Advanced NPC

Chapter 167 Jerosa's Chapter Memory

Chapter 167: Memories of Jerosa

People - throngs of people.

In this ancient city, people walked in the streets, and everyone wore the same robes—not so much walking as wandering.

At first glance, their faces are gray and white, in a state of hesitation and strange calmness, but they are not crazy.

There are no emotions and no special actions.

It's weird - so weird!How could a living person act like this?It's almost like a ghost in the land of the dead-Tia!
"They..." In the alley by the side of the street, two figures wearing the same cloak, one tall and one short, and the slightly shorter one—you can feel that it is a female figure from the sound, spoke at this time, full of surprise , "How could they choose so?"

"Let's go." Beside her, a man taller than her by more than a head said in a deep voice, "Get out of here——"

"Where are we going? Brother!" She was a little at a loss, and when she quickly turned her head, she revealed a beautiful face, and her eyes seemed to hide pity for everything in the world.

"All the people in the church are crazy." He said, "We can only go to the church in Alentia and find other ways."

"No... the Forbidden Demon God gave us an order just yesterday..." The girl subconsciously shook her head.

——The order of the demon god is the "will" for the people born in the temple. Whether to live or die, how to act can only be based on the order.

Not coercion, but faith.

"Wait for death—right?" The man's words made the girl flinch back.

He paused, then raised his head—on his face, his facial features were as sharp as knives, and his firm will can be clearly seen from his eyes: "The temple of the Destroyer Demon God sank into the sea a few days ago, and there was no survivor—— Jerosa, this is not an order from God, they are really going to abandon us!"

Jerosa's eyes widened suddenly, and her narrowed pupils trembled slightly: "Abandon... but the demon god... brother... brother Hitt... but if this is God's will, we..."

"No demon god can decide my life." Hit narrowed his eyes, "Last month, Spier brought Fanyin news—he was going to assassinate Alendia."

"They're crazy!" Jerosa lost her voice. "That's the Goddess of Creation! What are they trying to do? Abandon the grace of the Goddess, give up our traditions—this is suicidal..."

"We are already perishing—Heinz will obey the goddess' will and kill all the people in this church." Hitt interrupted her, not shaken by her question, but narrowed his eyes. She raised a pair of scorching eyes, "Yes, the goddess created everything, but she also destroyed everything. What has she been doing for a hundred years? Under her damned order, the demon god only treats humans and other races Treat it as a toy, toss it when you are happy, throw it away when you are disappointed, and send it to Tia in batches when you are angry, so that it can be called a new life!"

"Since she created us and gave us choices, why accept what's wrong? They don't know how to rule — and just force us to agree with it."

"Ha, An Lai, above, created us insignificant—but that's why we let ourselves be slaughtered? And now that the Destroyer Demon God is interested and wants to destroy everything, we have to sit and wait for death?"

"There will be no more myths of rebirth, and I'm sure we'll all be reduced to nothing."

Jerosa was silent.

She just kept shaking her head, thinking everything was crazy.

She thought, her brother must be the craziest one—otherwise, how could he say such a thing?

But damn it... he wasn't wrong at all.

"Don't forget how our parents died." Hitt said coldly, "I'm going to create a world, a world that won't be controlled by them—"

After speaking, he turned his head abruptly and strode forward.

Footsteps stomped on the ground, and the originally spotless alley was stained with dust, which was kicked up by Hitt's footsteps—because the dazed people forgot to clean.

"Wait..." Jerosa lowered her head, gradually clenched her trembling hands—she struggled to raise her head, and her voice came weakly, "What are you going to do?"

"Speer has an idea, but Fanyin disagrees—a way to create a new world."

"No... the only one who can create is the goddess Alentia..."

"You know what the power of a goddess is like—we know the secret, we know..." Hitt tilted his head halfway, gritted his teeth, and his voice came out from between his teeth, "Phantom!"

Saying that, his figure disappeared into the alley.

Like a traveler walking on a rainy day, his figure gradually dissipated.


"It's fucking exciting."

This is the so-called Phantom Elder Temple - the four figures who stepped into the building looked at the empty hall - they wanted to look around for some mechanism, but this place cast such an "exciting" picture.

After reading a paragraph, Hathaway couldn't help expressing such emotion.

"Coincidentally, I think so too, but I'm probably less surprised." McDigue expressed his opinion.

"You don't look surprised?" Hesevi frowned, looking at him with a slightly doubtful expression, "This thing is the picture before the Destroyer Demon God is about to invade the mainland—"

At the beginning, Hathaway didn't really understand the "process"——

I never thought Hitt would be such a character.

"The secret files of the Terran Empire have written that they claim to be orphans, but their parents died in a certain ceremony."

"Those ancient rituals?"

"Since the demon god uses life magic, rituals involving black magic must have 'sacrifice'—but what people of that era thought, it's hard to say." Medigg waved his hand, "Big sister, don't feel sorry for them — at least it sounds incredible now, but at the time..."

Maybe it's normal.

"The cycle of life... During the reign of the Demon God, it was said that those who go to Tia will go all the way, set foot on the Allen Continent again, and complete their reincarnation. However, those who die in the ceremony can get the blessing of the Death Demon God, go The tree of life where Alentia is located has been baptized, and she will become the person who will shine on the continent in the next life." Hethaway ignored the "comforting" meaning in Medigue's words, and said to herself.

Obviously, Hitt didn't believe this at all.

"The demon god has been deceiving the human race, so as to alleviate their pain when they sacrificed?" A Bai interjected casually.

Hathaway shook her head: "No... The ancient documents left by the Death Devil Church that I have seen once said that this so-called cycle of life is true."

There is indeed such a link.

"Boy, don't take demon gods as 'monarchs', they are creators, too pure life means 'absolute order'." Fingeri said quietly at this time, "So they told the people of the temple , not a sacrifice to make them feel at ease, but just to emphasize this cycle, and they will follow this cycle."

"The demon god is not wrong..." Hathaway narrowed his eyes, "What's wrong is...they don't understand the 'emotion' of life."

 Regarding the next plot, [it’s definitely not alluding to any events anyway], it’s really okay to understand the background of this game emmm. .But I personally think this kind of thinking is quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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