Advanced NPC

Chapter 148 What, don't you want to vomit at all? !

Chapter 148 What, you don't want to vomit at all? !

For Hathaway, playing the daily team copy is a bit tormented.

——She has been raided countless times, and she really doesn't understand the meaning of books that people smashed.

Especially half of the freshness of playing this book for the first time has been broken up by the video sent by the guide.

Even if repetitive training is valuable, she can't see any trace of "value" in these players, and there are even more conflicts than land reclamation.

In Hathaway's eyes, when opening up wasteland, writing a book = comes with a quiet buff + at least pays attention to the surroundings + can listen to people's words;

But in the daily book, this equation becomes: playing book = self-contained noisy buff + playing blindly according to the strategy + spraying teammates without thinking about a word.

——And probably from the experience of playing these dungeons, she really saw what it means to be a irascible old man and a boy with a lack of IQ.

The irritable brother is also amazing. What Hathaway saw was that the group was wiped out once and the whole group was sprayed, and the milk was wrongly sprayed for all healing, and the output was missing a little and the full output was sprayed. If there is a problem with the position of the T, T will be scolded bloody ...

The first time I saw this kind of spectacular scene was when I was fighting against the second child of the fort. A Phantom nurse in the same group accidentally used the wrong skill, read a group of petrification, and very suffocatingly sent the output of the crowd on the field to petrification That's it, no one can hide from the next boss's pursuit skills——

"Damn it, you output brain damage?!" A certain grumpy old man ran away immediately.

Hathaway: "..."

"I was petrified, okay?" A certain output was very straightforward.

"It's funny, Phantom Spirit Clan nurse?"

"Very strong, this wave of operations."

The irascible old man said: "Will you play Phantom Spirit Race! ¥#@...&"


Hathaway was a little surprised when she heard the rapid-fire spray, first glanced at the Phantom Spirit nurse who was too scared to speak, and then looked at A Bai, expressing that she didn't understand the situation.

Ah Bai's three-character mantra: "Close the channel."

Hathaway: "..."

——It was also from this time that she really didn't open the channel.

After finishing this fight, Hesevi couldn't help but said as soon as she walked out: "Wow, that person is really unreasonable."

Abai thought she meant that the irascible old man was not friendly enough—as a giant who had seen a lot, although he understood Hathaway's thoughts, he didn't feel anything in his heart: "'s nothing..."

"The position is too strange. I have a problem too—the counterattack position can be used as a target by the boss at any time, and he is obviously using his companion's skills to survive. How can he be so confident?" Hathaway said next It sounded very unexpected, "If he wants to show that he can teach everyone a lesson, he should start a heroic fight and a boss one-on-one?"

Abai: "..."

Abai: "What?"

Dare you think that person is not qualified enough to criticize others?

Hathaway nodded seriously: "My own ability is not to the point where I can dictate to the weak, of course I don't have the qualifications."

Abai: "There is a question."


"Fighting bravely is useless against bosses, it is against player skills."

Hathaway: "..."


However, although the irascible old man is scary, the boy who has never seen the mechanism and pretends to be here is even more terrifying-although those "education" things are not up to Hathaway at all, she just watched carefully from the sidelines.

You can't hear it without opening the channel.

Those who heard her name, those who came to strike up a conversation, those who stared at her, those who commented on her on other channels... Hesevi, as always, chose to stand behind Ah Bai, to be an unknown little tail.


The luck of the misfortune was that after the third fight, Hathaway was able to take things and leave the group, and players who couldn't bear it any longer could say goodbye within three hours.


Regarding the word "daily", in addition to the meaning of "no barriers to entry" and "many tasks need to be done", it also means "spiritual pollution".

The first time is raw and the second time is cooked, and the hundred times will vomit until the liver and intestines are broken.

Not everyone can be the Emperor of the Liver. If you fight too much, no matter who you are, you will vomit blood—after all, you have to face the same boss repeatedly, use the same solution, take the same path, and see the same monsters.

Even Ah Bai would not type the same book over and over again for several days. At most, he would sort out the data uniformly for a few days to alleviate the possible nausea.

"Hey, what are you playing recently?" On the fifth day of playing Mech City, Abai had breakfast, and when he was about to go back to his room to play the game, he heard Ai Jue's voice.

Ah Bai looked back at the man wearing a light-colored sweater, holding soy milk in one hand, and manipulating the virtual newspaper board with his fingers in the other, and said in a flat tone, "Mechanical City."

"Damn it, is it the fifth day? Have you confiscated all your data yet?" Ai Jue was glad that he wasn't drinking soy milk, and his face was full of surprise.

"The sample is almost ready, and a wave should be processed today." A Bai remained calm.

"The machine city group is quite mentally polluted... It's difficult to open up wasteland, but if you fight too much, it's very brainless to get familiar with the mechanism." Ai Jue sighed, "The road is quite long, and you have to go through the central area repeatedly. .”

Abai defaults.

At the same time, he remembered another thing - he didn't seem to tell Hathaway yesterday that he had to process data today and couldn't play.

But... They have also typed that copy dozens of times in the past few days. According to her appearance, she should not be interested in the unchallenging copy, so it should be fine?
Ah Bai thinks so, who knows that as soon as he went online, he received a communication from Hesavi, who "probably couldn't play the dungeon because of vomiting": "Are you online?! Are you going to play?! I'm still a few dozen material..."

Abai: "..."

Abai: "... won't you feel like throwing up after so many beatings?"

So energetic when you go online?
As everyone knows, the reason Hathaway is so energetic is because she has nothing to do—when Ah Bai is offline, she will have several hours of idle time, so go and play by herself, in case she encounters crazy players and no one will block her,

These few hours are enough for her to touch all the production daily, and even go to a few taverns to experience the customs.

As for the question Abai mentioned.

Hathaway: "Need to throw up? Why?"

It seems that this is the first time that Ah Bai has the emotion of being "shocked": "?!"

"Their way of handling it is very strange." Hathaway said honestly, "The mechanical city is based on the appearance of Alentia's reign. It is a very old design, so the whole will not look so simple."

Wouldn't it be that simple?
"Although the 'optimal' treatment is given in the strategy, I think it seems to be missing something." Hathaway said honestly, "After all, don't players always choose the most convenient way to deal with it?"

"……What's the meaning."

"In the mage's world, the most convenient does not mean the best, because convenience will give up some details." Hesaiwei said, "The details are the key to determine the strength of a mage—and the mechanisms of those mechanical cities can actually be That's how I understand it."

Things that are too simplified may cause them to ignore...


"However, playing more can improve your hand feeling, and playing more is a good thing." Hathaway added.

 The writing method of this chapter is called the total score (not).I've been too busy recently, so I've neglected to edit the article. Thank you very much for the little friends who can help catch bugs
(End of this chapter)

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