Chapter 140 Big Boss Loves Soft Rice 5.3
After Lawyer Chen left, Yan Ning met the pitiful look of someone, "..."

Why did she feel that the words 'I am pitiful, weak and helpless' were written all over this child's face?
Yan Ning suppressed the unreliable guess in her mind, looking at Shen Zhen Xiaopoor Hao who had just been kicked out of the house, Yan Ning had a friendly smile on her face.

She suppressed the itch in her throat, and said to the little roommate who was going to spend a period of time with her: "Come, follow me in."

Looking at the strange woman who waved to him with a soft smile on her face, perhaps because she felt goodwill from her, the poor boy who had just been abandoned by his relatives tentatively approached him step by step. Waving woman.

Looking at the child who was a little scared but showed no resistance to her, Yan Ning, who had never raised a child even though she grew up in an orphanage, breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Just don't hate her.

This is a good start.

Sincerity is as good as gold and stone, Yan Ning believes that after getting along day and night for a period of time, the child will definitely be moved by her sincerity and kindness, and will return to the former appearance sent by Lawyer Chen's email.

After the little roommate came in, Yan Ning closed the door.

The moment the door was closed, Yan Ning clearly saw the little roommate's body tremble.

Was it the fear of being alone in the room with her, a new stranger?
A trace of pity flashed across Yan Ning's eyes.

After hanging the bag in her hand on the wall, Yan Ning came to the child.

Looking at the child who has been motionless since she came in and looked down at her toes, the tension in Yan Ning's heart dissipated a little.

Just when Yan Ning was about to speak to break the silence in the room, she suddenly discovered something.

This 16-year-old boy standing opposite her is actually taller than her?

Looking at the child who was half a head taller than her, Yan Ning said, "..."

Although children of this age are in the stage of rapid growth and development, but looking at this child who is only 16 meters tall at the age of 1.7, and thinking about myself who was only 20 meters tall at the age of 1.5...

Yan Ning felt that this really surprised her!

However, Yan Ning took a deep breath when thinking of how frail and sick she had been all these years.

It must be the illness that dragged down her body that made her so short now!

Suppressing the messy thoughts related to height in her mind, Yan Ning raised her head slightly and looked at the child.

Looking at her roommate who will live with her for a while, Yan Ning said, "My name is Yan Ning, you can call me Sister Yan."

This year is her birth year, Yan Ning thinks she is qualified to say such a thing for a 16-year-old child to call her sister or something.

Hearing her self-introduction, the child who was looking at her did not say a word.

Yan Ning's almond eyes slightly curved as she looked at the child who was wrinkling his trousers because of nervousness.

"Can I call you Xiaohao?"

Looking at the child who closed his mouth tightly like a mussel, Yan Ning was not surprised.

After all, Lawyer Chen had specifically indicated in the email that this child had become very introverted due to successive blows.

"Well, it's almost dinner time. Sister Yan will go to the kitchen to make some food for you. How about..."

"Ah Hao."

Hearing these two words that suddenly came out of the child's mouth, Yan Ning was stunned for a moment.

After arriving at the place where she lived, Shen Hao raised his head for the first time. He looked openly at the person he had thought about for a long time and said word by word: "You can call me Ah Hao."

Yan Ning: "...Ahao."

Yan Ning decided to respect the opinion of her little roommate.

"Then Ah Hao, please sit in the living room for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

Just when Yan Ning was about to roll up her sleeves and walk into the kitchen, Shen Hao suddenly pulled the hem of her clothes lightly.

"What's wrong?" Yan Ning looked at him suspiciously.

"I can cook for you." Shen Hao said timidly.

Looking at the child whose black eyes were filled with anxiety, Yan Ning paused.

I just came here, in order not to be regarded as a burden by her, I just wanted to show my utility or something...

How afraid of being chased away?
Thinking of this, Yan Ning gave the child a distressed look.

In order not to hurt the children's self-esteem, Yan Ning showed her best acting skills in her life, and said in the same tone as usual: "Alright then, I will leave the task of chopping vegetables to you later."

"By the way, Ah Hao, do you have any taboos?"


In order to suppress the excitement in his heart, Shen Hao kept his voice low.

Listening to his voice a little louder than a mosquito, Yan Ning didn't look back at the child following her.

After all, the child is not very familiar with her yet, and she needs to take proper care of his fragile little heart due to the loss of blood relatives.

Because of this, Yan Ning missed the only chance to discover his true face before she fell in love with the big black wolf in sheep's clothing.

While cooking, Yan Ning looked at the child washing vegetables with a serious expression from the corner of his eye. Thinking of how he didn't bring anything when he was standing outside the door, Yan Ning pursed her lips.

It seems that after dinner later, they will go out to buy a lot of things!
Yan Ning frowned slightly after taking a look at the several dishes that had already been fried.

She took out all the dishes left in the refrigerator, thinking of the empty refrigerator with nothing in it, Yan Ning softly clicked her tongue in her heart.

According to her usual living habits, in this case, even if there is no more person at home today, she still has to go out for a stroll and replenish some supplies for the family.

Of course, going out to the supermarket after dinner is not the key.

After all, the law and order in the community she lived in was quite good.

The key is……

She will buy groceries, fruits, milk and other things to fill up the refrigerator later, and buy daily necessities, clothes and other things for the children who haven't brought anything. She can put so many things at once. Bring it back?

After imagining how she was struggling to move back from the supermarket step by step with big bags and small bags, Yan Ning was a little silent.

As a dead house who can't go out without going out, if she does this, she will be exhausted and enter the ICU again, right?
Thinking of her being neither good-looking nor useful, Yan Ning struggled for a while between being sick and going shopping for two consecutive days, and then chose the latter with some hesitation.

Forget it, just go out later and accompany the child to buy all his things; as for the things she needs...

It's never too late to buy again tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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