Advanced NPC

Chapter 151 Die, Fairy King!

Chapter 151 Die, Fairy King!

This time in the middle of the night is probably when the players go offline to rest.

Hathaway glanced at the all-gray friend list, and closed it silently.

This is a room in the Adventurer's Hotel—except for the fact that the seemingly surprisingly small space can open up infinite rooms aroused her curiosity, everything else is similar to her own impression.

When there was no one around, she also completely quieted down, sat down beside the bed silently, and opened the data sent by A Bai one by one.

Glancing at the list, I sighed with emotion that this man's work efficiency is really high.

What Abai is doing recently is the strategy of the mechanical city-although there are already many strategies in this part, they are still in the state of "there are different opinions and each has its own reason" on the forum. Different people use different strategies to have different effects.

On the contrary, any version has a large audience.

Therefore, it seems necessary to do a complete strategy—and their strategy team seems to have never done a complete strategy for a large group, so this time they used the most "ordinary" machine city to try.

It is precisely because there are too many customs clearance times, the amount of data is huge, including all kinds of text guides in the past, customs clearance videos, and his own video compilation in the past few days...

Obviously, this person has already processed the data once before officially typing this book, and today's wave of sorting seems to be limited to integration based on his own personal experience.

Hathaway glanced at the model he had made, but didn't look at it much.

——At first glance, there is a breakthrough in the style of play, but this is not the focus of her attention at this time.

Her purpose is those live videos.

Recording those yourself is not enough.

Hathaway took out a few groups of small biscuits that had just been baked from the backpack, bit a piece, and turned on the play button—quietly, the figure in the dim light was a little blurred, and the shadow was shaking slightly.


"Hey, you haven't logged off yet." I don't know how long after watching, Fingeri's voice suddenly sounded.

——The Fairy King, who was clamoring to go back to the Fairy King's land some time ago, obviously just woke up at this time, and even yawned.

Hathaway didn't even look at it: "When did you learn the words?"

"Of course it was when you were in the Fairyland." Fingley said it as a matter of course, "I also heard that... staying in the game for a long time will cause a 'sudden death', my little master, you have to be careful .”

What he said was comforting words, but the tone of his voice couldn't tell it was comforting.

Hathaway didn't speak.

In his heart, he said quietly about the title that Fingley gave to himself—it seemed to be exchanged every time.

After another period of time, Fingeri had turned around the room three times before Hathaway said softly, "There's no time..."

"You also know that you don't have time?" Fingley was slightly stunned, and then felt a little funny, "When you refused me to go to the Fairy King, it seemed that there was still a long time."

"The most important thing must be done first." Hathaway had no expression on her face.

She didn't really want to be too rambunctious when it came to Fingley.

After all, it can be regarded as an existence that can stand at the same level as the original self.

Even if the identity at this time is completely different.

"The power of phantoms is non-combat, you can rest assured that the black prince has mastered the power of phantoms and will do something about the silver protection first." Fingeri seemed to know what she was worried about, and said, "Besides, phantoms are not good. try to find."

It is "life", which may exist in any corner of the world.

Hathaway was silent for a while: "It's not just that."


"Besides the Black Prince, there is another person that worries me." Perhaps because watching these videos made me feel a little dazed, Hathaway rarely mentioned these things.

"Who? Are you a lover?"

Hathaway didn't even bother to roll her eyes, and shut up.

"Tsk, hurry up and talk!" Fingeri's curiosity was aroused, and he flew to her side and wandered around, "Since the patriarch of the dwarf clan is not interested, there are not many people who can get in touch with the first level of phantom power. "

"...Madig." Hathaway narrowed her eyes and said quietly.

"Wow? Who is this?" Fingley hasn't been in contact with the outside world for a long time - and only has an impression of the so-called "patriarchs" and "kings" back then, and doesn't know anything else. "It can't really be your lover?!"

Hathaway was silent again, this time grabbing its foot.

"Lyne? Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh-" "The most desperate to welcome Fentry. When Hesseei finally let go, it was thrown out like a shell, with It was thrown against the wall with a bang!
"Wow, why are you so...vomit!"

Hathaway remained silent.

After watching a few more videos, Fingley managed to slow down and floated over pitifully.

"Speer's disciple, one of the betrayal mages of the Empire's Silver Land." Hathaway watched the video carefully, so that the reflection arc was a bit long, and then she said slowly—who knows if she did it on purpose.

Fingley understood now: "It's actually Speer's disciple! Then it's only natural for him to betray that hateful black prince—he can be regarded as a friend. What are you worried about?!"

Hathaway remained silent.

It was after hearing this that it was even more difficult for her to express her feelings.

"Speer is Fanyin's disciple, and he abides by the strictest Alentia discipline. Naturally, his disciples will not be fooled by interests." Fingoli seems to be a rare person to praise—even though he is someone he has never met before. "Hey, little girl, if you want me to tell you, you can actually try to find traces of that golden sage, he might be happy to accept you as his apprentice! I like you—"

In his opinion, some of Hathaway's qualities are perfect for the sage's teaching.

Little did they know that Hathaway's teacher was Speer.

There seems to be a problem with this cause and effect.

Hathaway thought to herself, but didn't break it, and said instead: "If the goblins attacked the goblins because of your contract with Jerosa, the 'old account' that the empire wanted to overturn, it would be unjustifiable. It's simple, and it doesn't make any sense to take down the goblin land."

It is actually not easy for the human race to break through all the goblins.

If it's just for old things, it's not worth it at all, especially since the elves may not know where the lost elves created by the contract between the original elf king Fingri and Jerosa.

"Ah?" Fingoli exclaimed immediately after being reminded like this, "Do the goblins know any other secrets?"

"It should be like this...Maybe, Medigue knows this secret." Hathaway said slowly.

The first time she saw Medigue was in a captured goblin land—the guy's purpose was to protect Gary Villa.

See you again, too.

His research is related to the Phantom Spirit Race, but what he did was aimed at the goblin land.

What's the connection?
It was difficult for Hathaway to articulate this feeling.

Medigue and the Black Prince did not get along and betrayed the empire, not so much because of their beliefs, but also because they have the same goals...

If so, things are very troublesome.

Hathaway's hands tightened slightly, feeling a little emotional tension.

(End of this chapter)

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