Chapter 184 Mr. He Is Not Human 6.14
"Who are you?"

Yan Ning looked warily at the person who suddenly appeared outside the cave.

Hearing what Yan Ning said, Avril glanced calmly at the little snake wrapped around her wrist.

"I think we should ask you this. Why are you in our boss's house?"

Looking at the man who asked this question with a righteous face, Yan Ning was stunned for a moment.

She, in someone else's home?
Does the cave of feelings still have an owner?
After figuring this out, Yan Ning coughed in embarrassment.

"Then what, I didn't mean to..."


The man with a dignified face interrupted Yan Ning's words with his up and down cries.

The man looked at the little snake wrapped around her right wrist in surprise, "Our boss..."

Before the man finished speaking, the man standing next to him covered his mouth.

Avril rolled heavily on the man's feet, and then she walked into the cave step by step while twisting her waist.

Looking at Avril Lavigne who had the word 'enchanting' written all over her body, Yan Ning stepped back almost invisibly.

Jin Chen, who was wrapped around Yan Ning's wrist, spit out the snake letter. Before Jin Chen could make another move, Avril consciously stopped at a safe distance that Yan Ning could accept.

"Hello." Avril's red lips curled up slightly, and Avril subconsciously gave Yan Ning a wink.

"My name is Avril, and I am a mercenary."

"Uh, hello, my name is Yan Ning."

A little confusion appeared in Yan Ning's almond eyes.

Could it be that after the Yan family found out that she hadn't returned to Capital Star, they hired someone to come here to find her?
With this unrealistic idea in mind, Yan Ning asked what was in her heart.

"Are you here to find me?"

"Why do you think so?"

Before Avril could open her mouth, the man who finally broke free from his companion's shackles said this sentence with a look of surprise on his face.

Yan Ning: "…………"

Very good, Bai was moved.

Avril, who was planning to use this opportunity to show their boss the favorability of his sweetheart: "..."

Great, Jason, you're done!
Avril touched the broken hair from her forehead.

"Our boss left something here, and we came back to get it for him."

Yan Ning let out a cry.

"Little sister, why are you here?"

Yan Ning raised her hand in embarrassment and rubbed the tip of her nose.

"When I encountered a space storm on the original star a few days ago, my companions and I got separated, so..."

Yan Ning looked at Avril lavigne hesitantly, and gave her a space to imagine.

Hearing this, Avril subconsciously glanced at the little snake wrapped around her wrist.

Immediately afterwards, she didn't know what to imagine, and looked at Yan Ning sympathetically.

"Poor little girl, it's been really hard for you during this time."

Looking at Avril Lavigne, who was in a panic, Jin Chen slowly raised his head.

Avril cleared her throat with a cough, and then said with a straight face: "We are leaving the original star soon, do you want to go with us?"

Yan Ning, who was struggling with how to open her mouth so that she could take a spaceship with the wind: "..."

Yan Ning nodded quickly.


Looking at the man with an upright face standing behind Avril Lavigne who was covered his mouth tightly by his companion and yelled 'woo woo', Yan Ning hesitated for a moment, and then asked hesitantly: "Would this happen?" Won't it bother you too much?"

Avril glanced at the impatient little snake wrapped around her wrist, and smiled heartily.

"It's not troublesome at all, we're—"


A certain man standing behind Avril coughed heavily.

Avril Lavigne swallowed the words that had reached her lips in time.

"Then what, we are a group of very principled mercenaries, as long as your money is in place, not to mention taking you away from the original star, even if we let you kill and set fire for you."

Looking at Avril who said this with a sincere face, Yan Ning choked for a moment.

A principled mercenary, as long as the money is in place, can help people kill and set fire?

Is she out of date?

Yan Ning took a deep breath, "My optical brain is not on me, I can..."

"Here you are." Before Yan Ning finished speaking, a pendant-shaped optical brain appeared in front of her.

Seeing the optical brain that Avril handed to her, which she could not tell the model at all, Yan Ning froze for a moment.

"An optical brain with [-] star coins, do you want to buy it?"

Yan Ning: "..."

What would happen if she said she wouldn't buy it?
Yan Ning twitched the corner of her mouth, and took the optical brain handed over by Avril Lavigne.

At this moment, Yan Ning was extremely grateful to Dr. Alec. If he hadn't developed an optical brain system that can be bound to mental power, she would not be able to use it at all without the documents that can prove her identity. Pay from your own little treasury.

After the preliminary binding with the official website, although there is not much money saved on the star network, Yan Ning's confidence is a little stronger than before.

"How much is the light brain plus the star coins for riding your spaceship?"

Avril thought about it, and then quoted a price that Yan Ning could accept.

Thirty thousand star coins?

Although it is a bit more expensive than taking a public spaceship, Yan Ning can still accept the price.

After paying the bill neatly, Yan Ning quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Finally able to leave here.

Thinking of this, Yan Ning said to Avril: "When are you going to leave?"

Avril took a look at Jin Chen.

"We'll stay here for a few hours to help our boss pack things up. If you're okay, you can stay on our spaceship first. Our spaceship is outside, and you can see it when you get out of the cave."

Hearing this, Yan Ning made an OK gesture.

"Qinqin." Avril Lavigne looked at the only girl in their team.

"You take Miss Yan back to identify her room first."

After hearing this, Qinqin, who was very pure but not talkative at all, looked at Yan Ning and the snake on her wrist with a pair of lifeless eyes.

"Let's go."

Looking at Qinqin who said these two words in a flat and nonchalant tone, Yan Ning touched Jin Chen's small body.

A thin man with a dignified face, but it seems that his brain may be a bit out of order, and a tall man who stood beside him and covered his mouth all the time, and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, Plus a very cold-looking man standing beside them...

Yan Ning blinked her almond eyes.

For some reason, looking at the mercenary team composed of these two women and three men, she felt inexplicably unreliable.

(End of this chapter)

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