The couple who travel fast are always adding drama to themselves

Chapter 46 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.11

Chapter 46 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.11
Yan Ning laughed directly at 378's perfunctory attitude.

"I remember you said earlier that a sense of consciousness was awakened in the demon energy of the reincarnation well. Because that consciousness likes to play with people's hearts and feed on human beings, you called him the Great Demon King. The Great Demon King you mentioned should be Senke Bar?"


Yan Ning twitched her lips, "The power of Sen Ke comes from Jin Chen's reincarnation in this world, that is, our boss; He is devastated, as long as our boss is still alive, Senke will not die.

So, 378, can you tell me, what is the point of you restarting the world again and again, let Lanzhi Tianjun's reincarnation and Sen Ke fight? "

378 didn't say anything, but he quietly lowered his head.

"I want the horse to run, and I want the horse not to eat grass." Yan Ning said softly, "378, don't you think your behavior is too much?"

378 still didn't make a sound, but He hugged his trembling body with his wings.

"378, I think I need an explanation." Yan Ning's voice suddenly cooled down.

She hates others to lie to her most in her life.

Hearing the anger in Yan Ning's tone, 378, who was afraid that she would just drop the burden, silently weighed it in his heart, and finally whispered: "Don't you want to know the status of your Taoist companion in this world?"

"Sen Ke is a consciousness awakened in the evil energy of the well of reincarnation, and your Taoist companion is the incarnation of the evil energy in the well of reincarnation in this world."

Yan Ning:......

For some reason, she was not surprised by Jin Chen's status in this world.

"So, what's the point of you letting me come to this world?"

If you want to kill Sen Ke completely, you must kill her boss. Could it be that 378 wanted her to kill her Taoist companion by letting her come here?

"You... you, just stay by Jin Chen's side in this world and live well."

Because after Yan Ning's death, Jin Chen, the big demon king, will definitely follow her out of this world; as long as Jin Chen leaves, Sen Ke, who is not supported by the devil's energy, will surely dissipate.

In this way, there will be no sequelae in this world.

Yan Ning:......

So her mission in this world is to be a mascot?

"Then can you tell me, what are you and Jin Chen planning?"

She wanted to know what Jin Chen was planning with his own life as bait.

"Cackling." Can't say.

"Originally we didn't intend to let you participate in our plan, but your Taoist partner said that without you, our plan would not be successful no matter what, so..."

"That is to say, I am an extremely critical part of your plan?"

"...Well." He didn't really believe Jin Chen's words.

But after restarting the world so many times, he firmly believed in what Jin Chen said that day.

Until now, 378 has vaguely understood why Jin Chen said that at the beginning.

As a collection of various negative energies in the three thousand worlds, destruction and killing are his innate instincts; he doesn't know how Yan Ning and such an existence that the immortals can't avoid know and love each other, but he knows After they signed the soul contract, Jin Chen turned all this instinct into love for Yan Ning.

Therefore, as long as Yan Ning is by his side for a day, he will not do anything to destroy the world; but correspondingly, if Yan Ning is not by his side, the destructive power of the big devil who lost his sweetheart will increase exponentially.

"378, if I don't tell you the doubts in my heart, are you going to pretend to be stupid all the time?"

"...giggle." 378 buried his head in his wings with a guilty conscience.

"So..." Yan Ning narrowed her almond eyes, and she said in a very flat tone: "You are plotting against me, and you are refusing to tell me anything?"

"Do you think there are such good things in this world?"

Before Yan Ning could threaten him with the words of leaving, 378 became anxious.

"Yan Ning, don't leave here, okay? Jin Chen said that he would go crazy if you were not by his side when he had no memory and reincarnated."

Yan Ning was caught off guard when she heard this: "..."

The anger in Yan Ning's heart was extinguished by 378's words.

"Don't leave him, okay?"

He had tasted the consequences of that guy's madness sixteen times.

Sixteen times!

He just wanted to get rid of the control of heaven and gain freedom, but he was forced to experience the feeling of dying sixteen times. How easy is it for him!

378 touched his head with his wings sadly.

Listening to the cautiousness in 378's tone, Yan Ning raised her hand and wiped her face.

"Okay, I get it."

Seeing that guy has such a strong desire to survive, she might as well let him go for now.

After his soul is restored, if he doesn't explain one, two, three, four, five to her, she will never show mercy!

378 breathed a sigh of relief after getting her guarantee, and then quickly slipped away.


"Knock knock knock."

"Come in."

Looking at the foolish man who came in with two bowls of rice, Yan Ning silently sighed in her heart.

With such a mysterious man at the stall who refuses to tell her anything, what else can he do except endure it?

She is also very desperate!

Unaware that he escaped, Lord Demon King put the two bowls of rice on the tea table, and he waved to Yan Ning, "Hurry up and eat."

Yan Ning glanced at the rice he brought over.

The noodles were served with a poached egg, plus some green-looking vegetables.

"Boss, is this your cooking?"

Lord Demon King nodded reservedly, "Try how it tastes."

This is his first time cooking.

No, she didn't need to taste it to know that the taste of this bowl of noodles must be extremely bland.

There's no such thing as a surprise!
Yan Ning took two mouthfuls of rice with chopsticks, and then commented under the expectant eyes of her boss: "It tastes good."

"Boss, you can cook so well for the first time, you are really amazing!"

Listening to Yan Ning's rainbow fart, Lord Demon King raised the corners of his mouth, and then he sat opposite Yan Ning and tasted the results of his first cooking.

The eggs are delicious, the noodles are delicious, the vegetables are delicious, and the soup is delicious...

He is really good!

Lord Demon King concluded with satisfaction.

Looking at the man who ate faster than her, Yan Ning discovered something.

He has so many beards, so thick; he eats so fast, so quickly...


"Huh?" Lord Demon King looked up at the new employee with sparkling almond eyes.

"How did you keep the rice from getting on your beard?"

big boss:"……"

"Maybe it's because I'm so talented, right?"

"Boss, you are amazing!" Yan Ning praised sincerely.

big boss:…………

Is such a thing worthy of praise?
(End of this chapter)

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