Chapter 32 Hello Professor 1.31
"Professor Lu, do you know what happened between Su Weili and Mrs. Su?"

Yan Ning sat on the sofa with her chin in her hands and looked at the man who was working on the courseware.

Hearing this, Lu Yu said without raising his head: "I have a general understanding. What's wrong?"

Yan Ning sighed, and said with emotion: "When we went to the hospital to see Su Qianzhi this afternoon, we accidentally saw a drama about ethics."

Lu Yu raised his eyes and gave her a puzzled look.

"When we went to see Su Qianzhi this afternoon, we accidentally listened to the corner of the wall."

"Well. Then you heard some little secret about the Su family?"

"We heard..." Yan Ning said in a longer tone, "Su Zhizhi is not Mrs. Su's biological flesh and blood."

Lu Yu snorted, "And then?"

Yan Ning shrugged, "Then Mrs. Su started a big fight with Patriarch Su in Su Qianzhi's ward because of this."

Yan Ning sighed as she thought of the scene of Mrs. Su being hysterically grabbing the head of the Su family that they had seen before they left.

"I don't know how Madam Su felt when she found out that the daughter she had raised for so many years was not her own flesh and blood?"

Seeing the pity on Yan Ning's face from the corner of his eye, Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "You want to know?"

Seeing how he seemed to care about the matter as it had nothing to do with him, Yan Ning rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't you think Mrs. Su is pitiful?"

Her childhood sweetheart's husband blatantly cuckolded her for someone else's abandonment of her family. The daughter she had worked so hard to raise for many years found out that she was not her own flesh and blood. Now she wants to know the whereabouts of her own child, but she still can't ask for it...


Most importantly, thinking of her extremely similar face to Mrs. Su's and the orphan status of the original owner...

Yan Ning raised her hand to touch her face.

In all likelihood, the original owner is Mrs. Su's long-lost daughter.

If so, then...

Mrs. Su was not so pitiful.

Seeing her regretful and moaning shoes, Lu Yu swallowed the words that came to his lips.

To be honest, he didn't think Mrs. Su had anything to pity.

With the backing of her mother's family, which is stronger than the Su family, but she is still struggling to guard a family that no longer exists, waiting for the man she loves to change his mind, he can't understand her behavior.

If he was in Mrs. Su's position, he would either kick Su Weili and find a new man; or Su Weili, who was suppressed by the power of his mother's family, could only live by his own face in the future.

Let your sweetheart keep other little lovers under your nose?
it's out of the question!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at the girl sitting obediently on the sofa.

If one day she changes her mind, he will kill the man who seduced her, and then give her to...

Yan Ning suddenly felt that the air around her was a bit cold.

She moved her body silently, and then asked the doubts in her heart: "Professor Lu, how do you think Mrs. Su knew that Su Zhizhi was not her daughter?"

Suppressing the coldness in his eyes, Lu Yu said calmly, "Su Qianzhi suffered a car accident and bled profusely. When the doctor cross-matched her blood, Mrs. Su found something wrong and asked the hospital to do a paternity test for them by the way."

Yan Ning was speechless.

This is really bloody.

Before Yan Ning could speak, Lu Yu continued: "Why are you so concerned about those old affairs of the Su family?"

"Hey." Yan Ning rubbed the tip of her nose awkwardly.

Seeing Professor Lu's calm and calm expression, she thought for two seconds before expressing her guess.

"I think I may be Mrs. Su's biological daughter."

A simple sentence successfully made Lu Yu's eyes fall on her face.

"Didn't I send you a message a while ago saying that I saw a woman who looked very similar to me? The woman I was talking about was Mrs. Su."

"Look, I'm the same age as Su Qianzhi, and I look so similar to Mrs. Su. The most important thing is..."

Wanting to recall the original owner's description of her life experience in the diary, Yan Ning said: "I am still an orphan who was abandoned at the gate of the orphanage since I was a child."

Yan Ning, who was originally only five points certain, immediately raised her five points to eight points after such an analysis.

In all likelihood, the original owner is the biological flesh and blood that Madam Su is looking for.

Lu Yu sighed.

"Mrs. Lu, do you know how many people there are in our country?"


This topic jumps too fast, Yan Ning feels that she can't keep up.

"How many?"

"20 billion."

Yan Ning let out a cry.

"This country, which occupies nearly one-fifth of the world's land, has bred 1 billion people. If you randomly pull out a person on the street, at least five people have the same name as him; Mrs. Lu, based on this probability, do you think this 5 How many people out of 20 million people look similar to you?"

Yan Ning was a little stuck.

Can probability still be used in this way?

She organized the language in her mind, and then said with some hesitation: "So, there is no relationship between me and Mrs. Su?"

Lu Yu didn't answer this question, he just said: "Mrs. Lu, you have to know that there are many strangers in this world who are obviously not related by blood but look similar."

Lu Yu knew that if he secretly changed the keywords with vague concepts, he could only deceive Yan Ning, who just came to this world and didn't understand anything. If it were any other normal person, they would never believe it. What he said.

But that was enough, she was the only person he wanted to deceive.

Yan Ning automatically understood Lu Yu's words as an answer to her.

So, there is no blood relationship between the original owner and Mrs. Su?
Yan Ning sighed with a complicated expression, and said with mixed joy and sorrow: "It's a pity."

It's a pity that the original owner who wanted to know who her biological parents were was unable to find out who the parents who abandoned her heartlessly were. May that little girl who faces life with a positive attitude no matter what she goes through, Let’s have a good pregnancy in the next life!

"It's a pity that you are not the daughter of the Su family?" Lu Yu asked back.

Yan Ning kissed him on the cheek with a smile, "It's enough for me to be your little princess, and I don't want to be someone else's daughter!"

After saying this, Lu Yu narrowed his eyes comfortably.

"If you are really Mrs. Su's biological daughter, don't you plan to go back to the Su family to recognize your biological parents?"

Yan Ning hugged his neck and hummed.

"I feel like my life is fine right now and I don't need other people's involvement."

There is no causal relationship between her and the Su family, and she will not do things in a hurry to find trouble!
Lu Yu nodded in agreement, "I also think our life is pretty good now."

(End of this chapter)

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