Chapter 150 Big Boss Loves Soft Rice 5.13
In the end, Shen Hao and Yan Ning went to day school with the company of the dean.

After all the required procedures were completed, looking at his new homeroom teacher, Shen Hao didn't let Yan Ning stay with him any longer.

"All the procedures for me have been completed. You can go back first."

Looking at Shen Hao who said this calmly, Yan Ning frowned a little worriedly.

"Can you stay in school alone?"

Looking at Yan Ning, who subconsciously always regarded him as a child, Shen Hao sighed in his heart.

Although he had already considered the pros and cons before choosing to approach her in this way; however, he is still a little worried now.

If only she wasn't so wary of strangers, if her circle of activities were a little bigger, he wouldn't approach her in such a stupid way.

After approaching her in this way, even if he managed to live in her heart in the future, it would take a lot of time to correct her perception of him.


Thinking of this, Shen Hao nodded, "I've grown up, I can stay in school by myself."

Looking at Shen Hao who said these words in a serious manner, the corners of his newly appointed class teacher's eyes twitched.

Staying alone in school?

Are they used as backgrounds?
Looking at Shen Hao with a persistent look on his face, Yan Ning, who wanted to stay in school until the afternoon and go home with him, sighed.

"Well then, you should study hard at school, and I'll go home first."

The little roommate has to study hard, and she will start to pick up some work after returning home and work hard.

Thinking of this, Yan Ning gave Shen Hao some advice, and then left.

Shen Hao watched Yan Ning and left the school without looking back.

Considering the mood of the new students on the first day of school, Shen Hao's class teacher spoke only after Yan Ning's back disappeared from their sight.

"Student Shen."


"Let's go. Before the next class starts, the teacher will take you to find a seat in our class."


Looking at the new classmates who seemed to be less talkative than before, and thinking of Hu Tu's comments to the new classmates before he came here, the head teacher clicked his tongue in his heart.

This new student bully is indeed a dull-tempered person who doesn't like to talk much!
Unexpectedly, what the most inconspicuous teacher in their office said would still be reliable one day.


"Clap clap clap."

The head teacher clapped his hands as soon as he entered the door, waking up the students who were lying on the table to catch up on sleep.

"Students, there is a new student in our elite class. Please give me a round of applause."

Listening to the head teacher's loud voice, the students lying on the table clapped their hands sparsely.

"Student Shen, come here and introduce yourself."

As soon as Shen Hao entered the class, he saw a somewhat familiar figure.

When he stood on the podium, looking at Sun Xiting who was trembling with excitement, Shen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.


If this person whom he didn't have the slightest impression of had heard about him from her family, then her attitude towards him shouldn't be like this.

Looking at Sun Xiting's fear mixed with excitement and admiration, Shen Hao knew that this person knew him far better than he imagined.

Shen Hao felt that he should ask someone to check his classmate carefully.

Thinking of this, Shen Hao finished his self-introduction calmly.

When the head teacher asked him to choose a place to sit at random, Shen Hao casually pointed to a window seat behind Sun Xiting.

"Teacher, I'll sit there."

Sun Xiting's heart skipped a beat after watching the boss choose the exclusive seat of his previous life.

If everything develops according to the trajectory of the previous life...

Thinking of the strategies she saw on the Internet in her previous life, Sun Xiting suddenly became more confident about conquering the boss.

Sun Xiting is very fortunate that she saw such an attractive man in her previous life, and after knowing that he used to be her classmate, she chose to often pay attention to the news about him on the Internet.

Of course, she is even more fortunate that in her previous life, she accidentally saw someone posting #If one day you were reborn ten years ago, how would you choose to attack Father Shen?#, because of the unrealistic delusion in her heart, She carefully read the posts of some hidden masters in the post bar.

Thinking of the ideal type of the boss who broke the news on the Internet before she died, Sun Xiting gritted her teeth and tried her best to suppress the excitement in her heart.

The ideal type of the boss was revealed by the boss himself in an interview.

"I like women who are mature, gentle, elegant, a head lower than me, and very principled."

If she did this, she would be equivalent to winning half of the boss.

Mature, gentle, elegant temperament, a head lower than the boss, and very principled...

As long as she does this, she will naturally be able to attract the boss's attention to her.

Although the item related to height cannot be changed, but coincidentally, in her previous life, she just lowered her head a bit compared to the boss.

After she caught the attention of the boss, knowing his ideal type and knowing so much about him, won't it be easy to win a boss who has not yet become the richest man? !

Hold on, Sun Xiting! !
The boss is a very keen boss, if you let him find out that something is wrong with you, you will be finished.

After thinking about it several times in my heart, Sun Xiting's breathing finally returned to normal.

At this time, Sun Xiting, who was in a state of excitement, forgot one thing.

Usually, if a man does not have his sweetheart in his heart, he will not answer so carefully when others ask about his ideal type.

Especially when it comes to height, a man who can describe his ideal height in such an accurate language usually already has someone he likes.

In fact, after the interview in the previous life, the staff of the program group did ask Shen Hao secretly about his ideal height.

At that time, although Shen Hao smiled and said nothing, he admitted with actions that he already had a sweetheart.

However, due to his ambiguous attitude at the time, the staff who knew about this incident only told the close ones that Mr. Shen had been taken down, and did not spread this incident on the Internet.

It's a pity that Sun Xiting didn't know about this because her circle of contact was too narrow.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late when she found out about it.

(End of this chapter)

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