Advanced NPC

Chapter 112 Surprised, what's the situation, you guys

Chapter 112 Surprised, what's the situation, you guys

"Her." Xilu, who was very idle, raised his eyelids when he heard this, and said lazily, "A woman with no reputation."

"……"you sure?

Whether Sirul is sure or not, Hathaway is not sure.

The boss of the black dog named Jerosa obviously focuses on "Jerosa" rather than anything else.

"...How did I hear that things like history are created by small people?" Hathaway didn't believe it at all, and she was bound to learn something from Xilu.

A trace of mockery flashed across Xilu's face, but his eyes remained indifferent: "Only a little girl like you can believe that kind of lying nonsense."


Do you believe it or not?

Hathaway was really in the mood to deal with him, and wanted to turn around and leave a little upset.

"Gerosa wrote a book." Unexpectedly, after taking two steps, Siru spoke.

"What book? Is there any here?" Hathaway immediately turned her head, her eyes lit up, and she became interested.

Just listen to the patriarch of the dwarf clan leisurely: "Yes, the children's book section."


"She wrote a children's bedtime book called "Jerusa's Stories Collection". You can feel it, but there is nothing else to say." After finishing speaking, Xi Lu stood up—— Come slowly, then walk slowly——At this time, the figure has already walked into the distance, "Oh, a woman who has no meaning other than death."

What is this man here for?What does he mean?
and also……

So, Jerosa is actually a... children's book author with a big, ferocious dog? !

Hathaway was startled. ==========================
"Ah, is there anyone?"

"Ah, ah, I have made a big discovery!"


Hathaway slammed the door open, yelled for a while and found something was wrong.

——This is an adventurer's lounge in the dwarf resident. As soon as Hathaway broke in, she saw that Abai was sitting alone on a certain sofa, and there were various screens in front of him, which were playing in all directions without dead ends. Watching the video of more than 20 failures against the second child.

"..." When Hathaway walked in and saw this scene, she didn't know what to say except applauding.

But why are you silent?Scared her into thinking no one was there?

"...What are you doing?" Hathaway was still puzzled, but Abai's voice sounded abruptly.

Hathaway didn't react, and subconsciously talked about what she had just found out.

"Don't you guys think about starting here, Jerosa's story is very interesting." Hethaway said and sat down on the opposite sofa, and only after she calmed down did she feel that something was wrong with Abai.

Um... Serious?No, he was serious... maybe too serious?

"The plot... can be helpful for understanding the background of the dungeon, but for the mechanism..." Abai was silent for a long time, and finally rubbed his brows that were unconsciously frowning, "It's useless."

The coldness of the tone is surprising.

"It's better to study the data than to think about something useless." At the end, I added a sentence to freeze the environment completely.

"Eh?" Hathaway was taken aback.

Ah Bai is sitting quietly on the sofa at the moment, replacing the complicated data in front of him with a coffin, and his expression is not at all inappropriate... Maybe this would be more appropriate.

Thinking so, Hathaway narrowed her eyes slightly after reacting, and her expression was a little dazed. Her proposal was rejected?
Do you think it's pointless to explore Jerosa's identity?

Or... for players...

But... wait, what's the matter with this guy's attitude? !
It wasn't until Hathaway realized that something was wrong here, and turned to look at him—just in time to meet a pair of surprisingly calm and indifferent eyes.


"Hey? Miss Sister is here?" Before Hathaway had time to speak, Ai Jue came in from the door with two cans of coffee in his hand. He was startled and put one of the cans on A On the table in front of Bai, there was a hasty soft sound.

Hathaway turned to look at him, her eyes had completely calmed down.

Looking at it like this, the two of them seemed to have had a quarrel.

Ai Jue looked at her, then at A Bai, sweating coldly: "What did you say?"

"..." Hathaway thought for a while, and gave a rough description, "Are you so disgusted with the plot of the game?"

Otherwise, she really didn't know how to explain Ah Bai's reaction.

"...he is just poisoned by the mechanism." Ai Jue looked at Ah Bai who had no intention of explaining, and raised his forehead.


"The essence of the mechanism is data. Although people are very flexible, sometimes it is difficult to deal with relatively rigid mechanisms..."

Hathaway raised an eyebrow.

"Ah Bai wants to analyze the mechanism now, the more detailed the better, he doesn't care about the plot or anything like that - he's just like that, he thinks that as long as he understands every data accurately, nothing will be a problem." Ai Jue took a sip of coffee, He also said that the expression of pursing his lips and smiling was something he was used to, somewhere between calm and helpless, "It's hard to understand, right? Straight men think like this."

As he spoke, he looked at Hathaway twice more.

In fact, when he heard that someone broke in, he was still a little worried, afraid that Ah Bai would be driven crazy by the mechanism, and he might lose his popularity.

To be honest, this is the old problem of Abai's indifference to others - he usually restrains himself a little, but when the boss mechanism in front of him is too confusing, he will consciously eliminate a lot of "meaningless" interference factors, and it becomes like this.

This is the so-called "mechanism poisoning".

Although Hathaway now wants to explore the idea of ​​​​what is related to the boss-related plot, it is a bit "different".

Most people who can't beat the boss are studying the mechanism of watching videos, and it's not good to practice more techniques and operations. Are you willing to study the background of the boss and expect to start by understanding the boss?

Even though Hathaway has always won the hearts of players with her plot skills, it is too unbelievable to really listen to her now.

Ai Jue is very tangled now——after speaking, mother-in-law and mother’s mental activities went round for several times. Seeing that Haisaiwei and Abai didn’t respond, all kinds of long books poured out of her heart——

What the hell, what's going on, what are you talking about?
Ai Jue was most worried about Hathaway.

He understands that his younger brother's old troubles can kill people, and he doesn't care about the strangeness of Hessewi's thoughts, especially when he sees that the girl is in a bad mood at the moment—slightly purses her lips and doesn't say a word—his heart skips a beat.

No matter who is easily denied the possibility they proposed, they will feel grudges, right?

Ai Jue has actually seen this kind of embarrassing scene many times, basically it's just a big disagreement... um no, the other party turned around and left.

Otherwise, why the strategy team has always been single-digit people in LZD? Apart from the fact that Abai is too versatile, there is also the reason why this person is too difficult to get along with.

Who are you messing with before you finish beating Ben? !

"That's it. It's really hard." But at this moment, Hathaway waved her hand, "Come on."


Ai Jue's eyes widened slightly, a little in disbelief.

Even Ah Bai did the same, raising his eyebrows.

At this moment, the little theater in Ai Jue's mind couldn't stop—this kind of unexpected thing was caught off guard—why are you so easy to forgive, Miss Sister? !Why are you so calm?Isn't that right?Doesn't fit the script?
"...Isn't this normal?"

Hathaway was puzzled.

It's just a specialization in research, and it's inevitable that he will have a bad temper when he is interrupted. Even in her opinion, Ah Bai has a good temper.

If someone broke in suddenly when she was very busy, no matter whether the suggestion was reasonable or not, she would have been greeted by her flames and thunderstorms to another world.

Tsk... It's just a pity for her suggestion.

"Well, I'm just here to make a suggestion. Let's talk about it when you have time..." She still felt a little heartbroken at the thought of this, and couldn't help but say.

It's okay not to say, Ai Jue is a little biased when she is surrounded by her words——

Why did Hathaway come to Abai first when she encountered something about group book suggestions?

Looking at her calm look just now, it can be seen that Ah Bai "hasn't had time" to say too indifferent words-is this not like his style? !
It seems that the last time Ah Bai made that strange emotion—was he on a mission with Hathaway?

Ai Jue was startled.

The coffee in his hand spilled all over the place.



The other two present who were still immersed in their own thoughts, now "returned to their senses" and looked at him inexplicably.

"...It's okay." Ai Jue coughed, "Go ahead, I'll go buy another coffee."



What's the matter with you?
Hathaway was somewhat inexplicably interrupted by Ai Jue.

"Um, I'm leaving too, I was sorry just now." In an instant, there were only two people left in the room, and Hathaway felt deeply ashamed when she remembered that she didn't pay much attention to other people's behavior just now, and said sincerely, saying that she wanted to quit .

At the end, I couldn't help muttering: "Look at the video to understand the mechanism and you can pass the boss... don't need to think about other things... I'm so envious."

"..." Why do I feel that you are actually very upset.

Abai paused for a moment, his face softened a lot because of this action, seeing that Hathaway was about to leave, he hesitated and said, "... Let's talk about the plot."

(End of this chapter)

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