Advanced NPC

Chapter 139 Very Good, Suddenly Busy

Chapter 139 Very Good, Suddenly Busy

long silence.

Sirul didn't speak, but Fingoli didn't dare to speak.

Hathaway lowered her head, her thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and the light in her dark green eyes was a little dim—she was remembering something, but she was also silent.


"That's it..." Until Sirul broke the silence with a somewhat tranced tone—the trance was mixed with a little heaviness.

Things are often like this, when you understand when you are not relaxed, but more and more heavy.

"That's right, I know about that - Jerosa was desperate and sought help from the dwarves. But the dwarves were more inclined to cooperate with King Hitt, so everything was over." Xilu recalled Those secrets passed down by the ancestors, Shen Sheng said, "The dwarves didn't care about Gerosa's ideals back then, and now I don't intend to make up for it, I just know..."

Hathaway took a breath.

"Human race... Those sprouted ambitions that were once stifled by Jerosa have sprouted again. The order of Hiranvia cannot fall into the hands of any race." Sirul's tone was more solemn than ever before. , "Doruma knew this and hated Hitt and the human race, but I won't be like him."

"Could it be that you..." Hathaway had a bad feeling.

"Since it belongs to the Phantom Spirit Clan, let the Phantom Spirit Clan take care of it." Siru said, "I didn't use you to find Doruma on purpose, it's just that you just mentioned this matter—I even shouted a few times. Ten adventurers, but they were all too stupid to discover the hideout."

Hathaway: "..."

"Little girl, you have a strong sense of justice. I thought you were a stunned young man. I feel that you can keep that thing safe after threatening it so that you won't be targeted by the human race again." Xilu felt a little regretful, "I underestimated your strength." IQ, I really made a mistake."

Hathaway: "..."

I don't want to do anything else right now, I just want to beat someone up.

But something Sirul said was not wrong.

Since the Black Prince wants to capture the phantom again, he just needs to find a way to prevent the phantom from falling into his hands.

"Then...the other phantoms..." Hathaway bit her lip.

In this case... she can try to collect other...

"Damn it, you're so brave, do you really want to collect others? Can you summon the dragon?" Xilu blinked, and immediately realized what she was planning.

Hathaway: "...I'm not I don't have it."

Hathaway: " did you know this meme?"

Isn't that a gamer term? !
"Tsk, that's all I heard from adventurers talking nonsense." Xilu stroked his beard, "And asked me if I make Dragon Balls here, I don't even know what the hell it is."


That's really hard work for you.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little loose, Fingley said: "What are you guys...don't ignore me?!"

"The goblin king thousands of years ago... I have to say two things that are very tragic to you." Xilu glanced at it, and then got down to business, "First of all, the current situation in the goblin land is even worse. It’s good to find time to go there—although I think it’s definitely useless.”

Fingley: "...Then what a fart."

But it is still a little worried about the safety of the goblins.

"Also... the loosening of the silver protection is actually inevitable." Xi Lu said again.

Hearing this sentence, even Hathaway was startled.

"How is this possible? As long as you don't gain the power of phantoms, don't touch those..." Fingoli said hastily.

"Even if the black prince doesn't try to do anything, the power of protection will be gradually weakened—I don't know the details about this." Xilu said honestly, "Little girl, I think you should be more clear than me about this." That's right."

Hathaway was taken aback.

The gradually weakened silver protection...wouldn't be...

"I see." Hathaway nodded, " haven't told me the whereabouts of the other phantoms, and whether you are willing to provide something that can hold the power of phantoms."

Siru said "Hi" and said, "Are you a big talker? It's something that makes up the protection of silver. We can do it as we please? Otherwise, I would have gone to the Silver Empire with a hammer, and I'm still playing with you? "

Hathaway: "..."

"Say something like 'Dear Mr. Dwarf Patriarch, is there anything I can do for you'?!"

Hathaway: "..."

When players look for tasks, they will imitate the tone of the NPC, so there is a universal sentence pattern "Dear XX, can I help you with anything", this kind of thing.

If those players know that this sentence has been overheard by the NPC and they used it to make fun of it, how would they feel...

Hathaway's face was black: "So you don't want to say it."

"Tsk. You really have a blessed face and say something that will be cursed." Sirul looked disgusted.


"The whereabouts of the other phantoms, at least I don't know - neither the dwarves nor the goblins had contact with the vortex of contradictions among those people in the Silver Land, so I don't know why the phantoms disappeared." After thinking about it, Xilu still said, " As for what you want..."

[Congratulations on successfully accepting the mission "Phantom Cage"]

"I can make this thing, but you have to find the materials yourself."

Hathaway: "...Oh."


This trip to the dwarves has been quite rewarding.

The things that Hathaway came into contact with were somewhat limited, and when she found out that this was actually the case, she was clear about it, but actually still had doubts.

As Xilu said, God knows how the black prince re-knows the secret thousands of years ago.

The ancient ruins must have not been discovered by Wang Xite at the beginning—how could it be discovered after a thousand years?
as well as……

What conflicts did the members of Silver Land have at the beginning, and what kind of mentality did King Hitt have, that he wanted to control the silver protection?
Unsolved mysteries oh unsolved mysteries.

The most urgent thing is to make a weapon that can hold the phantom power, otherwise it will be fine every time it is not comfortable to use, and the weapon will be blown up.

Weapons also cost money, and this kind of bomb is not repairable—you can’t come back after it’s blown up.


Hathaway left the place where the patriarch of the dwarves was, and the expression of Sirul, who was sitting on the throne and maintained his usual calmness, slowly changed after she left.

Undisciplined, leisurely, turned into plain—very subtle changes.

That expression used to have some characteristics, but now it seems that it can only be described as expressionless.

"It's so similar...this face...but..." he said slowly, "How could the people there set foot in the west and fall to such a state..."


At the same time, a black figure flashed past the wall. The man's footsteps were very slow, and he didn't know when he was standing here and what he heard.

He left here all the way until he caught up with a figure not far away, walked forward calmly, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Fuck." The woman was startled at first, then she turned her head and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the person coming, "Ah Bai, why are you always so elusive?!"

That person—A Bai was silent for a moment, then said: "Ai Jue told me to pay attention to you, don't make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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