Advanced NPC

Chapter 220 Miss Sister is Invincible!

Chapter 220 Miss Sister is Invincible!
It looks like something is going to happen--

This time even T was down. If the player who ran out of the resurrection point hadn't moved faster, it would be GG at this moment.

"How to do it specifically?" Seeing this, Ah Jin felt that he didn't have time to think about it, so he turned to look at Hathaway.

"T trouble to put it in order, turn on Invincible to pull his hatred, let this elf wait for a miracle of divine sense—" Hathaway made a gesture, switched channels, and said loudly.

She has made it clear enough.

Taking a ten thousand step back, having a commander is much better than fighting blindly.

——So the player moves fast.

Although the characteristic is that the duration of the invincible skill is not long, but - there are so many players!There are at least dozens of Ts here!Isn't it just waiting for a miracle of divine sense!piece of cake--

Grabbing revenge, changing face, opening invincibility—the gray-red light and golden light on the boss skills overlapped each other, creating chaos.

And Hathaway, Ah Bai, and Ah Jin were secretly poking around the edge to observe.

"Use your spell crystallization after confirming that Treyson is involved in the vortex." Hathaway glanced at the time, turned her head and said to Abai.

Ah Bai lowered his this is what he was going to do?Hearing this, he began to prepare, and asked at the same time, "Spell crystal... what is it?"

"Spells that remain in the form of crystallization... are the remnants of the commandments of the Demon God." Hathaway replied, "It can directly destroy the structure of spells."

"Is there something that can't be used against the black prince?" Ah Jin couldn't help interjecting, "Isn't there too much waiting for this?"

The corner of Hathaway's mouth twitched: " don't know how to chat here if you don't practice spells."

Ah Jin: ""

In fact, it is also a problem - if you really have this power, you can just use it as a big skill, why do you have so many things?

However, Hathaway quickly gave the answer: "The commandments used by all non-demon god creatures are second-rate life spells, but the phantom spirits are different-in theory, they are slightly higher than other existences in the range of life spells... it's useless to rush in to deal with phantoms—and..."

Hathaway thought for a while, but didn't continue.

The precept just the power lent by the demon god to the patron, and before using it, it needs to communicate with the remaining will of the demon god.The benevolent demon god naturally readily agreed, and the cruel demon god will ask for "exchange terms".

The best-spoken life demon god An Lai will help unconditionally... But to deal with the black prince, the commandments of the life demon god are useless.

A thought flashed through Hathaway, and she didn't explain much, and A Jin didn't urge her to say what she didn't finish—because the preheating for the miracle of divine sense was about to end.

Seeing that countdown 3 had already appeared, victory was in sight—Hathaway even snapped her fingers and petrified Treyson.

However, a black skeleton who didn't know where it came from suddenly jumped on A Jin's body——!

"My day?"


Ah Jin was startled, subconsciously beat the skeleton violently, and dealt with the mob in a few hits—but what was fatal was that she left her position before the warm-up for the miracle of divine sense was over, and the previous reading was completely invalidated...

Hathaway: "..."

mmp, Teresan's petrification has taken effect!After the end of petrification, is she the one who hit?How can there be a "next time" for them to play like this-is it really mindless to be a boss?
"Hathaway——Your Battle Song Three can be used against me." Just as Hathaway's mind was running at high speed, thinking about the solution, Ah Bai's voice sounded.

Hathaway's execution ability is extremely strong. Hearing that, even before the thought of "why" appeared, she raised her hand, and the buff was thrown at A-Bai—the so-called Battle Song Three...

Chapter 200 of War Hymn—Increase the combat power of a single target by 30%, increase the critical strike rate by 10%, last for 200 seconds, reset the cooldown of the skill, and increase all gain effects of the target of the skill by [-]% (a small number of special skills are invalid);

"I rely on... this skill is poisonous." Ai Jue has been observing this side, and now seeing Hathaway's skill and Ah Bai's buff, the whole person is scared to death.

The other players were still nervous and confused, Ai Jue, as a sensible person, made a swallowing motion, still in shock: "Damn, what's going on--Phantom's support is too good... Skill cooldown reset includes Reset personal burst buffs, Ah Bai had already activated her burst before her skills were used... crazy crazy."

The focus of Hathaway's War Song Three is not on the increase in attack power and crit rate, but on the skill cooldown—that is, if Ah Bai's original burst gain is 50%, and in Hathaway's War Song Three The burst was used before it was turned on, which means that before the burst expires, he can use the burst again when he is stuck with the cooldown reset of the skill used by Hathaway.

To put it simply, it is superposition - doubling the power.

What's even worse is...

This skill also has a "200% increase in all gain effects of the skill's effective target".

Fucking means that this magnification can continue to increase——

"Mechanic is a profession that eats buffs... Four buffs for ten skills, and three times more... Damn, I eat people."

For example, for example, Ah Bai’s burst gain is not just 50%——

Ah Bai is holding a black gun, all kinds of superimposed lights are flashing, red, yellow, purple, the whole person is like a nobleman who kills Matt...

This kills the Matt nobleman and kills him even more.

At the muzzle of the gun, a scorching red light suddenly shot out, with obvious traces, the air was hot for it——

The red light hit Treyson—a string of terrifying numbers almost made the player think he was dazzled.

mmp they have struggled for so long and still can't do as much damage as the boss with one skill? !
However, Treyson's blood is thick, and it seems that he has gained a lot from hitting a slice of blood, but the overall damage has little effect on him - the biggest impact is the thrust brought by the red light.

What Abai chose was not his skill with the highest damage, but the auxiliary pushing bullet for a team mechanic.

If it is the skill with the highest damage...

Ai Jue felt that Ah Bai could really blow up an ordinary boss with one shot.

Hathaway herself was also a little shocked - Teresen was standing close to the black vortex, but with a strong push - the whole person was pushed into it!

Ah Bai squinted his eyes, and fired a shot—the spell crystal hit the black vortex with a brighter color.

The crisp sound was like glass shattering, and the black vortex where Teresen was in disappeared.

At the same time, the movements of the black skeletons also stopped, like machines without a source of supply, fell to the ground one after another, turning into piles of bones.





There was silence until a player came back to his senses and opened his mouth in a trance.

"'s too much..." Someone said in a trance.

"White God is invincible..." Someone discovered the best show in the audience.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, God, I want to give you a monkey." This is what a male player said.


The scene was reversed too quickly, and it was almost a final decision—so until the "Conquered" after the war capital appeared on the activity panel, the players were still a little bit unable to get out.


 Happy Children's Day everyone!Keep working hard in the new month! _(:3」∠)_Do you really think that the awesomeness is Baishen? The awesomeness is the skill of the young lady!The strongest abductee in the whole game, Miss Sister is invincible in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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