Advanced NPC

Chapter 182 I Guess You Are Dead

Chapter 182 I Guess You Are Dead

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhin Jiang

Hathaway: "..."

"Long time no see!" But listening to Esther's voice that sounds so weird and doesn't fit the tone, she spoke very enthusiastically - the only clear features on her face are a pair of blue eyes, "I'm waiting You've been around for a long time—and this one, is this your friend? You're so pretty!"

Hathaway: "...Thank you for the compliment."

Jiang Sheng: "...How are you, old iron?"

What happened?
Hathaway felt dizzy—God knows if it was due to the enthusiastic and upright gaze—raised her hand to support her forehead, avoided her gaze, and looked at Iser with a somewhat complicated tone: "The Templar reserve... ...Esther?"

"That's right, it's me!" Esther nodded, "haha" twice, "Adventurers are really busy, and I'll have to wait a long time for your help—but I think it's worth it!"


Hathaway raised her eyebrows and asked suspiciously, "How did you come to that conclusion?"

Dare this big brother have another way?

"I guess—adventurers are very interesting, and it is certainly worthwhile to get your help!"



Jiang Sheng looked at the expression on Hathaway's face as if he had eaten something that shouldn't be eaten, and then looked at the enthusiasm on Iser's face. He couldn't help covering his face, and leaned into Hathaway's ear and said, "Miss sister, Is there something wrong with this NPC's brain?"

Hathaway: "..."

Although she doesn't oppose the player in everything, she rarely fully agrees with it—the situation at this time is extremely rarely completely in favor...

"So, what do you want us to do for you?" Hathaway coughed, decided not to care about this matter, and asked instead.

Esther's expression calmed down in an instant, as if she was in deep thought, thinking deeply about what to say next.

Hathaway's expression changed slightly.

Iser and Alfred are undoubtedly adopted father and son, but Iser has always been a reserve——except for this kid's insaneness or the conflict of views with Alfred, Hathaway can't think of anything else possibility.

In addition, at this recent juncture, he was anxious to see Alfred, but was kicked out instead...

I'm afraid he has some news that is not good for the Holy Church or the Black Prince?
Needless to say, the capital of the temple recognized the black prince at this time, those little monsters all looked like they had been brainwashed—if there was an argument against the black prince, it would definitely be detrimental to the overall situation.

——If this is the case, it is really very important information for Hathaway.

Bad news for the Black Prince...

Where does he have an illegitimate child?
Suffering from a strange disease?

Diarrhea after eating breakfast?
Hathaway thought about it and didn't think of anything fart.


"Adventurer!" Iser said after a while, her tone was solemn, as if she was entrusting her daughter to Hathaway——

Hathaway immediately came back to her senses, with a serious look: "Hey!"

"Please help me find my father, Alfred!"

Hathaway's heart lit up—it really is!

Iser must have grasped some bad news about the Black Prince, and wanted to prevent the Templars from continuing on the wrong path—but the news was too important, and Alfred was a pro-Black Prince faction. Of course, the approach was rejected, and the person has always been a reserve soldier...

"Well—why are you..." The more Hathaway thought about it, the more she felt heavy, she seemed a little nervous——

"I want to become an official templar! Serve for the Silver Empire! Drive out the fairies and dwarves, for the glory of the Silver Empire—!"

——I saw that there was a dazzling holy light suddenly shining on the back of Yiser, and the whole person was shrouded in such a holy light called faith, which was incomparably brilliant, incomparably admirable, incomparably...

But he got a long silence from the two women on the opposite side in response.



Hathaway: "... Bah."

——Are you such a fan of the Black Prince that you add so much drama to yourself? !

"Miss sister? What should we do! This person seems to be a villain!" Jiang Sheng didn't think so much, and he wasn't bombed so badly. It was rare to keep up with the rhythm at this time.

"Tie it up, or kill it directly." Hathaway was in a bad mood.



Jiang Sheng touched his staff, looked left and right, and found that he was the only one present who could output.

Then... is she going to do it?

The lady said it all!
Wow, no, let's go all out!
Jiang Sheng's mental activities are extremely rich. At this moment, he turned around a thousand times, finally gritted his teeth, raised his staff, and was about to hammer someone!
"What are you doing?!" Hathaway's sharp eyes caught her movement, and she grabbed her wrist, startled, "I didn't let you really fight, and I didn't let you fight, what do you want to do, nanny fight T?"

Jiang Sheng: "..."

Didn't you ask me to call you? !

Hathaway felt the accusation in her eyes, and covered her face in despair.

"Forgive me, Mr. Yser." The holy light behind Yser was still flashing, and the whole person was still immersed in his fantasy of "being a hero of the Silver Empire", until Hathaway's voice sounded, "The capital of the temple All the templars are working hard for the great cause of the empire, you have firm beliefs, and you should contribute to this—but your father, Lord Alfred, does not allow you to join?"

"I'm very distressed about this." Hearing this, Esther became annoyed, "I followed my father's teachings and completed all tasks according to his requirements, but until now..."

"You resent him?"

"No, how could it be." Iser waved his hand, "I know that he is the administrator of the capital of the temple, he is a highly valued subordinate of His Royal Highness the Black Prince, he is admired by people, and of course I also admire him-everything he has done Things must have his reasons, and I will never doubt his decision. But the crisis of the empire is ahead, and I also want to do something for the empire, for the glory..."

"For glory?" Hathaway repeated, "You believe in such things so much?"

Yiser said seriously: "Of course! It is this kind of glory that enables the human race to get rid of everything in the past and become a brand new us who can dominate ourselves!"

Self, not controlled by the demon god.

Be proud, not humble.

In order to keep all of this, whether it is out of interests or beliefs, there is an absolute necessity, and no one can change it.

Glory of the Silver Empire—

Hathaway felt that the light behind Yser was too bright, which made her squint her eyes subconsciously. The scorching light made her a little bit unable to see everything in front of her, but something else appeared instead.

"I will stick to all of this." There was a small figure, standing in the white light, with a voice that was unique to young people, but firm enough not to be like a child, "I will definitely—"



Hathaway shook her head and looked at Esther again: "That's it. Then do you want to ask Alfred 'why', or do you just want to become a templar?"

Esther was taken aback.

"If it's the former, I think it's a bit difficult, but if it's the latter, maybe there's still hope."

(End of this chapter)

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