up and it was only 9.0.

The phantom spirits rose from the floor to the ceiling at once, it is no longer as simple as jumping three levels in a row——

Is this ranking useful?How not?Professional experience greatly affects the player's orientation towards leveling, especially LZD is still a multi-professional game-isn't it courting death to play the profession that the public agrees has poor experience first?

For a long time, players' discussions about occupations have generally been transferred from the three occupations of human race and dwarf race. Even if the new race of elves has been exposed, due to the lack of data and the lack of race, most people are still unable to arouse their interest.

Players are probably so entangled in career choice-mage seems to have a good crit, but the output depends on the face?The fighter seems to have a stable output, but is it too difficult to operate?Paladin seems to be omnipotent, but it seems too mediocre?

mechanic?Forget it, that's the boss's choice, there are too many fronts, and the operation is still embarrassing for novices.

Lovers of all professions are looking forward to the day when a big boss can prove that the profession he is boasting about can actually beat the other two.

However, the players never expected that this day did not come, and the first one to reach the 10.0 ceiling was actually the one recognized as the most "useless".

How to fatten four?

The changes are so amazing that the post "The Potential of the Eldar Templar Mage--Professionalism from Floor to Ceiling" has become the subject of hot discussion-players who pay attention to the order of occupations, players who pursue high damage, have nothing to do Players, now they have found issues that are more interesting than chatting activities, and they are discussing frantically in the posts.

"I don't believe it, I don't listen to you, are you crazy, is the Phantom Nurse useful?"

"I just finished talking to my cute friend the day before that this race is useless, and today I slapped my face. See you at the small playground after school."

"Oh my god, this list of skills is awesome."

"Increase the damage and eliminate the cooldown. If I give the boss a vulnerable position in advance-this job is really terrifying!"

"LZD's biggest deception... Phantom spirit nurses are useless, hee hee."

In the post, the list of skills shared by Hathaway was posted, and the type of support was analyzed. The most important thing was the damage that Abai caused to Teresen.

That damage really... proves that the effect is too simple and rude.After a little comparison, all the doubts turned into scolding father and catching the poor phantom spirit nurse who was despised before...


"I said so."

"What does your attention to this kind of thing have to do with me?"

"Why should I be pulled over to test the damage?!"

——Hasewi, as the biggest "victim", always thought that after the Zhandu boss was conquered, the matter would just pass away, but who knew that she was immediately arrested by a player she knew, saying that she wanted to test the "Phantom Spirit Nurse Assistant" to the greatest extent possible".

Hi, is she busy?
Are you busy saving the world?
You actually let me...

"Miss! Try the damage of a level 60 archer!" At this moment, Ai Shulu's voice came out from the channel.

Hathaway: "..."

Her mind full of complaints came to an abrupt end, she could only stand up and walk over resignedly.

This is a stake area for players to test output.

In order to get the most standard data, driving stakes is the easiest way.

"Phantom Spirit Nurse's pure professional support only has two skills, and the scope of use is still very small." Hathaway looked at Ai Shulu who was getting ready, first snapped her fingers, and read a battle song [-] with group attack enhancement , with some headaches, "Although it is easier to cooperate with burst skills if they last longer, but the efficiency of long burst skills is not as good as that of short duration... Forget it, this is nonsense."

"The best abduction is the one that can increase career potential—" Ai Shulu said.

Ai Shulu is an archer among warriors...

Warrior is actually a wonderful profession - because this profession has branches, and "warriors" with different weapons have different names and skills.

But only the skill names and some skill effects are different, the system is the same.

The players are well aware of this, and have nothing to do except scold LZD for being lazy.

After all, apart from some inexplicable plot and professional settings, this game is first-class in terms of server and operation optimization.

Oh, the last time the server suddenly blew up doesn't count.

...Excuse me, let's talk about the fighter's skill system.

The warrior's burst lasts for a long time, but the effect is average, and the growth rate is only 30% to 50% on average. It belongs to the type whose own gain is not very high-but the pure output is relatively high, so it is called stable output.

But it's not much fun to play.

Ai Shulu drew her bow, and several skills jumped on her head--Hasewei raised her eyebrows, and she was very accurate in reading skills.

A wave of data was quickly obtained, and the output records on the side were completed. Hesavi slipped to a hidden place before the next one ran over, saying that the skill CD was gone, and she drank water and pretended to be dead.

Ai Jue: "..."

He had never seen such a feigned death.

Shouldn't it be offline if you really pretend to be dead?

"Actually, the data is almost there..." Ai Jue looked at Hesaiwei drinking water, as he said that he was going to do a skill test, he felt a little guilty, so he said, "Miss sister, you have worked hard."

Hathaway breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is impossible for the actual combat process to fully fit the simulation... This kind of test can be done once or twice, and it is useless if it is too much." Seeing Ai Jue leave, she then put down the water glass and couldn't help complaining, "All the data analysis is also very difficult. Just analyzing the possibilities."

"Isn't it enough if there is a possibility?" Ah Bai's voice sounded faintly—this person watched the whole process, and took the data thrown by Ai Jue for further sorting. efficiency."

It will indeed improve the copy efficiency, that is...

"Didn't you say that the key Warsong III is the standard for this profession to form." Hethaway's mouth twitched, "There are so many books above level 50?"

"The current mainstream books are all above level 50." Abai revealed this terrible fact, "About twenty or so, and...these dungeons lack optimization. I haven't finished it yet, so I just took you for a walk?"

Hathaway: "..."

Hathaway: "Farewell!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without a cloud.

As he was walking, A Bai's faint voice suddenly came to his ears: "Isn't this very good, if you really don't want to face it."

Hathaway stopped abruptly.

"Even if you can't go offline, the way of thinking and operating can only follow the player's principles." A Bai's voice sounded again, "It should be easy for you to observe and understand something new..."

Yesterday, she was still very confused about what was going on with her skill system, but today she was able to make some comments on the player's operation on this basis.

"As long as you are willing to try..." Ah Bai thought for a while, but didn't finish.


Hathaway pursed her lips, almost forgetting that Ah Bai knew about this.

She stood there without moving, and Ah Bai continued to process the data at hand. One hand tapped the screen, and the other hand naturally fell to the side, and lightly clenched a fist. It felt a bit unnatural to the natural look. .

"One person from the Phantom Spirit Clan let go of this poor useless profession..." Then, Hathaway's voice sounded.

Abai was taken aback.

"Forget it... Will your strategy team count overtime pay for non-staff personnel?" Then she sighed, "Small biscuits are fine, if you can't get offline, the fatigue value is very troublesome."

Ah Bai raised his head, and looked at the woman who turned her head with a casual expression—it was just that there was something flickering in her eyes, which seemed uncertain.

"Okay." Seeing this, he couldn't help but blinked, and then said, "I will report to Ai Jue."

Hathaway laughed when he heard this.


Ai Jue, who was in the distance, sneezed violently—then he was deeply surprised that he actually sneezed in the game, and he was a bit of a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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