Advanced NPC

Chapter 173 Golden Sage... emmmmm

Chapter 173 Golden Sage... emmmmm
After careful calculation, Hathaway felt that she hadn't seen Speer for more than 50 years.

Back then, her powerful father had arranged for her the best mentors in Hiranvia, including Speer—she wondered how he had been in hiding for hundreds of years without hearing from him. Contacted by the golden sage.

Thinking of this, she was in a delicate mood.

No one had ever told her that "Aisir" was actually one of the original members of the Silver Land.

Now that I think about it... how fucking ironic.

"Golden sage?" Abai looked at her, not quite understanding the meaning of this sage to Hathaway, so he asked, "Have you studied him?"

"It's hard to say." Hathaway sighed, dark and unpredictable, with profound meaning, beyond words.

Abai: "..."

Abai: "Then you remember, 5 minutes."


Then the man closed the door and left.

Hathaway just wanted to lie on the bed and sleep to death——

What kind of strange things are these...


A few minutes later, in front of a door.

Hathaway stood in front of the door, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, her fingers curled slightly, and she slowly stretched towards the door—but stopped in front of the door for a moment, then retracted her hand after a while—then stretched out again, stopped in front of the door, and then stick out—

Abai standing behind the door: "..."

Then gave her a rough push—

"My day?!" Hesavi was stunned, not only her hands, but her whole body slammed on the door—an embarrassing thing happened, and the door, which can be called a model of Sanwu Tofu Engineering, was directly...

Knocked down.

fall down.


Ah Bai didn't expect the quality of this door to be so touching. He lowered his head to look at the woman lying on the ground with the door, put her hand on her mouth, coughed, and moved her eyes upward at the same time——

I saw two men sitting opposite each other in the room - a chessboard in progress was placed between them, a man with black hair mixed with some white, wearing metal glasses, and a... gray-haired man The old man in gray robe.

They looked at the door at the same time, moving in the opposite direction to Ah Bai's line of sight, and right now they fell on Hesevi who was lying on the ground——

At this moment, Ah Bai saw that the gray-robed old man moved a piece on the chessboard with quick hands.

Abai: "..."

"Ah, look who this is? Our great adventurer!" After finishing this task, the gray-robed old man stroked his beard with a natural expression, and extended a warm welcome to the two.

Abai didn't know what to say.

Hathaway just got up from the door now, closed her eyes, her heart was full of despair, she just wanted to turn around and leave——

"Oh, aren't you the less capable adventurer from last time?" The man with black hair mixed with white - the tone was as poisonous as ever.

Apparently it was Atwood.

The other one—naturally, is Speer, who is "well-known in Hiranvia".

Well, it was Speer who just did a cheat and switched the positions of the chess pieces.

"Heh." Hathaway raised her head slowly, she didn't know whether it was to Atwood, Abai, or herself, and smiled coldly.

Abai silently looked to the side.

Hathaway took a deep breath and turned her head: "Long time no see, Atwood...Mr. Sage."

"When did you become so familiar with adventurers?" Speer looked at Atwood curiously, "You're old and disrespectful!"

Hathaway: "..."

Abai: "..."

Atwood turned his head, glanced at him coldly, then said nothing, a gust of wind blew by, the chess piece jumped, and changed back to the way it was before it was transformed by Speer.

"Hey, you change my chessboard?!"


"Atwood, look at what you can—"

"Stop talking nonsense—shame."

Hathaway: "..."

Abai: "..."

After thinking for a while, Abai turned to look at Hesaiwei tentatively: "He has always been like this?"

Hathaway closed her eyes, feeling even more ashamed, and nodded in pain: ""

How could she have forgotten, what kind of piss is this mentor Speer...


"Anyway—it's an adventurer who has been to the Phantom Elder Temple." A few minutes later, the two NPCs who couldn't continue playing chess put two more chairs beside them and asked them to sit down——Speer also He snapped his fingers and poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

"Don't drink." Hathaway watched Ah Bai pick up the cup, and said in a low voice.

Abai: "?"

"The stuff he makes is terrible." Hathaway said with a serious face, "Once before, he served a group of dwarves to drink this. If he didn't drink it, it looked fine, and everyone else thought they were going to be killed. Get killed—Gold Sage's reputation was almost ruined."


As he spoke, Abai silently put the cup aside.

"Going to the church... Did they see Gerosa?" Atwood raised his eyebrows at this moment, "The Silver Empire... Ke Luo also made a move?"

"Oh." Speer sighed after hearing this.

People fell silent.

Looking at Spier's heavy expression, Abai felt that although this legendary mage hadn't seen where the legend was until now—at least... he was still very touched by what happened in the past?

I feel like I can't express my opinion.

"As soon as the human race starts fighting, I won't be able to read the mage novel that I like serially in the human race. Alas... these days, only the human race can write that kind of brainless and bloody stuff." Er continued.

Abai: "..."

Is that your point?

Also, are you watching a rebirth flow through the farming harem...? !

"You don't plan to intervene?" As a human race, Atwood is naturally much younger than Speer - but he seems to be several times more mature than the gray-robed old man. At this time, he looked at Speer quietly. , "The idea of ​​the black prince... is exactly the same as that of Hitt."

"Exactly the same?" Speer knocked on the table, "It's really a bit similar."

"Back then...Hit wanted to control Hiranvia, but you...compromised?" Hathaway stared at Spier and said.

Speer's hand paused: "In that case... the human race needs a king to guide them."

"He's just trying to change the way of rule - Hitt's rule, in my opinion, is not as good as a demon god."

"But he is a human race after all." Spier said slowly, unable to hear any emotion, "After the incident in Garner, everyone is tired-how to survive, what can I, a bad old man, say?"

Hathaway was speechless.

After the silver protection was established, what kind of mood these people were in—of course she didn't know.

"Humans have a limited lifespan, be it Hitt or the Black Prince... there are not many things they can do in their lifetime." Speer sighed, "Sometimes it is a good idea not to interfere with the human race. "


"But the Black Prince has already acquired the power of the phantom." Abai said, "That's different—in terms of probability, it's entirely possible for him to surpass the original Hitt."

(End of this chapter)

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