Chapter 195 Mr. He Is Not Human 6.25
But Yan Ning finally went to the restaurant for dinner.

Because her squeamish snake refuses to eat snacks as a meal, just to deal with it.

When Yan Ning went out, she glanced sadly at the nutritional supplements in the room.

Today was another day of not being able to solve them.

Thinking of the days when she drank nutritional supplements every day when she was in school, Yan Ning suddenly felt a little hypocritical.

Now she is extravagantly eating natural food as a main meal every day, and what she eats every day is not heavy, so she just wants to wear a small skirt to show Avril Lavigne, what is there to worry about.

Yan Ning believed that for such a good thing, no girl in their class would be as passive and slow at work as she was.

If they had encountered this kind of thing, they would probably rush to wear those loli suits in Avril's hands every day, which she bought from who knows where, which made her feel very embarrassed to wear.

Thinking of this, Yan Ning raised her hand and rubbed the tip of her nose.

Is this a true portrayal of being in the blessing and not knowing the blessing?
After Yan Ning came to the restaurant with an anxious mood, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Avril was not in the restaurant.

"You said Avril is going out to eat now, or is she doing something else?"

"Hiss~" She went out to eat.

Jin Chen gently moved Yan Ning's wrist.

Yan Ning raised her hand and touched the little snake's head.

"Let's go, let's go and see what delicious food the chef made today."

The chef in charge of cooking on the spaceship is a very personal chef.

As a chef who never accepts other people's instructions when cooking, the chef not only refuses to let people order, but also decides what to cook every day based on his mood.

Yan Ning felt that if the food cooked by this unknown chef was not so delicious, he might have been beaten by the people on the spaceship long ago.

Thinking of this, Yan Ning narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I suddenly feel that it's pretty good here."

In the process of letting the robot deliver food to her, Yan Ning looked at Jin Chen hovering on the dining table, and she sighed.

"Actually, if Avril doesn't buy that kind of clothes for me to wear in the future, I think it's good to stay here."

Not to mention anything else, just looking at the food in the restaurant, Yan Ning felt that it would be pretty good to stay on the spaceship and be an ancient Chinese translator or something.

Of course, this was under the condition that Avril Lavigne did not increase the difficulty of her survival.

Thinking of this, Yan Ning sighed again.

It's a pity, if there is another newcomer on the spaceship to divert Avril's attention for her, that would be great.


The inspiration was fleeting.

Yan Ning's almond eyes lit up.

There is indeed a newcomer on the spaceship!
Her school girl named Gong Jiaojiao just arrived on the spaceship today, if she can arouse Avril Lavigne's joy in dressing up dolls and is willing to be a model for Avril Lavigne, then...

Looking at Yan Ning's bright almond eyes, Jin Chen, who had already guessed what she was thinking, thought for a while.

If Yan Ning was willing to stay on the spaceship, then it would obviously do more good than harm for him.

Didn't Yan Ning want to find a stable job to support the two of them?
Coincidentally!This thing can be done on his spaceship.

Even, as long as Yan Ning stays here, as long as he is still alive in this world, there is absolutely no possibility of her losing her job.

After figuring this out, Jin Chen vomited the snake letter.

It's getting colder, Avril Lavigne's interest in Yan Ning should dissipate.

It just so happened that a new person arrived on the spaceship. After he finished interrogating that person, let's use the waste again!

Gong Jiaojiao, who didn't know that she was about to become a waste, was tremblingly seeking shelter in her companion system.

【System, Avril Lavigne is coming soon, what should I do? 】

【Cold salad. 】The system is very Buddhist.

The excuses that should be compiled have already been compiled, and he has also completed the information that should be completed on the star network.

With a perfect excuse and identity information without any loopholes, no matter which other system is used to handle this matter, it is impossible to handle it better than him.

and so……

Now he can only do everything according to fate.

Seeing Gong Jiaojiao who was still shaking, the system took a sip of motor oil to refresh himself.

[Very good, keep this state.When Avril Lavigne comes to interrogate you later, if you encounter a question that you don't know how to answer, just keep shaking like this. 】


Thinking of the introduction to Avril in the history books, Gong Jiaojiao almost cried.

As one of Jin's confidantes, Avril not only gained a firm foothold in the dark world with her ruthless methods, but also made countless people frightened by her insane interrogation techniques.

Gong Jiaojiao, who didn't want to be one of the stepping stones on Avril Lavigne's road to fame, sniffed.

【I am done. 】

Looking at the fear in Gong Jiaojiao's eyes, the system felt that there was a high possibility that he would not be exposed later.

[When Avril comes later, if you really feel that you can’t hold on any longer, remember not to avoid her sight. 】

[Because the more guilty you are, the more she will take advantage of the victory and pursue her, understand? 】

Gong Jiaojiao let out an oh, expressing that she understood.

Just when the system wanted to tell her again the serious consequences of exposing herself, the door of the interrogation room opened.

Looking at the man who pushed the door and entered, Gong Jiaojiao: 【(д)!!!】

System: 【(д)!!!】

It's rare that the system's expression this time is in sync with Gong Jiaojiao's.

[Jin Chen? 】

【Why is he here? ! 】

Gong Jiaojiao has no time to answer questions for the system, because...

"Who were you talking to just now?"

Jin Chen, who had been watching Gong Jiaojiao in the monitoring room for a while, asked this sentence as soon as he opened the door of the interrogation room.

Hearing this unexpectedly, Gong Jiaojiao's eyes instantly opened to their maximum size because of the shock.

Seeing the surprise on Gong Jiaojiao's face that could not be concealed no matter what, the system: […]


[You are exposed! ! ! 】

【How did he know about your existence? 】

The system, who didn't want to answer this question at all, felt that if he had eyes, he must have dug out his own eyes now.

The system doesn't understand how blind he was when he was reincarnated and chose a host in his previous life, so he chose such a host?
Seeing that Gong Jiaojiao was still in contact with that unknown being at such a time, Jin Chen, who originally just wanted to cheat Gong Jiaojiao, raised his eyebrows.

Very good, now he is not only sure that there is someone behind Gong Jiaojiao that he doesn't know, and his intelligence network can't detect the power at all, he has also confirmed another thing...

Since Gong Jiaojiao was able to contact the unknown existence in the interrogation room where the information network did not exist at all, it meant that the existence resided in her body, or resided in her spiritual power.

Moreover, judging from Gong Jiaojiao's current performance, the forces behind her are not a gang, and even the guy hiding behind her behind the scenes is very likely not a person.

Is it an existence like him, or an intelligent creature from a higher civilization?
Jin Chen clicked his tongue lightly, interrupting the conversation between the system and Gong Jiaojiao.

He asked with a half-smile: "How is it? Have you discussed with your companions how to lie to me?"

To lie to Jin Chen?
Hearing this, Gong Jiaojiao moved her bound body uncomfortably.

Gong Jiaojiao, who is very self-aware, feels that even if she remakes it thousands of times, she may not be able to tell a lie in front of Jin Chen that can fool him.

Looking at this big boss who was not only her childhood shadow, but also the source of her nightmares since childhood, Gong Jiaojiao swallowed nervously.

[System, what should I do now? 】

[You really want to eat it now. 】

The system now really wants to order a song for himself, which is suitable for singing in summer and can make people feel the chill of three feet of freezing, because cool is no longer enough to describe him now.

[It is said that frankness is lenient, and resistance is strict.System, you said that if I confess everything now, will the boss let me get out of here alive? 】

【Host, although it's a bit out of date, I need to tell you that the words 'leniency for confession and strictness for resistance' do not apply to you and Jin Chen. 】

Looking at Gong Jiaojiao, who had just been reminded by him, and then started chatting with her companion blatantly again, a trace of doubt flashed across Jin Chen's heart.

Could it be that he has been silent for too long and no longer has any deterrent effect in front of others?
While thinking about it, Jin Chen sat down opposite Gong Jiaojiao in a leisurely manner.

Tapping the table with his index finger, Jin Chen released a little mental energy.

Gong Jiaojiao, who is very sensitive to mental power, subconsciously shook her body, and Gong Jiaojiao looked up at Jin Chen.

"..." Gong Jiaojiao swallowed.

"N-Nei, boss..."

"What do you want to know?" Gong Jiaojiao asked cautiously.

Looking at the stupid host who asked such a stupid question, the system fell silent.

Just saw Jin Chen who was alive and real, and before he did anything, she said such words that the system couldn't bear to look at directly.

To be honest, the system is a little suspicious. If his host becomes Yan Ning's friend in the future, if she sees Jin Chen by Yan Ning's side, she...

and many more……

Yan, Ning?

Yan Ning!

Yan Ning! !

The system was so shocked that it was in a daze. Because of the shock, even the code was out of control for a second.

The system suddenly thought of something.

Avril kidnapped his host into this spaceship, and Avril is Jin Chen's confidant; therefore, this spaceship belongs to Jin Chen.

The system no longer wants to analyze whether Jin Chen asked Avril to catch his host on the spaceship.


The system thought of a very important thing.

Just now, his host met Yan Ning on this spaceship.

Yan Ning just had a good conversation with Avril in front of him and his host.

The system gasped.

【Gong Jiaojiao...】

The sound of the system is a little erratic.

[Did the history books say that Jin Chen is a person with a strong desire to control? 】

Gong Jiaojiao snorted, "What's wrong?" 】

Gong Jiaojiao didn't understand why the system asked her this question, which anyone who has studied history knew.

[Gong Jiaojiao, do you think, as a person with a very strong control, what is the probability that Jin Chen will not know that a stranger has arrived on his spaceship? 】

【zero. ] Gong Jiaojiao, who thought the stranger the system was talking about was her, said categorically.

Because this kind of thing doesn't exist in Jin Chen.

【Didn't you see that not long after Avril brought me here, he came to the interrogation room? 】

Gong Jiaojiao felt that Jin Chen might have known that she was on the spaceship the moment she stepped on the spaceship.

[I'm not talking about you. ] The system's voice was a little desperate.

[Then who are you talking about? ] Gong Jiaojiao asked with some doubts.

【Yan Ning. 】

【Yan Ning? 】【Yan Ning? ! 】【Yan Ning? ! ! 】

At this moment, Gong Jiaojiao synchronized with the system's thoughts.

Yan Ning is on the spaceship, Jin Chen is also on the spaceship, and Yan Ning also knows Avril...

Doesn't this mean that Jin Chen has already known Yan Ning? !

【system. 】Gong Jiaojiao swallowed.

[I remember that the history books said that Jin Chen and Yan Ning met on Minyue Star a year later? 】

Because she was not very sure, Gong Jiaojiao's voice was a little soft.

【right! 】The sonorous and powerful word made Gong Jiaojiao no longer able to deceive himself and others.

Gong Jiaojiao: "..."

Gong Jiaojiao blinked slowly.

Could it be that she took the system through time and space again without knowing it, and came to Min Yuexing a year later?
Knowing Gong Jiaojiao's idea, the system gave a cold snort.

He suddenly felt that his host was somewhat useful.

Because of her existence and because of her stupidity, he quickly accepted this fact.

The system sneered and said: [Okay, give up, Yan Ning and Jin Chen actually met more than a year earlier than recorded in the history books. 】

Although the system can't accept the false history that I have learned for 20 years, but...

【Gong Jiaojiao, we were all deceived by the false historical records. 】

Gong Jiaojiao: 【………】

Looking at Gong Jiaojiao who had a shocked expression on his face, Jin Chen pursed his lips.

A flash of displeasure flashed across his eyes quickly.

He came out after Yan Ning lay down in the nutrition cabin and boarded the star network, because he didn't know how long Yan Ning would stay on the star network, so he had to hurry back to prevent Yan Ning from the nutrition cabin. found him missing.

Although Jin Chen wanted to make a quick decision now, the news he had just dug out from Gong Jiaojiao did not allow him to use rough methods to make a quick decision.

Sure enough, women other than Yan Ning are troublesome creatures to him!

Seeing Gong Jiaojiao who hadn't clearly realized his situation, Jin Chen, who originally only planned to stay here for 10 minutes at most, clicked his tongue softly in his heart.

Not only can't even manage the most basic expressions, but even the ability to analyze problems is so poor, and I don't know who can't take it so hard to let her hang around in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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