Advanced NPC

Chapter 119 Please don't roll over!

Chapter 119 Please don't roll over!
Boss has an attitude of "who the hell cares what you say", the skill progress is still smooth, and only the players are hilarious...

The rambling, the content is becoming more and more vague.

Hathaway watched, her expression becoming more and more tense.

"What's wrong?" A Bai accidentally noticed her expression and couldn't help asking.

Who is the most reliable person in battle?In fact, it wasn't Abai, but Hathaway—she had a wealth of actual combat experience, and she had never defeated bosses by relying on raiders.

Although she couldn't say any dirty words in the battle, and couldn't understand the routines of most players, similarly, she hardly showed any nervousness.

This is rare.

"Under its feet." Hathaway said.

Ah Bai raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the boss - he saw that a magic circle was gradually forming under the boss's feet.

what is this?
"Woooo! Summoning array! Is there any magical girl here!"

"Who is there!"

"Come on, why do I feel that this 10% is the same as 1000%... so fucking tired..."

"God damn summoned a magical girl..."

The corner of Hathaway's mouth twitched: "This is really a summoning circle."



At the end, she added: "It's still the one that's hard to undo, and the caster is...Jerosa?"

As soon as the voice fell, black light spread from the boss's feet, and a black mask with an eggshell-like texture gradually took shape. mid-air—

A figure jumped up with the sound of hula la until it was suspended in the air.

The figure gradually became clear, and it turned out to be a girl with long hair.

"It's really a magical girl..." Someone couldn't help it.

To be honest, Hathaway didn't want to hear these complaints anymore——the eyes fell on the phantom's head, showing the phantom's name.

Its name is... The Shadow of Gerosa.


"Would you like to explain?" Hathaway asked, squinting at Fingley.

Fingerli pursed his lips: "I just want to say, if you don't hurry up, you will be finished."

Surprised, Hathaway turned around and found that there was a countable buff on the boss's head.

"I'll wipe." Yin Kong Frye was selected by the boss again, but this time he was not so lucky when he flew upside down, and fell straight to the ground, GG.

Obviously the attack has been enhanced.

"Remove the buff or...increase the output." Abai said suddenly. At this moment, it can be seen that the players are still calm - not "calm", but most of them don't know why, so they are calm.

Hathaway was a little restless.

She wondered why this phantom appeared.

"Isn't this Gerosa?" She was a little skeptical.

"Why not?" Fingree asked.

Hathaway squinted her eyes, feeling a sense of silence around her - the picture was a little "black and white", and a little slow.

"I've read her story collection." Hathaway thought for a while, "She doesn't look like..."

Whether it's the story about the dog, or the story about the brothers... Jerosa doesn't give the impression of someone who can use black magic at all.

Merciful, full of compassion... but using black magic?
"Hey, I didn't expect you to have kindness?" Fingoli was a little surprised.

Hathaway: "..."

Before he had time to refute, the player side was a bit bad, the buffs kept stacking up, the current boss was just punching a child, and the nanny's crazy pulling people didn't help.

Hathaway's clenched fists rattled.

"Who uses black magic?" Fingley's voice sounded again.

"Evil ones, those who want to deprive others of their lives, evil ones..." Hathaway no longer knew what she was thinking.

"Like the race in that story, right?"

"You..." Hathaway suddenly looked back at Fingley, feeling a little incoherent now.

Did she expose something, or was Finger deliberately expressing something... How does she feel...

"If you judge the caster of black magic in this way, then you are really not good at judging spells." Fingeri looked at her, "Is it too well protected, or is it too wrong?"

Hathaway: "..."

Suddenly there was a scream from behind!
I saw Jiang Sheng, who was being chased by the boss, ran wildly, but the screams only had time to emerge, and it was glorious GG.

"Yes..." Hathaway bit her lower lip, "I was too wrong."

After speaking, she ran towards the venue without looking back.

At the same time, the gift of resentment was called again, this time it was Ah Bai - he faced the boss wittily - after the boss was hit by the gift of resentment, the buff on his head was reduced by two layers.

"Damn, can it still be like this?" The players were overjoyed, feeling that there was something going on.

"It's too late." Ah Bai frowned.

The time interval between the two resentment and anger gifts is too long, the next one will be the buff layer of the boss...

"Mom!" Jiang Sheng just got up at this time, but he was very tired. The boss was still looking at her.

Crying like a storm, okay?
What a shit boss!

Almost at the same time, Jiang Sheng's body became transparent - the damage reduction from Hathaway, coupled with his subconsciously opened face, blocked most of the damage and saved his life.

After Hathaway lost her skills, she rushed towards the summoning circle all the way.

This array...


It seemed to bring her back to the past.

"The summoning circle of black magic? This thing is hard to see."

"However, 'those guys' only use this kind of thing, and I have to find a way to deal with it." Looking at the indifferent instructor in front of her, she insisted repeatedly.

"It's actually the same. The existence of spells can never rely solely on itself, whether elemental spells or life spells." The instructor paused, "Either cut off the head and tail, or start from the path."


Hathaway stared at the magic circle, throwing a silver light in her hand——

What she "snatched" from Medigg... silver wreckage.

But she's not sure the maneuver will work.

Tsk, life is already so hopeless, can you give her good luck for once?
Hathaway thought so, and the silver light fell to the ground.

Like a blister being punctured, after the puffing sound, the magic circle is very face-saving... Gradually disappearing.

Hang up?
Looks like it is!

Hathaway was startled, thinking that this is really okay?As she said that, she raised her head and looked at the phantom of Jerosa who was being scattered a little bit—and it was also looking at herself at this time, using the compassionate and regretful eyes she imagined, which made people confused. Know what her eyes mean.

The surprising thing was not only that, I saw Jerosa speak slowly, opening and closing her mouth before disappearing.

Hathaway's mind went blank, and one sentence repeated endlessly - Jerosa, you need a megaphone!
Collapse——I saw Lulu, who was suspected of being a counterfeit, came up from nowhere again, the light on his body was flickering, so bright that it made people feel a little scared, and he rushed straight towards the phantom of Jerosa...

Until you swallow it in one gulp!



...what did it eat? !

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. After eating Lulu like this, he seemed to be unsatisfied. He turned around and rushed towards... the boss!

The blood of the boss is still declining, it seems that it is only 2% now——

(End of this chapter)

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