Chapter 191 Mr. He Is Not Human 6.21
Now Yan Ning, who didn't want to be found by the Yan family at all, got off the spaceship with her little friend after dressing up on the spaceship.

Before getting off the spaceship, Yan Ning had already taken off the little snake on her wrist and put it in the pocket of her jacket.

Before putting the little snake in her pocket, Yan Ning held the little snake and said seriously: "Jin Chen, do you know? You are so beautiful, so beautiful that the most beautiful snake recognized in the world is not as good as you A thousandth of yours."

"If you are such a beautiful snake, if those people outside see it, they will definitely try their best to take you away from me and sell you."

"So, when we're out shopping, don't show your head!"

Looking at Yan Ning who said these words seriously, Jin Chen was a little stunned.


Are all women today so good at telling lies with their beautiful big eyes open?

Seeing Jin Chen's dazed look, Yan Ning, who thought he was frightened by her own words, nodded in satisfaction.

Yan Ning, who was well versed in the principle of giving a jujube with a stick, touched her little friend's body that made her salivate.

"When we go shopping later, I'll buy you some of your favorite fruits, okay?"


Jin Chen, who was deeply shocked, vomited the snake letter weakly.

"Ann! As long as you stay in my pocket when you are outside later, I will definitely protect you."

In this way, Yan Ning happily reached an agreement with Jin Chen unilaterally.

Because when the spacecraft entered the Minyue Star System, the artificial sun in the Minyue Star System was almost setting; when Yan Ning finished her dinner and packed up, she took Jin Chen off the spacecraft and set up a stall outside the docking point. My son's people have finished their work for a long time.

The busiest night market in Fujian Yuexing is coming.

Walking on the bustling and bustling streets, it has been a long time since Yan Ningxiao has been so in touch with the crowd.

Sure enough, she still prefers this kind of place compared to the banquets where the so-called nobles in the capital star compete with each other.

While Yan Ning was strolling on the street with emotion, Gong Jiaojiao, who had a diametrically opposite attitude to her views on certain matters, also came to Minyue Xing.

Walking on the antique street near the bus stop, which was specially used to fool laymen, Gong Jiaojiao looked at the things on both sides of the street with some sadness.

[System, where is the ancient book that Yan Ning found here that was used as a table foot? 】

【have no idea.The information only said that one year later, when Yan Ning came here, she would instinctively find the ancient book that Jin Chen later fell in love with. 】

Regarding this incident that has not happened yet, countless historical materials have proved that the unknown ancient book and the contents of the book are the key to Yan Ningneng and Jin Chen's meeting and acquaintance.

Not to mention other things, just from this aspect, the importance of that unknown ancient book is self-evident.

For this reason, even if Gong Jiaojiao wanted to come here to copy the contents of the ancient book in advance after arriving at Minyuexing, the system did not stop her.

After all, if Gong Jiaojiao could thoroughly understand the contents of the unknown ancient book before Yan Ning, it might be of great help to their mission.

After walking around the Antique Street for two more times, Gong Jiaojiao had to admit one thing.

That is, something invisible and intangible like opportunity can really play a big role sometimes.

They are all human, even though she knew that there were real ancient books on Antique Street so long in advance, she still couldn't find her.

Gong Jiaojiao sighed.

I don't know how Yan Ning fell in love with that ancient book that was used as a table foot for two years.

Just because she wasted so much time in Minyuexing today, Gong Jiaojiao decided that after she and Yan Ning became friends, and when Yan Ning came here to meet that ancient book by chance in the next year, she must come and have a look!
When Gong Jiaojiao found out that the ancient book that Yan Ning accidentally found was a hook specially prepared by Jin Chen to catch his wife, she almost choked to death on her own saliva.

No wonder she couldn't find that ancient book no matter how hard she looked in Antique Street!
Gong Jiaojiao, who never knew that chasing a daughter-in-law could be like this, after thinking about it, felt that it was not a loss at all for her to fall under Jin Chen.

This innocent girl who has not experienced the torture of some people does not know that when she accidentally learns the whole story about the ancient book from someone's mouth, what will she do for this stupid person who knows nothing? How many tears I shed.

Not to mention her, as powerful as the system, she almost died after knowing that the ancient book incident in the history books was all caused by Jin Chen.

Because, that ancient book is really just an excuse that Jin Chen randomly found for his human form to get close to Yan Ning.

Using ancient books that are priceless but not marketable as a tool for chasing people is such a bad idea, after Jin Chen, I am afraid that no one has thought of it.

Smelling the light and unique fragrance that drifted in front of Yan Ning again, Jin Chen finally poked his head out of Yan Ning's jacket pocket.

The third time.

Everything happens again and again.

Looking at the back of the girl who passed by Yan Ning again, Jin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

He never believed in such things as coincidence.

So, who is this girl who appeared in front of Yan Ning three times in a short period of two hours?
Is it a spy sent by other forces?Or someone from the Yan family?

Jin Chen prefers the latter.

After all, the people on his side who know about Yan Ning's existence are all his confidants.

As a man who before meeting Yan Ning, he regarded the saying that interests outweigh heaven and earth as his code of conduct.

Jin Chen believes that those who can be regarded as his confidants, let alone benefits, will never betray him if he puts all the treasures in the world in front of them to tempt them.

This is not a judgment based on his blind confidence in himself, but...

The lives of all his henchmen are in his hands.

No matter where his confidants are, no matter where they go, as long as one day he finds that they have betrayed him, he can end their lives at any time as long as he wants.

Looking at the back of the girl who was about to disappear from his sight, Jin Chen retracted into Yan Ning's pocket again.

If she wanted to stay on the spaceship, she would stay; if she wanted to part ways with Avril Lavigne one day, then she would leave.

But whether she left or stayed, he would not let the existence of other people interfere with her choice.

Since Yan Ning doesn't want to leave now, he will never let others go against her will.

(End of this chapter)

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