Advanced NPC

Chapter 197 The Liver Emperor Fortress Show

Chapter 197 The Liver Emperor Fortress Show
The capital of the sanctuary - the hall of judgment.

In the main hall with platinum and solemn tones, a huge statue of King Hitt stands on one side, and the expressionless eyes are well depicted——

The person standing in the middle of the main hall is Alfred who used to be the great judge, but now he is the one who is being judged—with thin golden chains tied on his body, upon closer inspection, those chains seem to be stabbed. into the wrist.

"Alfred Dreyfus, as the administrator of the capital of the temple, you have betrayed the empire - the evidence is sufficient, under the eyes of King Hitt, do you have anything else to say?"

He bowed his head in silence, as if he was thinking about something.

On that face that showed no signs of age due to the mixed blood of humans and elves, the pupils were like gems, clear and pure—like a dead lake.


"No." He raised his head slowly at this moment, and said softly, "I have nothing to say."

The Grand Inquisitor snorted faintly: "This is not like your style, Lord Alfred... But, everything should be over."

The door was slammed open, and the strong man who dressed himself as an iron bucket carried a huge ax in his hand and entered the main hall with heavy steps.

In the Silver Empire, as long as the violation of "glory" is confirmed, death is declared at that moment.

No program can rise above this philosophy.

Alfred didn't even turn his head, he was very quiet all the time, as if nothing would happen in the next moment, all he did was look at the ground - a shadow was reflected on the smooth and white mirror-like ground.

"The glory of the empire lives forever—farewell, Lord Alfred." The Grand Inquisitor looked at him, raised his hand and dropped—

Alfred closed his eyes.


The troublemaker arrived at the scene at this time - a figure rushed forward, rushed forward, leaned over, raised his shield to block the giant ax that was about to fall on Alfred's head, and then a push skill to see The person whose body was twice as big as himself was pushed out!

"Paladin...?" Alfred was a little surprised, and turned his head to see the woman's back.

The execution Tin Woodman quickly came back to his senses and swung his ax to strike at the female knight—but suddenly a magic circle appeared on the ground, flames fell from the sky, followed by a rain of arrows—

The two waves of output were very violent. The blood bar on the Tin Woodman's head dropped by a third. He roared and wanted to leave the range, but the knight suddenly jumped to the left, blocking his way.

Can't the left side be right?But I saw a knife-wielding element—the scary thing was that she was also a woman, flying up, and the gorgeous skill light effect brought out an extremely effective damage display!

The whole scene is very cool, it seems to show the world what is the highest quality of the player, the strongest output of the player, the player's...

"What are you doing now?!" At this moment, the bewildered round-faced girl spoke in a childish voice.



"Er Qiu, you are so cancerous! I'm already recording a video! You're ruining the atmosphere—" The Taoist priest was so heartbroken that the video couldn't be recorded anymore——

Jiang Sheng: " do I know? Or do you start all over again?"

"It's Jill again, shame on me." Ai Shulu came out from the side.

In fact, it was Huaishan who was T and Ye Cangyun who was fighting melee the most: "Do you fucking think the fight is over? What do you want to do?!"

"Tut tsk tsk." Ai Shilu, who hadn't stopped outputting, gave them a mocking look, and then jumped to the side.

Jiang Sheng: "..."

Daoist: "..."

"Adventurers...thank you...but those trials..." Jerisa came out from behind the door at this time, looking very grateful. If the tin man was not still there, she might have rushed to Alfred's side .

"Small problem, we have already dealt with the guard NPCs outside." The Taoist priest said this, very proud, "I have calculated several routes, there are a few mobs on the road, and all levels have been checked!"

Ai Jilu heard this from a distance, and was happy: "Yes, the NPC was almost hacked to death!"


Alfred was rescued by an adventurer who appeared out of nowhere. Of course, that was unacceptable—the grand judge sitting at the top immediately stood up and was about to call for someone, while the NPCs of the jury around had already Already messed up.

Although the chief's so-called investigation was too much, and he almost missed it, the advantage of killing the guard mobs first is that the big judge can't call out anything.

He quickly realized this, and simply chanted——

However, an arrow pierced through the wind and shot into the shoulder of the Grand Inquisitor, causing him to take several steps back, and his chanting was interrupted as a result.

Ai Shulu squinted her eyes to look at the other NPCs, thinking about what if she shot them through with one arrow...

The hatred value for harming a high-level NPC is... There are twenty of them in total... How much hatred value must be reached on this map of the Silver Empire to be banned from entering the main city, or thrown into prison...

It took about a few seconds to calculate, and she found that there was still some leeway, so she began to shoot arrows cheerfully——

Soon, before the next batch of NPCs came, the members of Gandi Fortress had already controlled the situation.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited!" Jiang Sheng's hand holding the staff was shaking, "We're fucking going to succeed in our business!"

Huaishan: "..."

She was speechless and gave the Tin Woodman a backhand stun, then turned around and said, "So what did you call us here for..."

"Hey, I think this NPC lady is so pitiful!" Jiang Sheng almost burst into tears, "To be honest, we really won't make anything like this, right?!"

"Brother, this matter has been done a long time ago." Ye Cangyun slashed twice, emptying the blood bar of the Tin Woodman.

Ai Shalu heard the words and seemed to realize something, stopped shooting arrows, quickly clicked on the operation panel, and went crazy!

Jiang Sheng: "???"

Then she found out that it was the captain who loves to show off, and now she is on her head.

【critical!The Judgment Hall of the Holy City was attacked by adventurers led by the player "Jiang Sheng". This team has been listed as a wanted object by the empire, and the rest of the adventurers are asked to help the Grand Inquisitor to resolve the crisis! 】




"Sure enough, he is wanted. What kind of thing is this human race? If he can't beat him, he is wanted?" Ye Cangyun curled her lips.

Ai Shalu let out a "tsk", and also said: "It's incredible."

"Wow," but saw that the Taoist had a strange angle, "Er Qiu, you are going to be famous."

Jiang Sheng: "..."

Huaishan: "Stop talking, I think she's about to cry."

"...I want to cry only after you said it, woo woo woo!"


These players are veterans in playing games. Knowing that they are players, they will definitely kill them several times because they want to get rewards——

(End of this chapter)

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