Advanced NPC

Chapter 11 Life, So Helpless

Chapter 11 Life, So Helpless
The players who refused to continue to listen to Hathaway's second speech rushed to the boss to fight without saying a word——

The wind elements around Atwood were spinning at high speed as they approached—either turned into a wind mass and stood still around the player, or jumped, wiping out a wind blade that would take away a piece of blood from the player.

The wind blade seems to come out from any place, and if you don't pay attention, you will be wiped off with blood.

"Isn't this wind blade too dense?" The players were shocked when they saw this.

"There is a pattern—it's an elemental chain. I'm quite familiar with this. I can make a magic engineering formula." Seeing this, Hathaway was overjoyed.

The first reaction of the unintelligible players was "Awesome! It's only a short time before you can see the pattern, you really have talent!"

The second reaction is "What is an element chain? What is a magic engineering formula?"

Guan Shanhai paused intentionally, looked at the active Hesevi, and wondered if their ignorance of her just now was too much?
"How long?" Tumi Huakai asked.

"Two or three days?" Hathaway tentatively asked, thinking that this is quite fast.


Friends, it has been cold for two or three days.

"See clearly what happened and what to hide, the copycats fought!" Guan Shanhai wiped his forehead with his hand, and the "sorry" to Hesevi was wiped out in his mind - without saying a word, he turned his head to fight monsters.


Although the wind blades are dense, after a long time, you can indeed see some patterns, and it is still useful to hide when you can.

Overall, the difficulty is not high. Players only need to pay attention to their surroundings and avoid the occasional wind blades. The blood line is not dangerous--Hasewei has a quick response, and the release speed of the magic spirit temple mage's skills is not long. There is basically no problem with blood.

It seems that as Guan Shanhai said, the level 10 dungeon is still a dungeon opened in Xinshou Village, no matter how you think about it, it will not embarrass the player——

There will be ghosts.

"Slow down, it's really too slow." When Atwood's blood dropped to 50% without incident, a cold voice came out along with the crisis.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding wind group that looked like a spinning top exploded in an instant——

Lift blood?

Stop it, just blow it up.

Everyone is screwed.


When the players saw a flash of white light and the picture was clear, they found that they had returned to the "starting place of the instance".

Looking at the boss Atwood who was full of blood again, several people were still grasping their weapons in a daze - Guan Shanhai was about to raise his feet, Tumi Huakai was holding a knife, the mage shrank his neck, Hathaway looked around, tea The sword in Huo's hand fell to the ground with a "baji" because his hand shook.

look at each other.

As if they were just a dream just now.

Among them, the most incredible one is Hathaway.

What just happened?

"...that big move just now." Guan Shanhai didn't notice Hesevi, whose three views were broken, put away the knife in his hand, but didn't rush forward again, frowning, "We don't have T here? We have damage reduction skills ?"

T, tank - the role responsible for pulling the boss to take damage.

Unfortunately, all T jobs in LZD can only be obtained after leaving the Novice Village.

"AOE is useless even if T pulls the monster." Tumi Blossom also frowned (author's note: AOE range damage).

"Do you want to play the wind ball?" Guan Shankai said, "Try to reduce the wind ball to reduce the AOE damage of the boss? Also, try to play as fast as possible."

"What? You want to use white blades to deal with elements? Elements are not something that can be destroyed." Hesevi didn't quite understand, but was slightly stunned by Guanshanhai's voice, and felt that these adventurers were simply whimsical, so she raised her eyebrows .

However, everyone wisely chose to ignore her——

Then I heard Atwood say again, "Adventurers, let me see if you are qualified to accept the entrustment", and opened the monster again.

Then, Hathaway watched helplessly as the people like herself really knocked out a few wheals——

Hathaway: "..."

Even if you don't listen to me!

But now, can you take care of the player who has a problem with the three views, and let the poor girl be quiet? !

But as the team's only nanny, she really didn't have this chance.

After struggling for a while, when Atwood's blood volume dropped to 50%, the familiar words sounded: "Slow down, it's really too slow."


The wind clusters on the field have already been beaten up, so the players only felt a gust of wind blowing, but the blood bar only dropped a little symbolically.

Hathaway: "..."

Can you do this? !
"Hathaway—don't be in a daze!" Haisaway was shocked and didn't move. She was reminded by Tumi Huakai's words, and she came back to her senses, only to find that the blood of Chahuo had been smashed to nothing but blood.

Before she could raise her hand, there was a "baji", the tea fire accidentally touched the wind blade, the blood bar was empty, and she died.


Hathaway was dumbfounded, but when she turned her head, she found an unusual-looking wind belt rushing in. She subconsciously avoided it, and it faltered, and landed on the mage not far away, entangled him and hung him up— —

"...Get rid of the restraint." Guan Shanhai noticed this scene and said with a frown.

Tu Mihua understood, turned her head and ran towards the mage, and quickly dealt with the wind belt, helping the mage escape.

"Wait for the output, Hathaway turned up the tea." Guan Shanhai continued.

Hathaway was taken aback, pulled up?
"Miss, use resurrection!" The voice of the tea fire came from the team channel, which made Hesevi jump in fright—is this a fake corpse?
And... resurrect this thing...

She thought that the thing that appeared on the skill panel was just teasing her...

Hathaway was tangled, looked at them, put the "cold corpse" on the ground with doubts in front of the tea and used the resurrection skill, and then with the sound of "Ding--", white feathers sprang out from the corpse, Then I saw...

Fuck the dead body got up...

got up...


Hathaway petrified her face, and when she heard the words "give her blood", she mechanically threw the treatment on the revived Chahuo, and vaguely realized that the shock in her heart hadn't increased any more.

Probably, it's numb.

God... ah...

"What's the matter with this boss..." When Atwood's blood volume dropped to 30%, Tumi Huakai couldn't help but "tsk".

The blood seems to suddenly thicken?
"The achievements I have are like the wind..." Atwood had been silent, and then he spoke quietly.

Hathaway and the others saw that a green target pattern appeared behind the mage, and Atwood's blood volume did not drop at all at the same time.

What's happening here?
Before everyone could react, the sharp vines turned into wind jumped out of Atwood's hand and rushed towards the mage.

One hung up.

Hathaway felt cold sweat streaming down her forehead, and felt that these things seemed familiar.

But before she could say anything, the next lock fell on her head.

"..." She chose to die.

Once Hathaway hangs up, no milk basically means no need to spank.

So, the second time, the group was destroyed.

"..." Standing in front of Atwood again, the five players looked at me and you, but they didn't even know what to say.

"I thought it would be easy to deal with only one boss... but this mechanism..." Cha Huo was distressed.

In addition to the few things that seem to be staged skills, there are also a bunch of wind blades on the field.

What needs to be clarified is that Hai Mengbi Saiwei was not hit by the wind blade, and his position can be said to be quite sharp, and the milkman is not relentless.

"Mechanism kill." Guan Shanhai felt a little headache.

The so-called mechanism kill means that no matter how violent the player is, as long as the kill is not completed according to the mechanism, it is useless.

But this mechanism seems too complicated?

"That one just now..." Hathaway couldn't help asking for "science" again.

"Let's keep fighting!"

"..." Hey, will you die if you listen to people?

But they probably already understood Hathaway's secondary attributes, so they rushed forward while holding the knife.

The third group kill, died from the same skill;
The fourth group wiped out, same as above;

The fifth group wiped out, same as above;

The sixth time... I am too lazy to list.


"Being locked and unable to move, the boss has also entered an invincible state. It is almost a one-hit death... How the hell do you fight?" For the seventh time, some frantic players finally settled down and did not rush upwards. Analysis... um No, complained.

"Come closer and fight." Hathaway saw that they were at a loss, and felt that she finally had a chance to act aggressive... Uh, no, I expressed my opinion—but I was still a little sad in my heart.

I don't know if it's because these people don't care about me at all, or because the world seems really different.


"Wind... Forget it, believe it or not." Hathaway raised her head with an expression of "seeing through the coldness of the world".

"...Is there any basis?" Tumi Huakai raised her eyebrows, and looked at her teammate who was a bit sluggish.

"No, guess."


(End of this chapter)

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