Advanced NPC

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Hathaway gritted her teeth and rushed over——

Sacrifice yourself to save others?

She felt that she might not be able to do such a thing—at least under the premise of relying on it.

Boss's life-threatening blow, the platinum light swooped down——

At the same time, Hathaway's figure appeared at the forefront——

There was a subtle light sound, and people felt that time seemed to be stagnant for a moment - all the pictures in the sight turned into indescribable pure white.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong impact, people were knocked back, their ears were buzzing, and the picture was still blindingly bright.

Hathaway, who was closest to all of this, felt as if her chest was being pressed by something, her lips were about to be bitten, and she could barely see the picture in front of her squinted eyes—the platinum hit the silver, and the silver resisted for a moment In the end, it seemed weak and unsustainable, and gradually faded away.

But the transformation happened—even if it was only a short moment of change, this moment felt extremely long—as if a white shimmer suddenly lit up on the shield that was about to fail—

Platinum mixed with shimmer, then dyed silver, at first it was still shocking, and then it became like white waves lapping on the shore, flowing away in all directions...



So amazing?

Hathaway was stunned, feeling that the thing she picked up by accident was really amazing.

The transformation was also a little silent. The initial massive attack gradually subsided. At the end, the three players froze in place, feeling a false alarm and a little bit hard to extricate themselves.

"This effect... I thought I was going to die..." Chahuo murmured, expressing the feelings of the other two.

"But..." Ai Jue's voice was a bit depressed, "Isn't this a mechanism in the dungeon?"

Ai Jue's consideration is of course professional.

The copy mechanism, no matter how difficult it is, must allow most players to break through the level, but this way of handling it is really "non-mainstream".

Put another way, this means...

"Hasewei?" Ai Jue's heart skipped a beat. She turned her eyes to other places and searched around until she felt a flash of the picture, stopped beside Hesevi, and lost her voice.

Hathaway is still in a state where her eyesight has not fully recovered, and she can't make an accurate judgment when she hears Ai Jue's voice, so she can only take a step back subconsciously——

The boss, who was about to die, struggled to get up at this time, and fell to the ground after a beam of light shot out from his hand. If Hesevi hadn't stepped back, he would have dealt her a fatal blow at this time!
However, what didn't hit Hathaway hit her hand——

Hathaway let go of the pain, and the silver wreckage in his hand broke away under the impact, and flew to the white light in the distance——Gary Villa went on the shield.

Hathaway and the others immediately turned their heads, stared wide-eyed, and watched, and then there was a soft "pop".

Then, the ball of white light shattered bit by bit.





"...What the hell?"

"What the hell?"


The three players were stunned.

Ai Jue was the first to recover: "The mission won't fail..."

This dungeon has a tendency to play off since Hathaway used the silver wreckage to resist the boss's ultimate move, at least he has never seen such a situation in other games.

What surprised him even more was not over yet.

"It's a pity." At this time, the player who didn't hear the reminder of the mission failure heard Casello's voice instead - I saw that the boy had walked from the door to the side of Gary Villa's protection at some point, " I originally wanted to use it to find the Fairy King's Land."

"You..." Hathaway tightened her fingers and said vigilantly, "What are you going to do—"

"Big sister, this thing is too dangerous, you should not take it." Casello ignored her question, leaned over and picked up the silver wreckage in the white light, "Just leave it to me."

Hathaway frowned, watching Casello's movements, she felt the position of her temples jumping up and down: "Who the hell are you?"

At this time, he still regarded the child as a passer-by who came to save his friend—Hathaway felt that she had never encountered such a heartless person.

"Casello! Why are you over there! It's dangerous over there!" At this moment, Chahuo lost his voice.



Hathaway rolled her eyes, feeling powerless.

"You... aren't 'Casello', right? You are wanted everywhere in the empire, it should be...Madig?" Ai Jue ignored the lackluster tea fire, looked at the little Zhengtai, and there was some confusion when talking to the NPC. Not cautious before, "Since you are wanted by the empire, there is no reason..."

- Embarrassing the goblins.

Ai Jue still understands that the enemy's enemy is a friend.

But Caselo, or McDigue's behavior is really unexpected.

"You know me? Forget it, that woman Miranda must have made me known to everyone." Maddie blinked his eyes, the surprise flashed away, but shrugged indifferently, "I really have trouble with the Empire , but this does not mean that I am a friend of the goblin clan."


"What did you say?" The person who was most surprised was not Cha Huo or Ai Jue, but Hathaway—her reaction was beyond imagination, and she looked at Ai Jue, "You said—who is he?!"

"A friend of mine who left Novice Village said... His name is on the wanted list of the Empire, the former chief sage of the Silver Land of the Empire, Medigue." Ai Jue said.

"What did you say?!" Hathaway's eyes widened, and she looked at Medigue again, with a hellish expression.

Medigue smiled: "It seems that you are very surprised, but... the eldest sister is called Hathaway? This name is very familiar."

Like I heard it somewhere.

Hathaway's heart twitched: "No way..."

He should not know himself!

"...I don't really remember, after all, I'm someone who doesn't even remember my colleagues." Medigue thought about it, but he didn't think of anything.

Hathaway's mood is very delicate now, and her voice is a bit complicated: "Are you..."

"I came here for it." Medigue threw away the silver wreckage in his hand, "By the way, destroy the Garivella protection in this goblin land."

"Since you are a sage, you should know the fate of destroying Gary Villa's protection, right?!" Hesevi gritted her teeth—for some reason, Ai Jue sounded a little "hating iron but not steel", "do this what is the benefit?"

"Who knows." Medigue smiled, "Do you want to stop me? But little guys, you are too weak."

As he spoke, a yellow halo lit up around the young lady.

Hathaway, who wanted to get closer, was frozen by the light, unable to move like the other two.

The brat then turned his head and walked away.

When the light disappeared, the early run disappeared.

Runs, quite neatly.



" it actually such an NPC? I made a mistake." Ai Jue couldn't help feeling annoyed after recovering.

Abai did tell him the identity of this NPC, but he only treated it as a "combat aid" NPC.

But I didn't expect to overturn this kind of car.

"Hiss..." Before he had time to say anything, a hiss suddenly sounded in his ear. He turned his head to look, and saw Hathaway hanging her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

That prop was taken away... She should be very annoyed?
Ai Jue didn't know how to comfort Hathaway.

"Shame..." He heard Hathaway muffled, "He is actually Madigo..."

(End of this chapter)

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