Advanced NPC

Chapter 132 Aren't You Too Showy?

Chapter 132 Aren't You Too Showy?
After Abai finished speaking, Ai Jue helped to use auxiliary tools to place several multi-color apertures with digital displays in the venue.

LZD is the same as other simulation games. In order to facilitate players to better grasp the movements of themselves and their teammates in the large-scale book, follow the command, and set up many auxiliary tools-the aiming assistance that Hathaway first knew is one of them.

After all, she had never used these tools before.

——As a mage who has been trained in combat awareness since she was a child... she feels that it is totally unacceptable to use this kind of thing.


Hathaway sighed—forget it, she is now a player after all.

"Excuse me! Do I want to stand at point 1 or point 2!" At this time, Jiang Sheng asked modestly.

"It depends." Ai Jue replied.

"I can't! My mind is messed up, so I just run around..."

Ai Jue: "..."

Ai Jue is quite a headache: "The main reason is...we don't have enough samples of bossP2 skill data, so we can't determine the law of skill release. It may be random. The punctuation is just to distinguish the direction... How to deal with it depends on spirituality."

"Ah, but I will be dirty!"


"I'm dirty!"


Hathaway looked away, feeling complicated.

That's all... that's it.

"In the three cases of conduction, the one named by the number ball goes to the half of point 1, and the others output the boss as usual. If the debuff is released...Hesaway reads a war song." A Bai then clicked on Hathaway.

Hathaway tilted her head: "Oh."

"If she is named, the nearest natural mage will give her a blue-leaf vine."

Blue Leaf Vine is a natural mage's ability to pre-release the weakened state. It can swallow the nearest debuff that can be eliminated on a player. It is a magic weapon here.

"I also made the illustration book of debuff balls and buff balls." Ah Bai lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and continued, "The debuff balls are eaten by natural mages. After eating three, step on the white circle. Pay attention to eating Give yourself blue leaf vines in front of the stun ball... the buff ball is eaten by the output, Hathaway, please pay attention before removing the debuff in time."

Obviously, these strategies of Abai are to squeeze the output in order to obtain the maximum output.

Ai Jue also cut an output because of this-there are almost no particularly tragic output skills in the three stages of the boss.

But Ah Bai still felt that it was not enough, so he added: "Hathaway...your battle song."

The Eldar don't have much damage, but support is second to none—especially when it comes to boosting damage.

Hathaway: "Oh."

"Wow, I think Miss Sister is so miserable." Ai Doulu suddenly realized that these arrangements were meant to squeeze output, rather than squeeze the "poor" Phantom Spirit Race like Hesavi?With emotion, "It has nothing to do with me."

"..." Can you call this comfort?

"Wow, miss, you've worked hard, so what do you need me for..." Jiang Sheng's eyes lit up, and she was full of fighting spirit after a day's rest.

"You? Just don't be stupid." The companions said in unison.


Huai Shan patted her head distressedly.


Players also said that Abai squeezed Hesevi, and it was only after the game started that he found out that he was squeezing her—that's because there is something to squeeze!
It’s okay to hide the dark and bright lights at the beginning, but in the P2 stage, when the people named by the digital ball have not been affected by the debuff, Hathaway has already released the debuff with a battle song.

The same is true for other mechanisms - just like cutting vegetables!
What's more, the battle song is simply amazing.

War Song Chapter, that’s 10% of the attack power of all members—at the same time, as if to make up for the incompetence of the Phantom Race in combat, the cooldown time of this skill is not worth mentioning compared to other races, and it’s okay to say that it can be maintained throughout the entire process. Not too much.

This means that if the Eldar can keep fighting at 6, the more people there are in the team, the overall income of the team will explode.

——The damage of the team was brought up like this.

What's even more gratifying is that the team's malignant Taoist leader, who had been dying so much that the nanny wanted to ignore him, actually pissed him off a few times after getting familiar with the scene, and his output was almost as good as that of Ah Bai, which was shocking.

"Wow, 6—"

"Miss sister, don't stop buffing!"

"There is a play!"

So logically, the fight this time was so touching, when it came to P3, the boss's blood volume looked so stable——

However, it suffered a tragedy that the boss was too hard.

The boss in the Book of the Living state will give his avatar various defensive states, which are as hard as a tortoise shell, and it is extremely difficult to fight. After the phantom is released, it will be settled according to the proportion, and the damage caused will be even less.

...It further aroused the wailing of the output dogs.

"Can those skills of the boss be dispelled?!" The players were unsurprisingly trying to find a convenient way.

"The success rate is too low... After all, they are Phantom Spirit Race." Ai Jue frowned.

Boss plus Phantom Spirit Race, if this can be dispelled...

Seeing a flash of gray light, Hathaway read a dispelling battle song to the boss, and successfully dispelled the two most critical defensive buffs of the boss.

Is the Phantom Spirit clan's support success rate high?

Ai Jue: "..."

Well... it is indeed high.


Of course, although several defense buffs were successfully dispelled, there is still a fixed defense boost state in this state that cannot be dispelled.

The boss in the P3 stage is the most troublesome when reusing the skills of P1 and P2 when retracting the clone, because the player needs to react quickly.

The problem with most players is that they can't react easily.

I still don't take land reclamation seriously - that's basically what it means to fight too much and lose your fighting spirit.

In addition, this is the first time the game has been restarted today, and the players haven't fully entered the game yet. Even though it went well before, they still can't react at this moment-seeing the gray ball roll call, several people didn't move.

Something's going wrong with this path!

Seeing this, Hathaway took another look at the gray ball above her head, gritted her teeth—and started running wildly!
Some players originally saw gray balls around Hathaway, and thought that since other people couldn't control her, at least she would be fine. Who knew that she would suddenly "go crazy", and suddenly felt a little confused.

I saw Hathaway quickly shuttle through the crowd, and with a wave of her arm, she turned a player surrounded by a gray ball, making him turn around—the player was petrified before he could react.


The second one, the third one—God knows how she quickly locked the player's position within ten seconds of skill judgment. After petrifying four people, Hathaway quickly searched for the last named player besides herself ...

Damn, it turned out to be the Daoist hiding outside and claiming to find a quiet place to export!
Seeing the huge distance between the two of them, she couldn't run any longer, so she raised her hand and a maze of falling rocks smashed past——

The skills of the Phantom Spirits really can't cause damage, just like the player holding a broom can't cause any damage-but it can affect the target.

"Hi?!" Daoist was surprised, and he turned to look at Hathaway.

Hathaway turned sharply, facing the wall.

The judgment was completed in the next instant——

This judgment was perfect, and the gray balls formed a perfect line until Hathaway took away all the damage with the last blow.

It's nothing if you lose that little blood.

The players who reacted were all shocked.

Is it too showy? !
(End of this chapter)

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