Advanced NPC

Chapter 143 Oh, Farewell

Chapter 143 Oh, Farewell

"Lulu!" Lulu also popped up at this time, resolutely expressing his resistance to this gaudy thing.

"Huh." Unexpectedly, the group leader's eyes fell on it all of a sudden, the subtlety in his eyes made the menacing Lulu shrink his head in fright, and hurriedly flew back behind Hesevi.

Hathaway: "..."

So what can you do when you come out?
But... this person knows Lulu?
I saw the corner of the group leader's mouth twitched at this time, a magnificent light flashed in his eyes, and he looked straight at Hessewi, his eyes were touching: "It turns out that she is a woman with phantom magic power. Little cutie... It seems that you are the one who recently lifted the seal set by Jerosa."

——It's a pity that this look doesn't have a great effect on Hathaway.

Although she was indeed shocked——

How many people still know about this matter?

How the hell do they know? !

"Where did you get the news?" Thinking about it, I did ask that.

"Oh, it seems that you are really cute! You have revealed your secrets!" The head of the group was very happy, spread his five fingers, and colorful fireworks, ribbons, and sequins fell from the sky with a clatter!

Hathaway and Abai who can't avoid it: "..."

"What... that seal is actually..." Monalan was obviously taken aback when she heard that.

"Hee hee, these are small gifts for the brave, please don't dislike them!" The team leader said again, and blew a kiss to Hesevi with a "boo"——

Hathaway flashed to the side speechlessly, and frowned at the same time: "Can you answer my question?"

After speaking, he fiddled with the sequined ribbon on his head very carefully.

"Hee hee." The head of the group laughed lightly, "This is not a place where we can talk properly, let's go to another place to enjoy a more wonderful performance!"

As he spoke, he walked coquettishly, twisted his buttocks and left.



"...Follow me." Ah Bai remained silent for a while, finally cleaned up the messy ribbons on his head and body, then turned his head to look at Hathaway.

The corners of Hesevi's mouth twitched slightly, and she nodded after a long time.

What else can she do?

But who is this person...

In fact, these two players who were caught off guard completely forgot that there is also a function called "one-key cleaning".

...It's really miserable.


They walked all the way along the winding road with seemingly tall snow-white columns, but decorated with exaggerated decorations, until they followed the NPC and came to a door—it was a pink door .

Two NPCs have already walked in.

Hathaway and Abai looked at each other in blank dismay.

There shouldn't be any traps... right?

"How much is the scope of petrochemical? The most basic petrochemical." A Bai thought for a while and asked.

"That thing has a range? I thought it would be fine to select it."

A Bai was silent: "Then I will advance, there are still a few skills that can be used as a cover."

Hathaway: "..."

Hathaway: "You are really reliable."

"..." Ah Bai was choked up, and he held back a moment later, "Thank you for the compliment."

Facts proved that the preparations of the two were still effective. As soon as A Bai stepped on the door frame, there was a loud bang——!
The reaction of these two wasteland pioneers (not) should not be too good. Without saying a word, Abai took out his weapon and used two cover skills. Hesevi snapped his fingers twice behind him, and Shihua followed suit!

After the two of them moved together, Abai also exited the door, as if it was "safe", but when he took a closer look, he found——

The so-called "attack" is a four-piece suit of ribbons, fireworks, gold powder, and sequins. At this time, under the delay of petrification, it floats slowly in the air...

With the wind……

With the wind……

"Ahhh!" The group leader's voice came with a bit of surprise.

The two players who were players raised their heads when they heard the words, and met the two NPCs opposite this gorgeous thing with a speechless expression.

It's just a little embarrassing...

"Oh! It turns out that the cutie doesn't appreciate it!" However, the NPC's self-indulgence ability is beyond the limit. The two players standing outside the door only saw the golden light flashing in front of them, and the man who was so angry turned around and strode through. Gold pink ribbons, rushed to put a tall pointed paper hat on each of them, and said briskly: "surprise! Like it or not! Happy or not!"

Hathaway: "..."

Abai: "..."

We were so happy we wanted to call the police...

Hathaway and Ah Bai felt that they were going to call the police.

"Hee hee, seeing you all feel happy, I'm really satisfied!" The team leader completely ignored their eyes, and was so happy.

—— Both Hathaway and Abai took off their hats in silence without saying a word.

He looked angry, but was just speechless.

NPCs are tempting on the verge of death, what else can they do? !
Monalan didn't understand their complicated moods, thinking they were angry, and looked a little nervous, at a loss, and finally looked at the head of the group—but he was still smiling, and he was not affected in the slightest.

"Have played enough, should we get down to business?" Hesevi raised her eyebrows, walked in and waved her hand, brushed off the ribbon, and saw an overly long ribbon floating faintly, floating between her and Ah at the same time. On Bai's body, he took the things off in a speechless manner.

"Hahaha." The regiment leader laughed again, snapped his fingers, and the door behind the two of them closed, "Young people nowadays really don't have a sense of humor at all."

The two chose to shut up very tacitly.

I can't answer these words. After I finish answering, maybe this textbook model moth can do anything else.

"Then let me introduce myself to my cutie first. I'm Ke Luo." Ke Luo pursed his lips and smiled, with colorful lights flashing on his body, "Do you like my light effect!"

Ah Bai said "Oh", and said casually, "In our hometown, this thing is called Buddha light."

Hathaway: "..."

Hathaway: "Wait, you said your name is Keluo?"

"Hmm, does the cutie know me?" Ke Luo blinked and gave her a wink.

Hathaway avoided it without a word, but did not forget the "business": " of the sages of the Empire's Silver Land."

For Hathaway, there are two surprising points in this matter - how the sages of the Empire's Silver Land always play the plot of defection, and the second is...

Who passed the sage qualification of this thing? !

If the reviewer was her, he would definitely be deprived of his qualifications at first glance!No mercy!

"Sure enough, he is someone who can recognize Atwood." Keluo smiled slightly, and did not give an affirmative answer—but the answer was almost equal to affirmative.

Hathaway then recalled those years in Novice Village, and wondered if the defecting sages really got together——Atwood, isn't that the sage who disguised himself as a tavern owner and betrayed the silver land of the empire.

Well, you sages who defected to the empire are still in droves.

(End of this chapter)

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