Chapter 166 Big Boss Loves Soft Rice 5.29
After Song Zhenhuan finished eating the noodles in the bowl, Yan Ning thought about his words, and then said: "If I remember correctly, you should have a midterm exam soon, right?"

Song Zhenhuan nodded, "Yes, our school will hold midterm exams next Thursday and Friday."

Hearing this, Yan Ning curled her lips and said, "The exam is coming soon. How many points do you think you can get?"

Song Zhenhuan paused while drinking the soup.

He looked at the smile on Yan Ning's face and let out a sigh, then said very modestly: "I think I should be able to pass every exam."

Looking at the reserved smile on his face, Yan Ning felt a familiar aura of a schoolmaster.

Yan Ning blinked her apricot eyes, "Then you take the exam well. After the midterm exam is over, Sister Yan will invite you to have a good meal outside."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Yan."

"By the way, what grade are you in now? Sophomore or junior?"

"High school senior."

Yan Ning, who thought Song Zhenhuan and Shen Hao were both sophomores in high school: "..."

If she remembers correctly, it's not long before the college entrance examination, right?
Yan Ning struggled to pull the corners of her stiff lips, "Which college do you plan to apply to after the college entrance examination?"

Song Zhenhuan reported the name of the most famous military academy in the country.

Yan Ning said, "Then are you sure you can get into this school now?"

"If there are no accidents, I should be able to pass the exam."


In addition to not enough college entrance examination scores, what surprises can there be?
Thinking of this, Yan Ning glanced at him with some disapproval.

"The college entrance examination is a major event in life. If there are no special circumstances, you should only experience this kind of event once in your life."

Song Zhenhuan nodded, "You're right."

In fact, even if there were any special accidents that he couldn't handle during the college entrance examination, his family would not let him repeat the exam; What he did was to rely on their family's relationship and directly stuff him into that military academy.

Looking at Song Zhenhuan who was taught, Yan Ning let out a mouthful of turbid air in her chest.

During the time when she was a teenager, she saw a lot of orphans who wanted to go to school in the orphanage, but because they had no money to pay the tuition fees, they had to drop out of school and work after the college entrance examination. People who neglect their studies.

Thinking of the children in the orphanage, Yan Ningyu said to Song Zhenhuan earnestly: "You can play games like those in Internet cafes whenever you want, but the college entrance examination only happens once a year. "

"From elementary school to junior high school and then to high school, you study from dawn to dusk every day, isn't it just to get a good grade in the college entrance examination!
Now that you are finally coming to the end, if you slack off at this last moment, then the efforts of more than ten years will be in vain. "

Song Zhenhuan: "..."

As a genius with a high IQ, although Song Zhenhuan wanted to tell Yan Ning that he had never worked hard in his studies, but...

Seeing Yan Ning's heartbroken expression, he nodded hesitantly, "Sister Yan, you are right!"

I don't know why, when Song Zhenhuan faced this young lady who was not a few years older than him, he always had the feeling of being lectured by his mother when he was with his mother.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't go to the Internet cafe to play games now. I should study hard now and make full preparations for the college entrance examination. I will go back to school soon."

Looking at Yan Ning, who has a supple face, but is fucking the heart of an old lady, Song Zhenhuan couldn't help telling Yan Ning what he used to fool his mother.

Yan Ning, who didn't know what big lies he was talking about, nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, if you really want to play games, you can play for a while after the college entrance examination."

"Okay, Miss Yan."


After seeing off Song Zhenhuan who had returned from his lost way, Yan Ning hummed a ditty happily.

I always feel that today I saved a young man who was on the verge of depravity and tried wildly!
Yan Ning's happy mood lasted until she went to pick up Shen Hao at the gate of Yigao.

When she saw the children coming out of the school, the smile on Yan Ning's face got bigger.

Yan Ning waved to Shen Hao who was walking slowly outside the school, just when she was about to call Shen Hao's name, Yan Ning saw an acquaintance not far behind Shen Hao.

Seeing Sun Xiting who was no longer by Shen Hao's side as usual, Yan Ning blinked at the little girl who also saw her.

Good eyesight made Yan Ning convinced that the little girl who had just left school saw herself greeting her, but...

Looking at the fast little girl who not only didn't respond to her, but also shrank her neck, Yan Ning blinked her almond eyes.

Does she look scary?

Yan Ning shook her head amusedly.

However, when Yan Ning saw the face pulled by her little roommate, Yan Ning couldn't laugh anymore.

Why did she think he looked a little angry?
what happened?
Did you quarrel with someone at school, or...

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Sun Xiting's back, and Yan Ning pursed her lips.

"Even if you stare at a hole in her back now, she won't run over to call your aunt again." Shen Hao said quietly.

Hearing this, Yan Ning smiled awkwardly.

"Then what, Ah Hao, how was your day at school today?"

Shen Hao glanced at Yan Ning faintly, "My life in school is the same as before, there is no difference."

Unlike Song Zhenhuan, there is also the meal she cooked specially for him.

"Then did you encounter anything special today?" Yan Ning asked cautiously.


Yan Ning felt sad from these two simple words.

This is……

The exam is about to come, and I am afraid that I will not perform well, and I will not be able to continue to sit on the number one throne, so I am a little nervous?
In other words, which teacher gave them a small quiz today, and he didn't do well in the exam, and his mentality collapsed?
Thinking of this, Yan Ning patted Shen Hao on the shoulder with some pity, "It's okay, this kind of thing is very common, you don't need to worry about it."

Although there are many champions in ancient times, there are really few who can reach the sixth grade; similarly, it is very common for high school students to be squeezed out of the No.1 position.

Because she was unhappy because she didn't pass the exam, Yan Ning felt that her little roommate's ability to withstand stress was not very strong.

Shen Hao, who didn't know what she imagined: "..."

Shen Hao snorted heavily in his heart.

He felt even angrier!
(End of this chapter)

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