The couple who travel fast are always adding drama to themselves

Chapter 43 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.8

Chapter 43 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.8
"Boss, can ten of them live in that room?"

Although the rooms in their hotel are large, it is still a bit crowded for ten people to live in one room, right?
"Of course I can live there."

Seeing the suspicion in the new employee's eyes, Lord Demon King raised his hand and rubbed his nose.

how to say?

Was he going to tell her that their hotel was a mature hotel that could change shape and size freely?

By the way, does humankind’s current technology involve space compression technology?
Because he doesn't know much about the latest technology of human beings, Lord Demon King didn't talk about it, he just said: "Don't worry, that room is definitely very spacious for them."

Yan Ning sighed as she thought of the extraordinarily simple clothes those ten guests wore when they entered.

It's all the fault of poverty!
"By the way, boss." Yan Ning suddenly thought of something, "How much is my monthly salary?"

As soon as she heard that food and accommodation were included yesterday, she directly recommended herself to the boss and became the front desk of the hotel without saying a word, but forgot to inquire about salary and other conditions.

"Salary!" Lord Demon King frowned slightly.

He doesn't really understand the price of human beings.


In the end, Lord Demon King reported the manuscript fee he got last month.

Yan Ning:......

Yan Ning silently held the good person card that was about to be sent out in her palm.

If she remembered correctly, the boss just said that the employee uniform she was wearing was worth 130 million.

So, is her current situation that she can't even afford to work for a month's work?
Shouldn't she be thankful that the boss didn't charge her for the things the boss bought her today?
Seeing the new employee's speechless expression, Lord Demon King thought for a moment, and then added: "Without other bonuses, the basic salary is 30."

Yan Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I understand." According to this trend, if she works harder, she can still add a new dress to herself every year.

"Boss, I already know what to do when the guests come. You can go about your business, and I will continue to work."

She has to work hard and earn money to support herself.

"Uh...Actually, your work for today is already done."

Yan Ning: "..."

"Sorry, boss." Yan Ning twitched the corner of her mouth slowly.

"It was too windy just now, I didn't hear what you were saying clearly, can you say it again?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the solid walls blocked in all directions, and the Lord Demon King suppressed his complaints in his heart.

"I said, your work for today has been completed, and the rest of the time will be your free time."

Yan Ning: "..."

"Under normal circumstances, our hotel has at most one group of guests per day."

Looking at each other, seeing the boss's open face, Yan Ning understood.

No wonder her monthly salary is so low!
The hotel business is so bad, it's no wonder that the wages of the employees are not low!

Looking at the thick beard on the boss's face, Yan Ning suspected that the reason why the boss didn't shave was because the razor was too expensive, and he was reluctant to buy it.

In fact, the rich and very wealthy Lord Demon King: I grow a beard to show my masculinity!
After imagining how pitiful the boss looked, Yan Ning decided that the first thing she would buy after the salary was paid was a razor!

"Boss, I would like to ask you, what do you do to kill time after receiving new guests every day?"

The daily work can only be done in a few minutes, and Yan Ning feels that she needs to find something to do for herself in the remaining time, otherwise she will be bored to death.

Of course, it would be even better if the things she used to pass the time could earn her some extra money!

Thinking of what he was interested in, Lord Demon King said excitedly: "You are asking the right person!"

After all, before the new employees came, there were only two things he was interested in every day, one was chatting with his readers, and the other was paddling in the comment area.

"Do you know Wen, the largest literary website in country H? It doesn't matter if you don't know. You just need to know that there are many people reading novels on Wen all the time.

I used to serialize a supernatural novel on Wen when I was free. The name of the novel is "Endless Strange Stories". This novel has been read by many people, and many people comment on the chapters in it every day.

So when I'm bored, I usually look at the comments of those readers. Basically, after reading their latest comments, the day will pass. "

Of course, sometimes if he sees interesting and feasible suggestions, he will let Senke find a way to realize the suggestions of readers in the hotel, and then use them on those players.

But needless to say this kind of thing, who makes new employees not only timid but also crying!
Thinking of the timid nature of the new employee, Lord Demon King's heart suddenly missed a beat.

The new employee is timid, and the plots in his novels are based on the games Sen Ke played with the previous guests.

and so……

If new employees read his novel, they will be scared to cry by the content of the novel, right?
Thinking of the pitiful crying of the new employee, Lord Demon King frowned almost invisible.

He doesn't like her crying.

"Boss..." Yan Ning pursed her lips.

She could barely understand the meaning of the name of the supernatural novel, but she didn't have the slightest impression of wen, a website that was very famous when she heard it.

She could still bear being an illiterate, because she could relearn the knowledge she had learned before after forgetting it; but Yan Ning couldn't bear that she suddenly degenerated into a child who didn't know anything.

What is the difference between her ignorant look about the whole world and a fool?
"Boss, are there medical intelligent robots in our hotel?" She urgently needs to heal her brain and restore her memory.

Seeing the fragility and hope in her eyes, and seeing whether she was about to cry or not, Lord Demon King felt inexplicably sour in his heart.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong with you?"

Thinking of what she just said, Lord Demon King was a little suspicious and thought, was she frightened by the name of the novel he wrote?
If so...

Lord Demon King thought for a while about the possibility of completing and removing the "Endless Strange Events" that has been written for more than ten years and has not been finished.

"Boss, you know, I don't remember anything now. Boss, I need to see a doctor and let the doctor help me get my memory back."

Even if you can't get back all your memories, just get back some common sense memories!

378 who heard this said: "... cluck!"

He had forgotten that the water in the well of reincarnation could wash away human memories, so he now sent a copy of the original memory to Yan Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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