Chapter 202 Mr. He Is Not Human 6.32
Life is like a play, there will eventually be gatherings and separations.

After Yan Ning stayed on the spaceship for more than half a month, she finally said goodbye to Avril and the others.

Because she is different from Avril Lavigne and the mercenaries who yearn for freedom, like an unfettered life, and love adventure.

Compared with running around and living in no fixed place, she wants to have a stable residence, commonly known as a home.

In this regard, when Avril knew her plan, she recommended to Yan Ning a planet that was particularly suitable for living and had a spring-like planet with so many years of experience in running around.

After finding a place for Yan Ning, Avril said that she adhered to the principle of sending the Buddha to the West, and according to Yan Ning's preferences, and under the premise of combining her abilities, she found a very good job for her on suitable for her job.

According to what Avril Lavigne said, after working in the shop she recommended for a week, she had to admit that Avril Lavigne has a really good eye for people.

Because, after only getting along with her for more than half a month, Avril not only figured out her personality, but also found a job that was very suitable for her.

Yan Ning felt that although Yuan Xing and his party encountered some bad things, they also gained a lot of good things.

Yan Ning, who has already regarded Jin Chen as her family, said that Jin Chen made up for her lack of family affection, while Avril Lavigne and Gong Jiaojiao made up for her lack of friendship.

Gong Jiaojiao found out that Yan Ning had long regarded her as her friend when she chatted with her on three years after she met Yan Ning.

For this reason, after staying in this time and space for more than three years, Gong Jiaojiao finally made a big boss friend. Because she was too excited, she became bald and added some difficulties to her mission.

The cause of the matter is this, when Yan Ning told Gong Jiaojiao the news that she had already recognized Gong Jiaojiao as a friend, she saw Gong Jiaojiao's excited expression that she didn't know what to say, and she knew clearly that Gong Jiaojiao was too. I really consider her a friend.

For this reason, Yan Ning asked the doubts that had been buried in her heart for three years.

In getting along with Gong Jiaojiao, Yan Ning has already discovered that Gong Jiaojiao's aesthetics are not only the same as Avril Lavigne's, they both have the same hobbies.

It's just that Avril Lavigne likes to dress up other people as lolitas, while Gong Jiaojiao likes to dress herself up as lolitas.

The same aesthetic means that the two of them have similar eyesight in choosing clothes, but...

What puzzled Yan Ning was that during their time together, Gong Jiaojiao had never worn the pink, tender and shiny clothes that Avril Lavigne gave her on the spaceship, and was finally given to Gong Jiaojiao by her.

She knew she liked those clothes, but she didn't understand why she didn't wear them.

After Yan Ning asked the doubts in her heart, Gong Jiaojiao, who was still in excitement, told Yan Ning the answer without the slightest precaution.

"Because Mr. Jin asked for those clothes he bought back on the day you gave them to me!"

Yan Ning, who knew the truth: "..."

Jin Chen who was suddenly sold out: "..."

After Yan Ning fell silent, Gong Jiaojiao realized what she had said: "..."

Under Jin's death gaze, Gong Jiaojiao, the shining light bulb, decisively went offline.

Later, when Gong Jiaojiao learned about the follow-up of this matter by relying on the system, when Jin Chen treated her as the most industrious little bee in history, for the sake of her own life, Gong Jiaojiao was cowardly, decisive, and did not hesitate at all. Complaints are at the mercy of the boss.

I can't afford to mess with the boss who slept in the study for a month!
But after this incident, Gong Jiaojiao finally confirmed one thing.

That is……

Jin Chen tricked her twice in total, but he failed to please her both times.

One is the clothes incident, and the other is the snake egg incident.

The time he stole her dream clothes from her, Mr. Jin slept in the study room for a month.

And the snake egg incident...

When the boss bought snake eggs to trick her, although he succeeded in trapping her, the snake not only almost became his wife in the end, but also became a "third party" between him and Yan Ning for a long time , so that he and Yan Ning have not lived in a two-person world for a long time.

Therefore, like the protagonists in some novels, she has the luck that is not inferior to the favored son of heaven.

Don't you see, the boss Jin who cheated on her finally cheated on himself!
Of course, Yan Ning, who was immersed in the melancholy of parting, still didn't know about these things.

When they were about to part, Yan Ning originally wanted to give them some extra money for the spaceship ride after receiving so many benefits from Avril Lavigne, but Avril Lavigne did not accept it.

Because of this, when saying goodbye to Avril and the others, Yan Ning said to Avril the longest sentence in her life.

After Avril heard what she said, the corners of her mouth twitched and said nothing.

For this reason, Yan Ning said goodbye to Avril with some regrets.

If there are too many loss-making businesses, even if Avril Lavigne and the others can make money, they will become paupers one day.

Just hope they won't be so stupid and treat their passengers so well next time, otherwise...

Regarding Yan Ning's worries, Gong Jiaojiao, who got off the spaceship with her, said that Yan Ning really worried too much.

Suffering or something...

Whoever suffers, it's none of Avril's turn to be Jin Chen's confidantes.

When thinking of Jin Chen, Gong Jiaojiao, who had finally won the opportunity to continue living with Yan Ning for a while, subconsciously glanced at Yan Ning's slightly bulging trouser pocket.

She knew that what was inside was a snake, a snake named Jin Chen. It was also a snake transformed by her and the current boss of the system.

Although Gong Jiaojiao didn't know how Jin Chen turned into a snake, she was extremely surprised when she found out that Jin Chen was Yan Ning's pet snake on the spaceship.

Although there is such a thing as time travel in this world, time travel is different from a living person turning into a snake. Time travel is scientific!
Because of his overthinking, after knowing that Jin Chen could turn into a snake, Gong Jiaojiao really regarded Jin Chen as a monster.

The way she looks at people is different from the way she looks at monsters. Maybe it's because she looked at Jin Chen too weirdly when she first found out about it. Jin Chen came to her that night.

Gong Jiaojiao still remembers her mood that night.

Because, that night, after Jin Chen found her, the first thing he said was not to ask her how she knew his identity, but...

"If Yan Ning finds something wrong with me because of you, then you are finished."

Everyone says that they are not of my race, so their hearts must be different.

But after Jin Chen knew that his real identity was discovered, the first thing he thought of was not his safety, but something related to Yan Ning...

Gong Jiaojiao, who was stunned to smell the smell of dog food from this sentence, had a hard expression at that time.

Later, because Jin Chen's image in her mind had been subverted too much, when Jin Chen asked her how she found out that he was the snake, Gong Jiaojiao frankly exposed a trump card of her system, told him the answer to this question.

"My system has the function of capturing other people's mental power bands. When you and that snake used mental power, he captured your mental power bands and the mental power bands of Yan Ning's 'pet snake'. You two have exactly the same mental power band."

In the future, there will be another name for the mental power band, that is soul power.

Soul power is a kind of power attached to the soul of a person. Everyone's soul power is unique, so in the system, any disguise of anyone can't deceive him.

Naturally, the system took off Jin Chen's vest.

In fact, the system was also very surprised after confirming that Jin Chen's prototype was a snake.

Since then, the system no longer believes in historical data.

The system estimates that the things related to Jin Chen recorded in the historical materials, except that he will marry Yan Ning is true, the others are probably false.

Jin Chen, who didn't know how much he had dealt to the system, had no special reaction after hearing Gong Jiaojiao's explanation.

He only said one word to Gong Jiaojiao, "Don't talk too much."

Gong Jiaojiao, who understood the meaning of his words very well, hummed.

Although she hasn't found a boyfriend yet, it doesn't mean that she will be cynical and destroy the relationship between other young couples because of eating too much dog food.

After all, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage.


Looking at Gong Jiaojiao who was basking in the sun with her unbroken pet, Yan Ning asked curiously, "Jiaojiao, how many days will it take for your egg to break?"

It has been ten days since they got off the spaceship and they moved to their new home. During these ten days, Gong Jiaojiao's precious egg not only showed no sign of breaking its shell, but also showed no slight change.

To be honest, if she didn't feel the signs of life inside the egg, Yan Ning would have thought it was a dead egg.

Hearing what Yan Ning said, Gong Jiaojiao blinked at the egg that was about the size of a pregnant woman's five-month-old belly drying on the balcony.

"I've asked the professionals and it's going to be three days at the latest."

Three days!
Yan Ning let out a sigh.

"I think you should ask your expert friend what kind of animal is in the egg."

Gong Jiaojiao waved her hand, "What's the point of asking, I'll know when my little one comes out!"

While saying this, Gong Jiaojiao glanced vaguely at the little snake wrapped around Yan Ning's left wrist.

The gift that the boss gave her must be different.

The gift that has been raised for half a month is about to reveal its true colors, and she is looking forward to the moment of surprise.

The system, who knew what Gong Jiaojiao was thinking, closed his eyes a little bit unbearably.

Poor host!
Yan Ning looked at Gong Jiaojiao, "Since you have decided to take good care of your little one, it will be too late for you to know what kind of animal it is after it breaks its shell."

Gong Jiaojiao said 'ah', "Why?"

Looking at Gong Jiaojiao who had no experience in keeping pets, Yan Ning touched the little guy on her wrist.

"You look at the parents, who don't start preparing baby supplies until after their little one is born?"

Hearing this, Gong Jiaojiao let out an ooh.

She suddenly realized: "That's right!"

She can't let her little one lag behind other little ones.

After figuring this out, Gong Jiaojiao, who had been blindly guessing what animal her little baby was for more than ten days, hurriedly called the system.

[System, system, did you hear what Yan Ning said, what breed is my little baby? 】

System: Playing dead, do not call.

Seeing Gong Jiaojiao who was calling the system, Jin Chen's tail twitched.

Knowing that there was something wrong with the gift he gave, it was fine without taking the slightest precautions, but he was still happily waiting for the egg to break its shell and preparing to raise a pet?
Jin Chen's expression was indescribable.

Are people in the future so stupid?

Thinking of this, Jin Chen looked at Yan Ning.

Looking at the little guy who was emotionally unstable, Yan Ning blinked.

"what happened?"

Jin Chen vomited the snake letter.

If people in the future are as stupid as Gong Jiaojiao...

Jin Chen felt that he should think about how he can convince Yan Ning that they don't want children in the future after he and Yan Ning are together.

Let Yan Ning be a DINK for the rest of his life...

Looking at Yan Ning's soft face, Jin Chen felt that this matter might be a bit difficult.

Because, at first glance, Yan Ning is a person who likes children very much.


Jin Chen secretly gritted his teeth in his heart.

No matter how difficult this matter is, he still has to try and try his best to convince her to dink with him in the future.

Otherwise, after a few years, if his descendants become as stupid as Gong Jiaojiao...

Jin Chen imagined that scene for a while, and then closed his eyes a little bit unbearably.

He can't afford to lose this man.

Although face is not as important as his wife, but as the future head of the family, Jin Chen feels that he really can't bear such a stupid offspring!

Although he is the only one in their family now, he really cannot let future generations misunderstand that the entire Jin family is a group of low-IQ idiots.

As a non-human being whose IQ is so high that he can disdain the whole world, Jin Chen said that he couldn't stand this kind of grievance.

Big deal, big deal...

Jin Chen licked the cold white skin on the inside of Yan Ning's wrist.

If Yan Ning really wanted a child in the future, then when he was so entangled by her that he couldn't help it, at worst, let her go to the orphanage to adopt a child.

I don’t know if the descendants of their adopted children become as stupid as Gong Jiaojiao, will future generations think that they have inherited his IQ?
Jin Chen, who didn't know that he couldn't give birth, thought a little sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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