Advanced NPC

Chapter 192 It's Impossible For You To Let Us Not Make Troubles Never (4)

Chapter 192 It's Impossible For You To Let Us Not Make Troubles Never (4)

What power is the most powerful?
Of course it is public opinion.

Those illustrated leaflets were spread in the capital of the sanctuary, and the first reaction of most NPCs was surprise, followed by indignation.

Alfred, don't you always instigate us to listen to the Black Prince, why is this turning face faster than turning the book?So what do they do after they follow?
The same is true for those high-ranking people in the capital of the sanctuary—gradually they all began to feel that Alfred did it on purpose, and wanted to support a wave of black princes first, and turn back at critical moments to make a fortune, and they all had to pay for it. —Maybe this Alfred is still on the side of the rebels!
"Alfred, you are actually a rebel!"

"Alfred's plot to murder the Black Prince was revealed—"

"The administrators of the temple capital forgot the glory of the empire—"

And so on, the speeches are raging, the evidence is conclusive, and the intensity is intensifying.

And the rumor-mongering players, right now... are sitting leisurely in the guild room, eating melons and watching the show.

"Too sculpted." Ai Jue couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and said a wave of foul language, "Miss sister, are you a fucking devil?"

Hathaway: "..."

Hathaway: "I just picked an easy way."

It's really simple.

——To be honest, the activity progress bar has not been moved for hundreds of years, and they are all aggrieved.

"It's really a sin to do this kind of thing - when do we have to wait?" However, Ai Shulu, who also eats melons, only feels uneasy and annoyed for a moment, and starts thinking about when he can receive the reward in the blink of an eye.

"The review process of the Silver Empire has been going on for a while... If it's correct, it's a capital offense." Hesaiwei said casually with her hands on her face, "Just wait for someone from the imperial capital to come."

Wow -

They were still thinking about how to kill the progress bar of this boss, and now the imperial capital can send someone to kill him?
"Hmm." Hathaway nodded, threw the leftover melon rind in a beautiful arc and fell into the trash can, and then began to click quickly on the operation panel.

"Then it seems that we don't need too many people here..." Ai Jue heaved a sigh of relief, "We can go to Zhandu now."

Zhandu—in fact, something happened just now.

On the night of the dinner party, Zhandu was near the edge of the map. Some players tried their best to dig mines, but they found something that looked like a signal light.

Unexpectedly, because of this, the event plot of Zhandu started...

An NPC that appeared from nowhere slaughtered all the management of Zhandu, leaving only one named General Treyson—oh, it was later discovered that those NPCs were all under the hands of this Treyson.

So the players in Zhandu received an event request at the same time - to defeat General Treyson and take back Zhandu.

"The rebels have also sent people there, and this event will be held soon." Ai Jue added, "The people who were once Fantasia and Fantasia have also passed."

"There's nothing to do now, right?" Ai Shulu continued to eat melons, "Then go, I feel that the other side is settled, and here I can almost wait for the boss to hang up the boss of Mofadu. I'm so happy."

Hathaway didn't speak, and was staring at the pictures about the Zhandu incident in the forum.

"Signal light is an image, but they don't know what it is." A Bai saw what she was paying attention to, and sent her a picture while talking.

Hathaway was startled, and soon saw the so-called "signal light".

A copper cylinder with incomprehensible symbols on it.

Hathaway: "..."

Hathaway: "I don't understand."


"Hey, Miss Sister can't understand?" Ai Jue just heard this sentence, turned around and said - he had already contacted the people in Zhandu at this time, and was about to run away, "That seems interesting?"

A Bai glanced at Ai Jue.

Then sighed.

Ai Jue: "..."

Ai Jue: "???"

What's wrong with me? Are you sighing like this?

Hey Abai, are you doing something wrong?Do you want to die, don't you?
——In the end, there was no trouble, and Ai Jue had to run away under the urging of A Bai's indifference and Zhandu.

After eating melons, Ai Shaulu said that she would continue to record songs and went offline.

So no one left.

"Ah, I'm going to see what's going on now—" Hathaway glanced around, closed the panel calmly, stretched her waist, and prepared to run away...

Get up, go out, put your hand on the doorknob—

Abai didn't move at all, until Hathaway held the doorknob, and then glanced at her indifferently: "You didn't tell me."

Hathaway paused, her smile froze.

"What you said to Adeno later." Abai loosened his shoulders, leaning against the sofa while talking, his expression unchanged.

The picture of Hathaway letting him leave temporarily in order to say something to Adeno was skipped in his mind.

After they finished talking, they got the plan to frame Alfred.

"Well, it's not a big deal." Hathaway paused and waved his hands.

"What about the details of the plan?" Ah Bai took it easy.

Hathaway raised her eyebrows, with an expression of "what are you talking about?": "Isn't this already clear—Alfred will be convicted, and the people from the imperial capital will come to kill the 'traitor', and when there is no Successor, we can take care of the capital of the temple."

Ah Bai continued to remain silent, and then slowly said: " that so?"

"Then why not?!"

Abai looked at her and said nothing.

"It's okay, I'll go first, boss, you can play by yourself." Hathaway was baffled by his stare, and ran quickly after leaving a sentence.

Door closes.

Looking at the door, in the silence, Ah Bai just remained silent.

How do you feel now?Is it because I feel that I have been concealed something-anger?upset?resentment?It seems that there are none.

Rather curious.

Curious about her doing it.

Because... for no reason.

A Bai sat quietly in the same place, and the silence lasted for about half a minute. He suddenly raised his hand—a crystal fell from the palm of his hand, and when it landed on the ground, a vague shadow appeared.

This thing can also be regarded as communication, but it is the communication used by NPC.

"When will Alfred's trial be held?" Abai cut to the chase.

"the day after tomorrow."

"What the hell is going on here? If you want me to do what you say, tell me some reasons you can say."

That vague figure, the voice is also vague - even a being like Hathaway, who has an excellent memory, can't be sure where he heard it: "Alfred - as the manager of the capital of the temple, He had no choice but to keep a secret when the only victor was the 'Black Prince'."

Ah Bai thought this was nonsense, what I wanted to know was what this secret was.

"At the beginning, King Hitt retained the 'Temple', the main reason was not to allow the people to adapt to this process, but because of a request that had to be complied with - a request from Elf King Asir."


At this time, in the boot camp where there was no training because of that mess, a person quietly looked at the littered paper on the ground, all of which were speculation and slander against Alfred.

He bent down and took it in his hand.

The hands gradually clenched into fists, tightened little by little, and creaked in the air.

"This is impossible……"

(End of this chapter)

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