Advanced NPC

Chapter 114 Why Are You Surprised?

Chapter 114 Why Are You Surprised?
After Ai Jue left the room, he ran around outside first, bought two drinks, and changed to a snack street after drinking, and ate back and forth for a while, until his fatigue value was too empty... …

Do another round of routine.

Then... he couldn't find anything to do, so he ran to chat with people from other guilds.

——The First Fantasy Club I looked for first.

Ai Jue walked in and said loudly: "Hi! President Guan Shanhai is doing well! Did you eat well recently? Did you sleep well? Is the book going well? Is the family happy?!"

Guan Shanhai: "...the forehead is pretty good."

He who was directing the daily construction tasks of the guild was still taken aback, paused, and hesitated: "What's wrong with you...Ah Bai has found a new love and doesn't want you."


How do you understand brotherhood as this kind of dog?

Although he was quite touched to hear advanced vocabulary like "find another new love" from your old man's mouth.

"Do you want to consider coming to our guild to help with daily work?" Seeing Ai Jue's silence, Guan Shanhai thought he was right, and after being taken aback, he calmly gave a solution.

"... farewell."

——Then ran to find Fantasia Honkai.

"...Why don't you come here to study the mechanism with Abai." Yuge said sharply as soon as he saw Ai Jue.

Ai Jue thought about it, there is a play.

A calm and reasonable person like Yuge can definitely give him some advice...

——He really cares about Abai's affairs.

"That's it..." Ai Jue was about to speak with anticipation...


"Hahahahaha I said my 6 is my 6!"

"Master, I am invincible!"

Immediately, Yinkong Frye's hog-killing shouts came from the guild.

A crack appeared on Yuge's usually calm face. If it wasn't for Ai Jue's presence, he would have rushed back to hang Yinkong Frye without saying a word—

Ai Jue: "..."

Ai Jue: "Go and get busy, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do."

——Gandi Fortress... Well, when Ai Jue wanted to run over, there was only one person in this sparsely populated guild——Jiang Sheng was playing ball at the gate of the guild.

... play a ball? !
"Hello! Together?!" Jiang Sheng was still very happy.

Ai Jue finally gave up.

Nothing to do, no way to go, only to go back in despair.


When standing at the door of the room, he was still a little uneasy. What will happen to them? Is it a cold war or a quarrel or...

After countless psychological preparations, Ai Jue finally mustered up the courage to open the door.

——I can only see that a bright blue boss mechanism model has been built in the center of the room. Two people are standing in front of the model, and there are various screen-on videos around.

"Three flat A's followed by a random skill...should be two, click T or choose a large-scale AOE of DPS."

"It's not a problem to eat the harmful milk directly... It's too troublesome to run."

"Hmm... and that shadow, pay attention to the back."

"It's still necessary to avoid the blood loss state lasting too long."

"The treatment is very difficult?"

"...I can't save too many people at once."

After Hathaway said this, she couldn't help but sigh, she is not some kind of great-loving Phantom Spirit nurse who sacrifices herself to achieve everyone...

"Then it depends on the other nurses. It should be fine to fill up with two mouthfuls of milk when you have time."

"absolutely okay."

The two people who reached a consensus breathed a sigh of relief and turned their heads...

See Ai Jue.

It's still Ai Jue with a weird smile.



Unexpected, unexpected... Generally, at such times, Abai would refuse anyone to approach him, and he was alone from analysis to modeling.

But now...

It really feels like a play.

The more I think about it, the better.

Abai: "..."

Hathaway: "...Hi?"

"Hi..." Ai Jue recovered from the dark feeling, subconsciously waved his hand, and then felt that something was wrong, quickly withdrew his hand, and turned back to the topic, "How are you discussing!"

"Discussion?" Hathaway was at a loss for a while, then turned her head to look at Abai, "We exchanged suggestions and reached a little consensus?"

From Hathaway's point of view, this is quite normal.

It's not a big deal.

Ai Jue was a little surprised——

Is there anyone else who can chat with the workaholic Abai?
Shocked but shocked, Ai Jue, who came back to her senses, only felt that Hathaway was a real soul.

Hathaway didn't know why, after thinking about the video, she turned around——

I saw Ai Jue looking at him with rather strange eyes again, his expression was focused and strange, and he still said "hehehe".

"...I'll be leaving first! Farewell!" Haisevi shuddered, took two steps back, and was about to run away without saying a word.

Is there something wrong with this guy?


When Hathaway ran away and Ah Bai came back to his senses, Ai Jue was still "hehehe".

Abai: "..."

Abai: "Did you take your medicine before going online today?"

"I'll eat...I'll eat a fart." Ai Jue came back to his senses and rolled his eyes.

A Bai didn't bother to look at him, and silently pondered the conclusion just now—there were various handwritings on the thick paper, not his, but Hathaway's.

There are still people who are used to writing in this era... It's quite antique.

"Yo." Then Ai Jue slapped him on the back of the sofa.

"...What are you doing?" The disturbed person raised his head, his cold eyes could cut him hundreds of times.

Ai Jue was startled by his cold eyes, quickly stopped, and then felt wrong: "Hey, what's the difference between your attitude and before?"

"..." Ah Bai didn't speak, his cold eyes seemed to say "What do you think I should change".

"Hey miss, didn't you influence you with love?!"

Abai: "..."

Abai: "????"

Ai Jue asked twice more, only to realize that the two were really just discussing the plot and mechanism. She couldn't help being shocked, and even regretted: "Ah Bai, you are also an older male youth..."

"...It's not the same as what you said." A Bai was very indifferent, pinching the paper to think, not paying attention, "The mechanism has been sorted out almost, but only the first stage."

The boss of the second child may be due to the player's ignorance, plus the mental fatigue of the boss just passed, and the boss's mechanism is a little clever, they have never played P1 before.

Does anyone know what's going on with P2?
"Let's talk." Ah Bai finally said, putting down the paper in his hand.

Oh wow.

"I thought you would check the calculation twice?" Ai Jue found a place to conduct a routine check—although this step didn't make much sense.

"It's not necessary."

"Didn't the more precise the better?" Ai Jue was really surprised.

Is this still the Ah Bai who has to calculate "sure" more than a dozen times after the calculation?
Damn, is Miss Sister really that strong?

"LZD's plot ratio is a bit strange." A Bai didn't feel Ai Jue's surprise, and said slowly, "It's like a plot game."

So that's why you...

Tsk also made me happy.

"There must be a plot, you haven't noticed it before." Ai Jue was a little sad, "But Miss Sister is quite good at triggering the plot..."

"No, maybe...the plot is too important." Ah Bai frowned, feeling that he had caught something faintly, and the blackness in his eyes shook a little.

(End of this chapter)

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