Advanced NPC

Chapter 125 Is that so?

Chapter 125 Is that so?

"Jerosa... Well, it should be said that the skills of the boss are unstable. Taking digital transmission as an example, there will be two results, corresponding to the Book of the Living and the Book of the Dead of the Phantom Spirit Race." Hathaway thought After thinking for a while, as if thinking of something, he frowned, "It seems... this transmission spell is actually stable... Is it so different from elemental spells?"


Seeing that something happened to Hesevi suddenly, he turned around and thought, the players didn't speak, and they all learned to keep silent.

It's not wise to bother the second child at this time, or they just don't understand.

"Hey, Dou Dizhu, my friends." At this time, Huaishan took out a deck of cards.

The game of the last century, but a good game always leaves a bad smell... well, it will last forever--players greet each other in twos and threes.

"I don't really understand the world of the boss." Ai Shulu happily accepted the card.

"It's mine!" Jiang Sheng yelled, but the last card was snatched away by the priest, "Damn it, you're not kind!"

However, there was no such accusation, and the Taoist priest sat down to fight the landlord after saying "hey".

Sure enough, it didn't take long to be killed by Ai Shulu.

"...Hey, hey, it's just a game, why don't you! I want to decompress too, okay! This boss is really too difficult!"

To be honest, this dungeon has been played too much and nothing happened, it really harms people——

Ai Shalu said that she didn't know anything, she spread her hands and pretended to be innocent, and then looked at Hathaway's side: "I'm really envious, the big brother just has a clue, we can only follow along miserably."

This sentence hits the point.

Land reclamation is really not something that ordinary players can play - one can suffocate himself half to death if he is not careful.

It's not some cheating fantasy game, you can still depend on your luck when you fight the boss...

"It's a game, just have fun..." the Taoist master subconsciously said.

"Hey, you have a bomb." At this moment, Hathaway appeared behind him furtively, with a cool voice.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Miss sister, how could you...fuck!" The Taoist priest was frightened, and when he realized what she was talking about, he felt even worse.

Woohoo, his card...

Finally, there was some kind of bomb, and he was happy for a while...

Ok, game over now.

Hathaway blinked, looking like she didn't know what she had done.

"..." Hey, I was very angry.

"Miss, isn't she discussing the boss's big event!"

"The talk is over, now I'm thinking about finding a way to marry him off." Hathaway said, "What preparations do you have to make for arranging a marriage?"

"Huh? This is more important."

Seeing the two chatting, Ai Shilu suddenly realized something was wrong: "Wait a minute."

Are you such a crooked building?

In fact, Hathaway has already thought about it.

"There are no documents here, but it is a bit difficult to find such documents, so I don't expect it... Well, let's put it this way, this stage of the boss is conduction, and the skill judgment will be made according to the state of its book of the living and dead after the conduction .” Hathaway was forcibly dragged back to the normal session, and clapped her hands with a slightly regretful expression.

"The Book of the Living and the Dead..." Abai muttered beside him, "If you continue to lose blood, you will switch to the Book of the Dead, but if you don't lose blood, will you consider the Book of the Living?"

"Theoretically, that's the case." Hathaway nodded, "Grey balls and colored balls are even simpler, just transfer the spell to the edge."


What is this operation?
"Any spell will determine a casting range when it is released. If the wall happens to be within this range, it will offset a certain amount of spell power."

Hathaway still looked casual when she finished speaking.

The players were shocked.

What I heard next was "Wow, wow, my little sister is an idol!" "My God, do you live in a game?"

Ai Jue's eyes were a little weird.

Why do you think...the understanding is too deep?
LZD is notoriously "stingy". Not only does it not support the strategy group, it never provides any strategy support, and the official website only has a simple introduction. For example, the introduction to the human race is "the race with the largest number in the mainland".

The game resources are scarce, but the book is quite difficult to play...

Ai Jue felt something strange.

"Ah Bai..." He subconsciously looked at the people around him, and what he saw—Ah Bai's eyes were also a little weird, with black flickering in his eyes, and he couldn't tell what emotion it was.

"It's so strange, players can really know so many...insiders?" Yuge asked at the right time——this observant and actual person in charge of Illusion Breaking, his eyes looked a little bit at this time.

Uh huh, does anyone seem to think the same as him?

"It's so strange! Miss Sister is super strong! Call and call for Miss Sister!" However, Yinkong Frye, who had been suppressed quietly, completely broke up the atmosphere.

"Oh oh oh! Hand over to the boss!"

"Head to head!"


The bosses looked tired.

Look at Hathaway again—I saw that she didn't seem to notice the eyes of these people who found something wrong, and she was still talking about some of her own opinions, which seemed very professional.

"..." Ai Jue thought for a while, and said tentatively, "Hasewei?"

"What?" Hathaway said, "When will the fight start?"

Look at him, his expression is natural, his expression is calm, and he even has a cute posture...

"Could it be an illusion?" Ai Jue was confused.

"...Just pass it." In order to take good care of Yinkong Frye, the second generation ancestor, Yuge had obviously "done his best" and didn't say anything more.

Ah Bai squinted his eyes, and seemed to be seriously thinking about certain possibilities.

But he didn't say anything, and walked towards the others quietly.


Although the boss, Jie Rosa, was named after a person, he didn't look like a person—a cloud of black mist floated quietly in the air.

When approaching the door again, Hathaway's expression slightly restrained.


Jerosa of Silverlands.

But it is a person who has left no name.

It seems to be "abandoned" by default by the world.

So what is she doing here?Why did she turn into an Eldar—at least until now, she still couldn't feel the "traces of her life" of Gerosa.

"You seem to be a little more active?" Ah Bai walked to her side, looking a little weird in a quiet manner.

The sound is also a little weak.

"Nonsense." Hathaway sighed.

Abai raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised.

"It ate my pet..."


Abai seemed to have just remembered.

The eaten... goblin pet?
Lulu who was swallowed can probably rest in peace now because Hathaway remembered it (not).

(End of this chapter)

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