The couple who travel fast are always adding drama to themselves

Chapter 48 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.13

Chapter 48 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.13
Yan Ning, who didn't want to stay on the second floor to listen to Sen Ke's nonsense, exchanged pleasantries with Sen Ke for a while after the guests left, and then left the second floor.

Watching Yan Ning leave, Sen Ke inexplicably had a bad premonition.

It was only the first day, and he lost several pieces of food because of her; in the future...

Sen Ke shivered. He felt that his good days seemed to be coming to an end.

Facts have proved that the intuition of the devil is far more accurate than the sixth sense of the woman.

The worries in his heart soon became reality...


Yan Ning quickly returned to her room.

Sitting in front of the newly purchased computer desk in her bedroom yesterday, Yan Ning turned on the computer.

After turning on the computer, she did not go directly to the website of the Literature City that Lord Demon King said, but searched for information related to "Endless Strange Events" on the Internet.

Then Yan Ning was very surprised to find that the novel that was very famous in the memory of the original owner did not leave any traces on the Internet; information.

Is there anything shady about that book that needs to be blocked?

With this doubt, Yan Ning entered wen, the largest literature website in H country.

As soon as she entered the wen, Yan Ning saw the website's recommendation for "Endless Weird Stories".

Yan Ning: "..."

At this moment, her mood was strangely the same as that of Lord Demon King after he learned that he had been cheated.

Clicking on the link of this novel, as soon as Yan Ning entered the page of the novel, she saw the paragraph her partner wrote before the introduction yesterday:

Today there is a new front desk in the Wanca Hotel. Although the front desk lady is very cute, she is very timid. For the front desk lady who loves to cry, just about anything can make her cry.

It is everyone's responsibility to care for cuties, so, players, pay attention, when you enter the hotel in the future, don't scare the front desk lady!
Yan Ning: "..."

The cute and timid front desk lady, are you talking about her?

Before he wrote this passage, she should have only cried in front of him once, right?

So, where did he see that she loves to cry?
Yan Ning angrily clicked on Chapter 1 of "Endless Stories".

In the endless wilderness, there is a little-known hotel - Wanca Hotel.

There is a well in the Wanca Hotel. At the beginning of the hotel’s opening, the hotel owner made a rule that as long as you jump into the well and stay in the well for 3 minutes, you can climb out of the well alive. Make a wish to the owner of Play Cafe.

Beauty, money, power, resurrection of the dead, death of the living, supernatural abilities...

As long as you pay enough price, no matter what your wish is, the hotel owner can help you realize it.

No one knows the correct route to the Wanca Hotel. Except for those who hold the invitation letter, only those with deep obsessions can come to the Wanca Hotel alone without anyone leading the way.

In this world, only ten types of people are eligible to receive invitation letters, and they are: people with the purest souls in the world, people with the most evil desires in the world, people with the strongest beliefs, and people with the most beautiful faces in the world The person with the most lives, the criminal with the most lives, the person with the heaviest burden in the world, the person with the dirtiest thoughts in the world, the person who likes to play tricks on people's hearts, and the person who is given special care by the hotel owner Humans and... non-humans.

Which of these ten categories are you?
Dear players, the moment you receive the invitation letter, you have already entered the sight of the demons.

If you don't arrive at the hotel on time after receiving the invitation letter, the demons will happily harvest your life, eat your soul happily, and happily turn your body into a doll in the hotel, making you a The props in the game in the hotel.

Play coffee hotel game rules are as follows:

As long as you can pass the checkpoints set by the hotel staff, you can pass the game.

After the game is cleared, you can take away the corresponding game rewards, or make a small transaction with the hotel service staff.

In Wanca Hotel, your lifespan, body, soul and everything else you own can be used as bargaining chips.

Dear players, are you ready to enter the game?

After roughly reading their boss's introduction to Wanca Hotel, Yan Ning didn't continue to read.

Looking at the cover of this novel, Yan Ning pondered for a moment.

If she didn't guess wrong, all the things written in this supernatural novel had happened in this hotel; in other words, this novel is a documentary.

"378, what is the game reward he said?"

Yan Ning knew that 378 must be paying attention to what happened in their hotel all the time.

"It's water of reincarnation."

"Reincarnation water?" Yan Ning repeated with some doubts.

"Yes. After your man was deceived by human beings last time, he not only put a lot of mutated creatures bred by magic energy into the world, but also sealed the well of reincarnation. Souls in this world have to go through the water of reincarnation to wash... "

Thinking of the tragic situation in which the number of souls in this world continued to increase in that year, but no new life was born, 378 clucked.

"Since he sealed the reincarnation well, people who want to reincarnate can only ask for reincarnation water from Sen Ke."

Therefore, this is the reason why those people came here even though they knew they would die.

Yan Ning was speechless.

Is their boss so cruel?

"The amount of reincarnation water obtained after clearing the game with different difficulties is different. As far as the few people who just cleared the level are concerned, the amount of reincarnation water each of them brought back is only enough for 2000 souls."

Two thousand seems like a large number, but in their world, if only so many newborns are born every day, He will have to finish it sooner or later.

"Yan Ning, discuss it with your man and let him unlock the seal of the well of reincarnation!"

If this continues, before Yan Ning dies naturally in this world, he will be finished.

"I remember I asked you before lunch, what is the meaning of my existence in this world, and you said, I just need to stay with our boss and live well."


378 flapped its wings and counted the pitch-black eggs in the space again.


He said sadly: "If you ask me again now, I will definitely not answer so hotly."

If she was willing to give him another chance, he would definitely...

"Ha ha."

"Heck, do you have the heart to die at such a young age?"

"Be patient."

"Don't you feel sorry for me being made into what I am now by your Taoist companion?"

"do not think so."


An unbelievable Yan Ning could be heard from his cry: ...

(End of this chapter)

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