Advanced NPC

Chapter 195 Sounds Beautiful

Chapter 195 Sounds Beautiful
"Yes, An Lai, the God of Life." Adnor paused, and said slowly, "The Goddess of Creation created everything, and she created races with leftovers, and the leftovers that she inadvertently created are human races."


"But now is not the time to tell this tragic story." Adeno turned his head, "You know the elves, and you also know Athir—but you don't know the covenant between the elves and the humans."

Hathaway felt that she was being ridiculed.

There is an "mmp" in my heart, I don't know if I should say it... forget it or not.

It's not that she doesn't know, it's just that...the focus of her attention is not there.

"When the silver protection was first established, people thought that the elves would become the masters of this land-but they didn't expect that the human race would finally establish the empire. But...other races just thought that it was because the elves left Hilanville Most of Asia, returned to their own elves and did not want to be the 'ruler', rather than 'lose' to the human race."

Hathaway heard the words and whispered: "The elves are not so interested in ruling this continent..."

"The elf king is an unpredictable character...Although he doesn't want to get involved with the affairs of the mainland, and he has never admitted what the human king has done, he has decided to sign a covenant with the human race. He has never lost his word for thousands of years."

Hathaway was taken aback.


That indistinct voice, somewhat distant, echoed in A Bai's ears.

"The Curse of Garner."

"'One of your descendants will use the same ambition as you to ruin everything you have worked hard for.', this effort is the silver protection...and the silver empire."

"It's actually the same... almost every hundred years, a royal family of the Silver Empire claims to control Hiranvia."

Interesting curse.

A Bai sat upright on the sofa, and a series of incomprehensible data ran wildly on the panel in front of him: "Can the covenant between the elves and the humans handle this matter?"

"This is the direct purpose of the covenant. When that ambitious person appears and everything has reached a point of no return, the Dreyfus family will use their blood and rings to ask them to stop interfering in mainland affairs Elves, eradicate this person."

Sounds like a defense mechanism of last resort.

Ghana cursed the human race, Hitt's descendants will appear a person who will destroy all the efforts of the ancestors - in order to solve it, Asir sent an elf to deal with this matter.

As the bond of this covenant--the Dreyfus family, members of this royal family can judge when it is "irretrievable time", so as to save the efforts of King Hitt and the empire.

"What power does the elf use to resolve the curse?"

"Elves are a god-given race, An Lai's best work - during the reign of the Demon God, every elf will be personally taught by the Demon God, they take maintaining the order of the continent as their own responsibility, and also... have the knowledge to overcome everything. The vague figure replied, "Garner's curse has been fulfilled nine times in the past, and the number of times the Dreyfus family called the elves was seven times, and among these seven times—only one elf came."

In other words.

No matter what the human race does, only one elf can handle it.

Abai: "..."

Abai: "Sounds very beautiful."

But it doesn't sound like a problem. Although the reason and plan are a bit weird, it is effective after all, and past experience has proved that it is feasible.

The vague figure said faintly: "There is no solution once and for all, because it is Ghana's curse, and everything forms an endless cycle. Every time Ghana's curse is confirmed, the more powerful the ambitious person will be." , eventually reaching a point of no return - as it is now."

——Ah Bai thought about it, and there are only three words to sum up the current situation: play off.

The power of the black prince surpassed every one in the past, he has killed Xierhai and controlled the power of phantom.

The situation seems irreversible, but...

"Alfred should have realized that things were going to be messed up after Hill Hai's death. Why didn't he seek help from the elves?"


On Hathaway's side, she asked the same question: "Hasn't Alfred used that ring?"

"Yes, he didn't do that, instead he stood by the Black Prince's side." Adeno said bluntly, slowly clenched his fists—the fists were squeezed by him, "forgetting my responsibility—— Having the ring with him means that this covenant will never work, and it will even be destroyed by the Black Prince himself in time."

Hathaway looked at Adeno, and suddenly understood why this person came here to deal with Alfred after he couldn't use spells.

"In the past few times, the Silver Empire was also at stake. If there were no other races - the human race would not be able to sustain it." Adeno's voice was a little muffled when he spoke again.

"I thought you humans weren't sober—you were only immersed in that glory." Hathaway said casually.

"My duty is to know better than others, even the king, that this glory is false, and then... to give them the confidence to imagine this." Adeno said solemnly, "As an adventurer, you won't understand The meaning of this kind of responsibility, but in fact I didn't do it well-I lost my strength, I couldn't get the approval of others, and I had to rely on your strength."

Hathaway was taken aback upon hearing this.

Actually... quite sympathetic.

Adeno didn't pay attention to Hathaway, looking up at the statue.

How long has it been since you have been here?
Time seems to be dispensable to the sage, even though in essence, he is just a short-lived human being, and now, he seems to be just an ordinary person who knows a little more than other human beings.

——At this moment, Hathaway squinted his eyes to look at Adeno, the back of the man was a little blurred, as if he looked fragile because of helplessness, and a bit...




When the picture was clear again, the figure turned his head, but it was not Adeno.

Hathaway blinked her eyes, and found that this place was no longer in front of the Anlai statue, but a white stone bridge, surrounded by the sound of clear streams, ding ding dong dong or something.

"Antovilia." The person who turned around called her, and then said a word.


"Iser didn't know what he did, thinking it was for the glory of the empire... Maybe everyone thought so."

The environment is quiet and solemn, without the sound of streams.

Hathaway was in a daze, and when she saw that the person in front of her became Adeno again, she almost didn't recover.

I suddenly remembered the person who was sent by the Elven King to complete the covenant...

"It's him..."

A long time ago, she felt that she was surrounded by a huge and transparent net in the past, and she thought that she had broken away from everything now.

But in fact, she is still in that net.

This net is not limited to everything she knows at all—"she who just woke up" tried everything possible to understand what the net was, thinking that it only existed in the elf land, and the matter of the human race was just another unimportant thing. part of the

She really... underestimated them.

(End of this chapter)

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