Advanced NPC

Chapter 153 Hey, I Can't Hold the Topic

Chapter 153 Hey, I Can't Hold the Topic
Ai Jue was taken aback, feeling that the answer was a bit unexpected.

"I think Miss Hathaway is..." But just as he was about to speak, Ah Bai slammed the door shut——


Do you think I can't speak like this? !

Unconvinced, Ai Jue quickly turned around and went back to the room to play the game.

The familiar picture appeared, and he quickly opened the communication again, trying to catch Ah Bai.

But I heard Hathaway's voice coming from the communication channel of the special group: "Hey, are you online? I researched it all night, and I really found something-thank you for the data!"

Ai Jue: "..."

...Have you really studied all night?
The routines of the midnight series on the forum are all cheating, right?

——What people didn't expect was that it was Ah Bai who sent a message first.

Ai Jue picked it up with a dull expression, and then heard his voice: "What did you tell me about her just now?"

Ai Jue: "..."

Ai Jue: "Patients with severe secondary disease game addiction."


Hathaway really found something.

"Hey, is there really something on the ground? It's triggering?" The researcher with her was a Gandi Fortress player who was on vacation and had to pick his feet. These words came from Aishulu.

"Bosses have a hidden timeline, and they will read a hidden skill at a specific time. The skill is between the basic attack and XX skills." Hesevi pointed to what she drew, and said patiently, "So I can't see anything, But compared to other skill intervals, this period of time will become extraordinarily long, maybe a second or two."



The other players are amazed, and you can see it for a second or two?

Hathaway nodded seriously: "Well, between the boss reading this skill and the next skill, as long as you use the skill to step on this path, part of the magic circle will be lit."

"A magic circle?" The player was startled.

Although this colored light is very prominent when pointed out separately, it is completely unexpected that it is a magic circle?

"The design of the mechanical city follows the ancient times, and this place was also a sanctuary to protect the demon gods in ancient times." Hathaway said.

"Isn't it the temple of the creation goddess Alentia?" Huaishan, who had studied the plot, interjected.

"The guardian demon god Haggus exists with the characteristics of guardianship, and undertakes all the functions related to guardianship in the mainland. Although the temple does have land boundaries, some demon gods are allowed to be in territories that do not belong to them because of their special functions. Build a sanctuary to better exercise your abilities," Hathaway explained, "The most typical is the death demon god Yugad, she is in charge of death, so even the arrogant demon god must reserve a place for her in the territory , so as not to fail to introduce the soul of the dead into Tia and usher in reincarnation."

Wow, long knowledge long knowledge.

The players seemed to be gradually attracted, and asked: "Then is this the magic circle design of the Guardian Demon God?"

"Well, I memorized the direction of the lines, and with some documents, it is basically certain that it is the magic circle in the guardian hall of the devil—it is guarding something." Hathaway gave an affirmative answer.


It feels like something to play—these players have a hint of excitement on their faces.

" assembled the picture by memory?" Abai's voice suddenly sounded from the communication.

As he who has listened to the whole process, now he seems to be focusing on the way Hathaway "processes data".

Does this girl rely on memory except watching videos?

Hathaway nodded.




"I really want to know what your score is in the college entrance examination." Jiang Sheng whispered, "If I had such a score back then..."

Ai Shulu rolled her eyes: "Don't think about it, maybe my young lady doesn't need the college entrance examination at all?"

"Wow, envious."

"I am so envious!"

Hathaway: "..."

Why did the plot suddenly take a turn?Your car is driving too weirdly, I can't keep up with you?

After Abai arrived, he adjusted a few small tools to reorganize the "path" that Hathaway said—and then found...the paths formed by those lights really formed a somewhat strange path on the platform where the three bosses were located. The lines, and the vacant ones are also places where the lines are likely to meet——

"This is the 'root'." Hathaway pointed to the center, "It really wasn't designed by Bai."

Everyone felt a little confused.

"It's too late to ask Xilu, the state of the source seems to be working in the next few days." Hathaway narrowed her eyes.

Everyone: "???"

Did they miss something so that the transition was so sudden that they didn't understand it at all?

Ah Bai was somewhat used to Hathaway's "groundless remarks", so he asked directly, "How did you find out?"

"The Devil's Temple will only create a magic circle of life spells, and the elements of the magic circle are in line with the three elements." Hesevi said, "It looks like it should be a black spell, which accumulates power by absorbing life... Maybe the root cause It still matches the goal.”

Ah Bai narrowed his eyes: "The three elements of life magic...the source, the magic circle and the target?"

"Well, but not all of them are very standard. There may be compulsory courses for mages." Hathaway said, "I just don't know how the education of mages in the human race is going."



Abai was silent.

He played Red Mage before, but he had never touched these things at all.

"Wait, absorb life? Wow that sounds so vicious—" Jiang Sheng's focus was as different as ever, "Is it something that will affect the player's vitality or something..."




Abai couldn't hold back: "Any factor that damages the player's health is illegal, and it will be seized immediately if it is reported."

The players were surprised: "Why do you feel like you understand?"


"The three bosses all have the ability to make the player lose blood continuously." Hathaway couldn't understand what was illegal and seized, and said, "That's probably the part of black magic."

"Then how do you calculate the 'degree of completion of the magic circle'?"

"Brightness." Hathaway pointed to the path, and then took a screenshot with a lighter texture, "If you really want to count, this counts as 80%, and this counts as 70%."

What kind of comparison is this?

The players in Gandi Fortress were very puzzled.

But I saw Ah Bai calling out the information of the two screenshots in a serious manner, and said while calculating: "Are you sure there will be nothing in it that will cause the spell... to degenerate or something?"

"No, apart from finding the root cause and destroying this thing, there is no possibility of stopping it."

"...It should have been opened recently, this one."


"The accumulation time is quite short, and the time should be after clearing the Lost Fairy Land." Ah Bai frowned.

Although he doesn't fully understand the plot, he knows that after the end of this book, many plots seem to have a turning point.

"So what's the current level?"

"It's time to find someone to pay for it, it's done."


(End of this chapter)

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