Advanced NPC

Chapter 136 The popular heroine is very distressed (no)

Chapter 136 The popular heroine is very distressed (no)

After leaving the instance, Hathaway played around with the players.

The so-called eating and drinking, setting up a dragon's gate, and listening to Ai Doulu's singing and so on—for a while, she almost had the illusion of "life is so peaceful".

It wasn't until the next day that when she walked through the street, she noticed that some players' eyes kept drifting towards her.

After all, it was someone who was in a high position, she remained calm, although she felt something was wrong.

Not because "someone is looking at her" feels wrong.

Instead, I feel that their eyes are a little subtle.

"That person is Hathaway?"

"Looks like it really is!"

"It's the same word, you can't make a mistake..."

"Wow, she looks so beautiful..."

——Although the players are of course not using a channel that everyone can hear, their eyes probably express what they think.

When Hathaway turned her head and glanced at them, it was the same everywhere she looked.

The caught players not only didn't look back, but saw it more directly. Some players even came up and asked, "Excuse me, are you Hathaway?"

Hathaway: "..."

Looking at the tall player in front of him, Hathaway looked at the other players who seemed to know him with a look on their faces, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"I don't know, I don't know, who is Hathaway? It's impossible to know, sorry, I'm in a hurry." She waved her hand and walked away.

The action was crisp and the expression was firm. Those players didn't react for a while—she disappeared in the blink of an eye—to be honest, the current Hessewi dare not brag about how powerful she is. She can run so fast. One thing can still be said.

But she was still a little guilty when she ran.

What the hell is going on with these players?

"Ah? You were found on the street?" Ai Jue, who received the call, said inexplicably.

"Yes." Hathaway walked towards the less-crowded street with some fear, with a delicate expression, "Ask me 'is it Hathaway'?"

"Eh? Male or female?"

"Male? It seems to be."

Hathaway remembered that the man was quite tall, because she didn't pay much attention to things.

Ai Jue blushed: "Like?"

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Hey, why are the ways these people flirt with beautiful women so rude now?"


Brother, is this the point?

Hathaway was a little speechless, and simply trotted again—even so, she still didn't make the obvious footsteps that other players would walk on the ground: "When are strangers wanting to ask things, when are they so lacking in etiquette?" , Even if you are an adventurer, it is always necessary to declare your faith as an opening statement."

This time it was Ai Jue's turn to not understand the situation: "???"

Hathaway felt that he had slipped his words, sighed, and changed the subject: "So... what's going on here."

"Obviously, you're famous." Ai Jue said, "I just made statistics on a forum, do you want to see it? You are the most popular topic recently, and someone got a screenshot of you, praise You have a beautiful face in the prosperous age, but a beautiful face is a disaster."

Hathaway: "..."

Why do I feel that these are not good words?
To be honest... She hasn't read the forum for a long time - she usually doesn't read the strategy unless necessary.

"Why am I famous?" Hathaway frowned. "Did the NPCs tell the players about breaking the seal set by Jerosa? What good would it do them? Letting players intervene in these matters is not at all reasonable."

She felt that NPCs would respond, no matter what race they were.

Ai Jue thought for a while, and spoke cautiously again: "Actually... it's because you were wanted just now, and then you won the first kill of a large ancient ruins. The front and back are big things, and there are very rare world broadcasts... ...And then it was discovered that one-third of the first kill list in the hidden copy had your name on it."

Hathaway was taken aback.

"But the most fundamental reason... is because you are good-looking." Ai Jue coughed as she spoke.

Hathaway: "..."

Hathaway: "That's it?"

"Ah, that's it." Ai Jue was rather puzzled.

Isn't this reason normal?

To be honest, being wanted by a race, or a common human empire, the player's first reaction was miserable.

However, it was not long after I heard that the wanted man was still very inspirational, and he won the first kill of a large-scale dungeon at once - even if he won, it was still World Broadcasting, which triggered a new hidden plot.

I found out again, wow, this player is the first to kill a professional user of hidden dungeons!There is also a name in the strategy writer!It's a big guy!
The scariest thing was after finding out she was a beautiful woman.

Things got rather subtle.

All kinds of theories emerge in endlessly, which are close to the [-] o'clock TV series, legends, century events, romance memes, Mary Su memes, people are beautiful and powerful, and they hug their thighs...

It is no longer what Hathaway did that created the heat, but the story that was created——

As a result, Hathaway was discovered on the street, like a hit, the reaction of a popular star who is full of topics after being discovered.


"...You guys are so boring."

And when Ai Jue explained these explanations so that his mouth was dry, Hathaway said something cool.

Ai Jue: "..."

After thinking about it, I felt that my old mother's illness had broken out again, and I felt very tired while holding my forehead: "Well, anyway, if you don't stop recently, there will still be troublesome things."

"..." Do you think I'm thinking?

Hathaway had no idea that these things of hers would be developed in this way.

If it was before, it would be nothing more than a conversation between adventurers in the tavern. If it has developed far-reachingly, it would be a small story that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it will be the point where you can just ask if you don’t have anything to do with meeting.

Boring...and scary.

"What are you doing now?" Ai Jue didn't hear Hathaway's answer, and felt vigilant.

"Me? I want to solve the phantom." Hathaway didn't hide anything.

Since Phantom's skills can only be used by herself, it would be a waste not to find a suitable weapon-it is not her habit to waste everything.

In addition - those faintly crazy passer-by players gave her an urge to "hide" her face first.

after all……

I always feel that I will meet "acquaintances" in the future.

"Solution? How do you solve it?" Ai Jue was a little interested.

"Talk to the patriarch of the dwarves."

Ai Jue: "???"

Ai Jue: "Wait?"

There are always times when Ai Jue has a strange illusion that this woman is going to make a big deal as soon as she goes to the NPC.

How could she find NPCs so naturally? !
"Wait first? Damn, I'll ask Ah Bai to discuss it with you first? Don't make trouble, girl!"

"Troubleshooting?" Hathaway's voice paused, "I'm already in front of the patriarch's place, so it's too late for you to say that."

Ai Jue: "..."

Ai Jue: "Damn it."

Saying that, Hathaway hung up the communication.

 The next chapter will summarize the recent main storyline. It is slightly longer and divided into two chapters. I will post it as an addition (I will apologize for not handling the main thread well)
(End of this chapter)

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