Advanced NPC

Chapter 16 Who Do You Think

Chapter 16 Who Do You Think

"Wow——" This strange cry startled them.

Or an NPC?

Fortunately, before they discussed or decided what to do next, the NPC had already come out of the dark——

It was a boy with blond hair, and he was also a beautiful boy at the same time—there was a golden line under his left eye, which did not prevent him from showing an innocent smile.

Reminiscent of innocent children playing in the street.

"Pretty ladies, how are you—"

The sound is crisp.

This is simply...

Cha Huo's eyes glowed, and he almost screamed: "It's a real lady! It's so cute!"


Ai Jue showed helplessness, thinking: "Anyway, I was ignored."

Hathaway was rarely silent. She looked at the young man carefully, with different shades of light flowing in her dark green eyes.

Surprisingly, the boy's eyes skipped over the fire of tea that showed enthusiasm, and landed on Hesevi: "My name is Casello, who are you?"

Hathaway raised her eyebrows, and when her gaze met Caselo's, she realized that although the boy's eyes were light golden, they were like deep pools.


"Guess." Hathaway paused, very slowly, and showed a smile without any hypocrisy.



"Ah, that's a pity. You are adventurers, right? Want to go to the Fairy Land?" Casello pursed his lips and smiled, as if he didn't care too much, and then asked, "Can we go together?"

It will be Ai Jue's turn to raise his eyebrows: "What are you going to goblin land for? It would be dangerous for kids to go there, right?"

Chahuo was stunned, and after thinking about it, he came back to his senses—this area is the high-level strange area of ​​Xinshou Village, and a character who looks very young and is still an NPC appears in this place...

Seems to be a little abnormal, huh?

Look at the grade...or is it a question mark?

You must have a problem, kid!

"But, my friend is over there." Casello didn't rush to refute after hearing this, but puffed his mouth, blinked his light golden eyes, and there were clear tears trembling slightly, about to overflow his eyes, "If If I don't get there soon..."

The three players thumped in their hearts.

"Okay, let's go together, hey, what's the matter with you, don't the elders even care about children?!" Before Haisaiwei and Ai Jue could react, they saw a blur in front of them, and the tea fire rushed to them In front of Caselo, he patted the boy's head with tears in his eyes, and blamed the "irresponsible" Ai Jue by the way.

"???" Ai Jue was a little heartbroken.

But collapse is collapse, what else can he do?
"Miss Adventurer, you are such a good person!" Casello said excitedly while weeping.

Hathaway looked aside, feeling that there was nothing she could do, and sighed.



"Then let's go. Otherwise... the horned wolf is coming?" Hesevi said to them helplessly spreading her hands.

It looks like "unanimous opinion" is ready to hit the road.

Ai Jue watched the young man bouncing forward following the tea fire, without saying a word, but silently turned on the screenshot function of the panel and the list of frequently used communication.

The communication was not received quickly, but Ai Jue's frenzied attack was unstoppable - the other person answered with a rather helpless sentence: "...Didn't I say that, I am doing a task recently."

In other words, "I am very busy".

"Help me find out who this NPC is." Ai Jue didn't care what he was saying, and passed the screenshot over.

Surprisingly, the other side was silent for a long time.

what's the situation?
This kind of thing is rare——Ai Jue couldn't believe it, could it be that the existence of this NPC stumped Ah Bai?

"You..." After a while, Ah Bai made a sound.

"En." Ai Jue's voice seemed serious.

"Take the girl to the NPC...?"

Ai Jue: "???"

Ai Jue: "No, I mean that boy—who do you think he is?!"

There is still a gap between the appearance of NPCs and players, right?
why does he feel...

"What the hell do you think that female player is an NPC?"

Ai Jue recovered, surprised.He said that of course it was not tea, but Hathaway, who was a little special in comparison.

But even so, he still wondered, where is it like an NPC?Although it is rare to be able to name it so "indigenous".

"Oh." What A Bai said just now startled Ai Jue, but he was very calm, "It looks like it. It's not normal for a normal person to look like this."

"..." This perfunctory was simply levelless.

Or even lazy to perfunctory.

"However, I know what that boy said." A Bai said.

The leader's territory in the field is always dangerous. Players who step into the range have to be careful of being attacked by boss monsters at all times, which is much more troublesome than avoiding ordinary mobs.

On the contrary, the field leader territory after clearing the boss monsters is extremely safe, and you can even dance wildly in this territory.

Therefore, the road seemed much calmer, and Hathaway and his party hardly encountered any problems.

The only problem, probably...

"Hey, are you from a nearby village? It's dangerous to come here alone!"

"Your friend must be very happy to have a friend like you!"

"It was really hard work!"

"Don't worry, we are very powerful, and we will definitely be able to save your friend from the enemy!"


Hethaway felt a little headache when she heard the chattering conversation in her ear.

The race has been changed, and for some strange reason she can't understand, it takes a lot more energy for her to "smell" something than before, and now...

"Ah...women are really troublesome..." She sighed.

"???" Ai Jue stood aside.

Dare you not a woman?

"By the way... Casello." Hathaway completely gave up her efforts, glanced at the young man walking not far away, and said.

Caselo turned his head knowingly, blinked his eyes, and was so cute that most women could scream.

"How did you know the news about the goblin's attack?" Hathaway evoked a smile, and didn't know if he was affected by his expression.

"Garcia, I have been guided by some New Moon scholars." Casello replied, with an uncontrollable look of sadness on his face, "They said that the Silver Empire recently wanted to destroy all the goblin lands... really unacceptable."

(Author's note: Garcia - the demon god who rules justice)

"All of them?!" Not only Cha Huo, but even Ai Jue were a little surprised.

Hathaway raised her eyebrows: "Is that so..."

As soon as the words fell, there was an explosion in the distance——

The explosion was so powerful that even the ground trembled, causing several players to sway——

"Tsk, it's really..." Hathaway's headache grew more and more as she thought about it.

What's going on, is the efficiency of the Silver Empire so high?

"It should be entering the plot." Ai Jue said from the side, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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